HELP! Food allergies limiting diet!

Hi! I’ve found out that I am highly allergic to...gluten, dairy, eggs, & rice (among other things). Most gluten free items are made with brown rice, so that’s a no go. I’m finding it hard to find ways to be creative! Any suggestions? Feel free to add me!


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Sounds like you are going to be doing more cooking from scratch, which is good news, as premade GF items tend to be rather expensive and more caloric.

    Ask the doctor who diagnosed you to refer you to a dietitian.

    "Wild rice" is not botanically rice and is gluten free. It is a lot more expensive than regular rice so is often mixed with regular rice, but you can find 100% wild rice at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and larger supermarkets, depending on where you live.

    You can also get it at Amazon, but it is much cheaper at a supermarket. My Whole Foods has it for $6.49 a pound.

    Potatoes and legumes would be a much cheaper option. There are also a plethora of other GF grains that might work for you.

    **Oats are inherently gluten-free, but are frequently contaminated with wheat during growing or processing. Several companies (Bob’s Red Mill, Cream Hill Estates, GF Harvest (formerly Gluten Free Oats), Montana Gluten Free, and Avena Foods are currently among those that offer pure, uncontaminated oats. Ask your physician if these oats are acceptable for you.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    Hi. Assuming these are diagnosed allergies, sometimes you'll have to settle for staples that you love over creativity unfortunately. I'm allergic to sulfates and sulfites which are in so many things and it severely limits my food options. It comes down to finding what won't aggravate your allergies and also tastes good to you, then you can try finding recipes around whatever those things are.
  • time4thebell
    time4thebell Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone, I appreciate your input so much. I actually had my test results confirmed by my regular GP; however, neither he nor any other board certified doctor ever did anything other than throw pills at me to stop the migraines. I had been on several daily preventative medications for 30 years! Since I went to this naturopathic dr, I do not take anything! Plus, bonus - no more migraines!
  • time4thebell
    time4thebell Posts: 48 Member
    edited February 2019
    No, I brought him the lab results & he agreed with them.
    *I see your point about not knowing which one helped! I’m honestly afraid to test it by eating them again, even one at a time.
  • time4thebell
    time4thebell Posts: 48 Member
    It was almost a year ago.
  • time4thebell
    time4thebell Posts: 48 Member
    edited February 2019
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    BTW - how do you show what the person wrote in your replies? I thought maybe it was the “Quote” button, but that doesn’t show who your quoting.

    It does show who you're quoting at the top of the post?
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,558 Member

    Your GP did a patch test for all those allergies?


    I had to visit a specialist clinic to get tested and diagnosed but I was tested for about 40 allergens with pin pricks all over my arms. It was the most itchy day of my life 😳
  • time4thebell
    time4thebell Posts: 48 Member
    BTW - how do you show what the person wrote in your replies? I thought maybe it was the “Quote” button, but that doesn’t show who your quoting.

    It does show who you're quoting at the top of the post?

    Got it, I didn’t see it at first. Thanks
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    So you eat meat, veg and fruit. Limited, verified uncomtaminated graines and legumes. Not a biggie. Add in oils and fats as needed for cooking. I see no need to debate the ops diagnosis. There is far too much of that here. Weight loss is about calories. Not about any specific foods but about specific amounts of foods weighed properly for your needs. It sounds like you have some work to do, so find some meals that work for you and that you enjoy and stick with those while you learn new ways to cook and branch out. When I figured out it was gluten that triggered my migraines it was a big shift and lots of learning but soon it becomes second nature.