Juice Cleanse/7 lbs in 7 days Support!



  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    - cleanses are scams
    - cleanse lengths suspiciously correspond to the length of time where anyone who starts restricting calories will shed excess water weight
    - cleanses are scams
    - your digestive tract and liver don't need a "rest" from their normal functions any more than your heart or your lungs need a vacation from performing their functions
    - cleanses are scams
    - there are no toxinz that you can cleanse by drinking juice that aren't already being cleansed by your liver and kidneys
    - cleanses are scams
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Sorry, but you won't find that support in the general forum

    If you're interested in whole foods, high nutrient eating then you might want to join the Eat to Live Group.

    I love that documentary, BTW. Another great one is Forks Over Knives.
  • neuroticalme
    neuroticalme Posts: 20 Member
    I like to use lemon juice to cleanse my dishwasher...
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    Sorry, but you won't find that support in the general forum

    If you're interested in whole foods, high nutrient eating then you might want to join the Eat to Live Group.

    I love that documentary, BTW. Another great one is Forks Over Knives.


    The idea is too loony to pass any real scrutiny.
    Here, go find a group of um, er, eh, "Like minded people" to support you.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Sorry, but you won't find that support in the general forum

    If you're interested in whole foods, high nutrient eating then you might want to join the Eat to Live Group.

    I love that documentary, BTW. Another great one is Forks Over Knives.


    The idea is too loony to pass any real scrutiny.
    Here, go find a group of um, er, eh, "Like minded people" to support you.

    i'm glad you said that and not me.

  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Thanks for your interest and reply.

    If you are interested in a different way of eating, you'd be welcome to join those other groups.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    It is very interesting how much hateful messaging and responses I got on this thread.

    I have been a member of MFP since 2008 and I have never experienced that before, because we are all here for the same reason: which is to be healthy, lose/maintain weight and find others out there who can help motivate you. At least that is why I have been a member that long.

    As far as your opinions on it being ridiculous or not wanting to do a juice cleanse.... by all means you are entitled to believe that... but I was not asking. I was simply seeing if anyone out there was interested in joining me. If not, no problem. No need for a response.

    And lastly, I am not some amateur... I have done a number of fresh organic vegetable juice incorporating into my diet for HEALTH (not weight loss) benefits and no one can tell me it is a fad.... OF COURSE, that is not to say every single "get skinny quick" plan can be abused and can be used as a fad.... not what I am talking about here. The plan I follow, you consume more than the 1200 "minimum" calories and you take in a well rounded scheme of fruits and vegetables.

    I am not interested in arguing, I will respect your opinion and you can respect me by just moving on if you don't want to try juicing. Not a problem.
  • suvernscorpio
    suvernscorpio Posts: 41 Member
    Shocked at some peoples attitudes on this thread.
    I have today decided to give juicing a go and was just looking for some advice and support. I have had a juicer and Jason Vale 7ib in 7 days book (it was free) for years since I juiced whilst pregnant with my last son...as it is such a healthy way to live.
    My friend followed the diet (i use that word lightly as it is something I don't agree with as a rule) and lost 9ib in 7 days. She has since juiced everyday and eats a normal meal for her tea. If juicing isn't viable...she chooses healthy salads etc. She has gone on to lose a further 4ib and looks amazing.
    BUT more importantly she said she feels amazing and healthy and juicing has become part of her life.
  • suvernscorpio
    suvernscorpio Posts: 41 Member
    I should of added she started juicing in August.
  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member

    These boards are a very unfriendly place. I learned early on to steer clear and personally, I don't get why people are that rude if they just disagree. Seems to me it defeats the purpose of a "support" forum.

    I switched to eating a whole food plant based diet in Feb of this year and also have seen the documentaries on juicing and its benefits. The Gerson Miracle is still going strong and those fighting cancer juice with irganic blends and have reversed the disease. There is alot of science behind this and its enormous benefits to the immune system - Dr. Gerson discovered this years ago and he was quickly silenced here in the US because there is no money in people getting and staying well with fruits and vegetables. His research is amazing and the clinic in Mexico is still going strong.

    I too incorporated juicing into my new lifestyle for a while and I noticed enormous benefits especially in mood when the body has gotten rid of toxins from the awful diets so many eat. I did learn that juice is a great way to kick start to a healthy way of eating and it rapidly cleanses out so much of the toxins in meat, dairy and the like - essentially animal based products.

    My story was featured on both the Forks Over Knives website as well as the Engine 2 website. I had 7 lung infections last year sending my asthma off the charts. I have been a lifelong asthma sufferer and that causes steroids to be given to control much of the issue. In Feb I was so worn out from being so sick in 2012 and a friend happened to mention the movie Forks Over Knives. I rented it that night on Netflix and never went back. I eat no meat, no dairy and no oil of any kind.

    The weight loss was a side effect - my real benefit I want and saw rapidly was health. I have not been sick in almost a year and I have had zero asthma attacks - off all medication, my BP dropped, my BW numbers are fantastic and so much more. I do believe juicing short term has huge benefits. And further, if you use it to migrate over to eating a WFPB diet like I do, then the body not only gets "clean" but stays clean helping to give you a strong immune system and no longer ingesting foods that have direct links to cancer, diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis and so much more.

    Long term juicing is the only thing I would not do because it does cause very quick blood sugar spikes and it can cause you to ingest alot of calories in the glasses you drink. But for example now that the cold and flu season is upon us, I am quite sure I will sporadically juice and ingest to give my system that extra protection during the season.

    Dr. Max Gerson discovered so much on juicing and its real health benefits. And from that, much research on eating a whole food plant based diet supports the benefits of eating veggies, fruits and whole grains. One can eat these things but if a person is seeking to jump start to good health and see inflammation leave your body, juicing is a quick way to that path. After a short burst, sustaining it thru better eating like WFPB is ideal.

    I went on to get certified in plant based nutrition at Cornell and right now I am laying out the groundwork to start my own business as a health coach where people would come if interested in weight loss and health issues, learn about this way of eating, how to food shop and really read labels as oil is in everything and is nothing but fat, help people know the good cookbooks in plant based eating like the China Study cookbook which is just fantastic and answer questions as to why meat, dairy and oil are so very unhealthy.

    My other half and I have done this together and will never go back but mostly we see so many people overweight, dieting with no success and just getting sicker - we thought from all we learned on our journey and are still learning, we can guide people to the videos, the data, the studies, take them food shopping, meet weekly for support, form exercise groups and so much more. So hopefully we can make a good run of things.

    If you are interested in any of the WFPB way of eating, I started a group on this site called Plant Strong Support Group - feel free to join in or email me any questions you have - happy to share.

    Also, links to my story and some videos that are well worth watching:




    And some movies you can find on Netflix and Amazon Instant Video:

    Forks Over Knives
    (general starter movie on WFPB)

    Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
    (benefits of juicing or doing a fast as a transition to WFPB)

    The Gerson Miracle
    (juicing for cancer reversal and much data from Gerson cases)

    Dying to Have Known
    (nutrition, WFPB, hiding Gerson’s work and why – very intriguing)

    The Beautiful Truth
    (continuation of WFPB, Gerson, and other toxins – video of journey by teenager)

    (good nutrition movie)

    Simply Raw
    (for anyone diabetic – type 2 and type 1 reversed with WFPB)

    Or watch online here – scroll to halfway for full movie link:


    Or this link:


    Hungry For Change
    (diet, nutrition and how we are steered to the items that are unhealthy)

    I am down 31 lbs - I started in a size 14 and am now in a size 8 and quickly heading into a size 6 as even my new clothes in size 8 are swimming on me around the waist. I even lost weight during the summer while immobile for months after ankle surgery and I mean IMMOBILE - I had a plate and screws put in to repair the ankle so I could not exercise - eating WFPB will keep shedding the excess until you are at the size you should be - I now don't hit the scale as much and go by clothes and how thin I am looking. The pic in the link of me is from months ago at maybe a size 12 going into a 10 - I am just now up and around since surgery and will be taking some new pics that are so dramatically different then how I looked in Feb of this year.

    Good luck with the juicing and feel free to email any time! Such a shame the boards allow the rude remarks and people to feel so ganged up on..............

  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    bump for later
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I see it's been over two months since this post was started. OP, how did your fast go?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Excuuuuse me while I whip this out....

    Cleanse by bathsheba_c

    To cleanse or not to cleanse? That is the question.
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of non-specific toxins
    Or to take arms against a sea of imagined bowel obstructions
    And by opposing, perforate one's colon. To juice; to detox;
    No more; and by a detox to say we end
    The pH and the balance of intestinal flora
    That guts are heir to, 'tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be avoided. To juice; to detox;
    To detox: perchance to puke: aye, there's the rub;
    For in the pangs of indigestion what side-effects may come
    When we go and leave our undies soiled.

    Love this!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I too incorporated juicing into my new lifestyle for a while and I noticed enormous benefits especially in mood when the body has gotten rid of toxins from the awful diets so many eat. I did learn that juice is a great way to kick start to a healthy way of eating and it rapidly cleanses out so much of the toxins in meat, dairy and the like - essentially animal based products.


    I went on to get certified in plant based nutrition at Cornell

    Sue Cornell to get your tuition refunded. Because they stole your money.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I get rid of my toxins with a very special Prune juice detox, it is lovely :bigsmile: there really is a place for juice in everyone's life :laugh:

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My favorite part of these boards is when someone presents completely false information and says "if you don't agree, don't respond".
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    My favorite part of these boards is when someone presents completely false information and says "if you don't agree, don't respond".

    Agreed. It pretty much negates the concept and purpose of a forum.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    LOL, I just read an article this morning, while at the gym, from a reputable medical establishment, you might have heard of it, The Mayo Clinic, and they said there is no SCIENTIFIC evidence to support detox cleansing.PERIOD.

    I am going to repeat myself, NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    Poop? pee? Ta-da. You are cleansed.

    So simple, yet so hard to comprehend.