Please help me cut down on the sweet stuff



  • localgrr
    localgrr Posts: 99 Member
    It's weird since I postwd about this my cravings aren't as bad! A problem shared eh?
  • staticsplit
    staticsplit Posts: 538 Member
    I'm a fan of frozen cherry and chocolate protein powder shakes in the evening. Tastes like dessert and after 25-30g protein I am full.

    I also do baked banana oatmeal with frozen blueberries and sometimes some chocolate chips. I'll make 'frosting' with skyr and some mixed in peanut butter, Pb2, or again protein powder. Tastes like a cake or something but is actually pretty nutritious.

    I still love sweet things but I try to find ways to make my regular treats more nutrient dense compared to the energy they provide. It's to the point where now when I have normal sweet things, they taste too sweet to me. Doesn't mean I never have them--had 2 shortbread fingers, 2 lotus biscuits, and a chocolate chip cookie yesterday. Just worked it into my other meals and I was fine.

    The biggest issue for me is when I demonise something--I want it allllll. Now I don't let anything be off-limits, but I find things that work for me in terms of health, taste, enjoyment.
  • aishmartin
    aishmartin Posts: 468 Member
    Sometimes I have sugar-free candy or a fudgesickle. My husband has started to buy snacks and treats that he and our boys like that I do NOT like so that I'm not tempted. Maybe your girlfriend can switch the treats she brings home? I definitely concur with others' advice to talk to her and share your needs so that you two can do this together.
  • I really wouldn't beat yourself up over it honestly. You're going to have moments where you have some sweets here and there. The main thing is to attempt to substitute it when you feel your eating to much of the sweet stuff. My go to are veggies and fruit.

    Snap peas
    Baked carrots (yes, I said baked lol. I'll drizzle honey on them.)
    Bean sprouts
    Squash and Zucchini (cooked of course)
    (Whatever fruit is usually in season)

    It's a matter of what you like, and what your willing to try.

    I'm a hands on cook with fresh ingredients.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    You are a success story.....but.....can you live on your particular diet for the rest of your life? My first thought is fruit and more protein. You may need to adapt and work on a "forever" concept.