Anyone have 100+ pounds to lose?



  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    Hello all. I have about roughly 176lbs to lose. Least that would put me at my goal weight of 215lbs. Andi know to some that might still be a lot but im 5'11and very thick boned. I think I would carry that weight well however i am not sure until i get there. :)

    My starting weight in 2015 was 423lbs. I dropped down to 321 then im not sure what happened the holidays hit and i just never seemed to get back on the bandwagon and gained 70 back ( but not all thank God)
    So now i am at it again wanting to go from 391lb to 215.

    So feel free to add me if you would like. I know it's so hard trying to do this alone
  • akahdrin
    akahdrin Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying to lose about 120. We can do this together.
  • lindsayxlouuu
    lindsayxlouuu Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All-
    I'm starting today. I have 150lbs to lose. I want to be able to keep up with my 5 year old better. Lately I have been shamed a lot for my weight and it's time to see it for the problem it is and start changing it.
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi All-
    I'm starting today. I have 150lbs to lose. I want to be able to keep up with my 5 year old better. Lately I have been shamed a lot for my weight and it's time to see it for the problem it is and start changing it.

    You’ve taken the very important first step, well done for doing that. It’s definitely difficult to do make that first step but once you’re mentally prepared for the challenge, it seems to make it easier. Best of luck to you. :)

  • Alittlemischievous
    Alittlemischievous Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I have about 100 pounds to lose, I had lost 90 but went off the wagon back in July due to depression of a personal matter. I do not want to let that be my excuse anymore and I could use all the support can get to get back on track, I have gained back over 30 of that 90 so my first goal is to lose that again and then go on from there. Feel free to add me so that we can help support each other in our journey! :)
  • theicephoenix
    theicephoenix Posts: 6 Member
    Starting date: Dec 24, 2018
    Starting weight: 412
    Goal weight: 180-200
    Current weight: 331
    Weight loss as of 3-2019: 81

    Strategy for weight loss: Low (sub1000) Calorie diet and some exercise that is increasing over time.

    Reasons for weight loss: Self hate and I don't want to feel that way anymore. I am trying to make myself into a happier person and a part of that is my self-image and how I feel about myself on the inside as well as the outside.
  • _bombshell2be_
    _bombshell2be_ Posts: 39 Member
    I have 106 lbs to lose
  • bthumudo
    bthumudo Posts: 79 Member
    I lost about 100 on here about 5 years ago and felt fantastic. But after an injury it all went downhill. Gained it back plus some. I'm finally back at it and looking to lose 150. Would love to have some new friends to help motivate me and vice versa.
  • Tammiann1961
    Tammiann1961 Posts: 18 Member
    I need to lose 80 pounds right know for a total knee replacement, my goal it to have it done Jan 2020. I will need to lose another 80 more. I am going to be 58 in 3 weeks and not sure if getting 160 pounds off is feasible. I am doing one meal at a time. PLEASE FRIEND REQUEST ME! I will support and encourage and I am sure new friends will do that same! Thank you!
  • kp7067
    kp7067 Posts: 9 Member
    I think most women my size would want to lose 100 lbs, maybe more...but I’m aiming for 20 right now. When I get there, I want to enjoy the moment before I think about the next step...which will probably be another 20.
  • Tibby13
    Tibby13 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to loose about 100 if I want to get back to a healthy weight on my 5 ft frame. I have a long way to go and have fallen off the weight loss wagon before. Good luck to you beautiful people, we CAN do this!
  • Penny195888
    Penny195888 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I started at 325 and now weigh 296. I want to lose at least 100 more pounds. I suffer from lymphedema in both my legs due to cancer surgery 30 years ago that included removing the lymph nodes in my groin. Over the years as my condition got worse I just figured I couldn't do much to lose weight because exercise made my condition flare up with an infection called cellulitis. However I finally just decided to try this app. I input the fact that I do not exercise and was given a calorie count to stay below to achieve weight loss. I never even knew a person could lose weight without exercise! I do have a question though. Do I ever have to re-enter my new weight to keep losing? Or do I just keep staying below the same calorie count until I reach my goal?
  • MystiqWings
    MystiqWings Posts: 34 Member
    edited March 2019
    @Penny195888 myfitnesspal suggest updating weight at least weekly. Feel free to check out the article here:

    Currently wanting to loose about ~40 pounds.

    Never give up on making dreams to become true. <3

  • BlueAri77
    BlueAri77 Posts: 4 Member
    I've got 100 to lose too. It seems such a long way and I'm starting today.
  • Brenwesley68
    Brenwesley68 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Brenda i just joined today, I am looking to loose 120 pounds. I am an Ovarian cancer survivor I have been in remission for a yr and during that time gained all my weight back and more.
  • loserdrumguy1
    loserdrumguy1 Posts: 3 Member
    My goal is to lose 130 pounds. I’ve done it before but gained it back. I need friends that help keep me motivated.
  • mjlevesque182
    mjlevesque182 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys! I've got about 120 pounds to lose. I was at my goal weight just last year but I started binging. Now I'm committed to my lifestyle change. Add me!
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 277 Member
    I have 72lbs to go. I've lost 38lbs since November. Once I hit goal I will have lost 110lbs 😁 So excited for that moment to come! I have 10 more pounds to get my BMI out of the obese range!