3 Kids- Yay or Nay? Did you wish you stuck with 2?



  • workhardplay85
    workhardplay85 Posts: 60 Member
    I have 2, not sure I am emotionally equipped to have a third.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I have three kids - boy, boy, girl. Third was a surprise, but a happy one. For me, going from 1 to 2 kids wasn't too hard, but 2 to 3 was a HUGE transition. Granted I did have 3 kids in 3 years so for a couple years going anywhere was hard.
  • Keto_N_Iron
    Keto_N_Iron Posts: 5,385 Member
    Gimme all the babies!

    I hear quite often, that the switch from 1 to 2 is most challenging and everything after that is a cake walk.

    HAHAHAHAHA no. the most challenging is the switch from 1 to 3 ... I know this.
  • CoffeeAndContour
    CoffeeAndContour Posts: 1,466 Member
    Gimme all the babies!

    I hear quite often, that the switch from 1 to 2 is most challenging and everything after that is a cake walk.

    HAHAHAHAHA no. the most challenging is the switch from 1 to 3 ... I know this.

    :D you have twins right?

  • Keto_N_Iron
    Keto_N_Iron Posts: 5,385 Member
    Gimme all the babies!

    I hear quite often, that the switch from 1 to 2 is most challenging and everything after that is a cake walk.

    HAHAHAHAHA no. the most challenging is the switch from 1 to 3 ... I know this.

    :D you have twins right?

    yes Ma'am :)
  • AmyC2288
    AmyC2288 Posts: 386 Member
    Stopped at 2 and hubby had a vasectomy. No regrets! Financially and just time management wise we couldn't imagine having another.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    avatar1003 wrote: »
    Pros and Cons to having a third...

    This is my second biological child but my 3 kid in general. One stepson. It’s hard. We’re outnumbered and cars jam packed. But mainly hard but my two kids are so close in age. Ones 2 and the other one is 2 weeks but we chose to do it that way so we get the baby/toddler stage out of the way at the same time. But I’d definitely chose to do it again if I had the choice.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Reckoner67 wrote: »
    My littlest guy has a buncha medical challenges so he's definitely been the most "difficult" in that way (nothing life-threatening, thankfully, just quality-of-life stuff) but otherwise he's pretty chill. Definitely the baby of the family, if his bedtime was later we could cancel Netflix and just watch him.

    My wife had to talk me into a third; I really wanted to stick to two. But dang if I ain't glad we had that one more :)

    This made my heart happy.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    We stopped at two. My first was and is a little angel most of the time and made parenting seem really easy and no biggie. Number 2 changed our minds...he can be very sweet, but he can also be the spawn of the devil...he can go from Hyde to Jeckyll in like 3 seconds flat.

    Lmao this is my son. He’s so loving and sweet but if he doesn’t get his way you’d think i birthed a demon.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Gimme all the babies!

    I hear quite often, that the switch from 1 to 2 is most challenging and everything after that is a cake walk.

    This is how I feel. I LOVE babies.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    When I met my wife, she already had two girls. She was a great Mom and I learned a lot from watching her with the girls. We discussed it and decided that we wouldn't have any more kids. Then, after we married, I heard her talking to my sister. Telling her she wanted to have a child with me. So, I gave in and we had a girl together. I thought "She's a great Mom. I won't have much to do but follow her lead." Boy, was I wrong. I thought I would be my wife's support system and I wouldn't have much to do.

    Our third child, turned out to be a major force in my life. Couldn't imagine my life without her. She's my best friend. Even talked me into getting matching tattoos.

    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    When I met my wife, she already had two girls. She was a great Mom and I learned a lot from watching her with the girls. We discussed it and decided that we wouldn't have any more kids. Then, after we married, I heard her talking to my sister. Telling her she wanted to have a child with me. So, I gave in and we had a girl together. I thought "She's a great Mom. I won't have much to do but follow her lead." Boy, was I wrong. I thought I would be my wife's support system and I wouldn't have much to do.

    Our third child, turned out to be a major force in my life. Couldn't imagine my life without her. She's my best friend. Even talked me into getting matching tattoos.


    Your daughter is so beautiful!
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    I have 3 boys--we kept trying for a girl. They are all different and we love them all. Now that they are adults it's fun to watch them horse around. Sigh. They've broken so many things in my house over the years.

    I have 3 boys. All still young yet, kept trying for the girl as well lol. I foresee many broken things as well lol.
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I started out with twin boys, so I have no idea what it is like with just 1. Third was boy, Not too much extra work. So hey what about a girl, number 4 a girl. Well shoot not too bad, so throw in 2 more boys. Well the boys really out number the girl. add 2 girls. Well that was nice so why not 2 more boys. Now I am up to 10 and have no idea how I got here. Well along the way, I took in 2 teenagers who were having family issues. So at one time I had 12 kids under roof. It has been great at time, been really hard at times, but now that all but 2 are adults and on their own, I wouldn't trade it.
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    The cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 in 2015 was $233,610. This is for middle income families and does not include college tuition or expenses. Add approximately $100,000 to that for high income people. Again, not including college tuition or expenses.

    Weird that this hasn't been addressed in this thread yet but clearly we all live in different worlds. This ain't my world.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 in 2015 was $233,610. This is for middle income families and does not include college tuition or expenses. Add approximately $100,000 to that for high income people. Again, not including college tuition or expenses.

    Weird that this hasn't been addressed in this thread yet but clearly we all live in different worlds. This ain't my world.

    When I grew up on a farm we were 7 kids. We were fairly poor. 4 of us went to college--private ones. 1 went to a technical school. We didn't go on vacation, but did a lot of family things with our cousins. Both of my parents came from families of 10. My mother went to nursing school and got a college degree. So, I guess it all depends on your values.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 in 2015 was $233,610. This is for middle income families and does not include college tuition or expenses. Add approximately $100,000 to that for high income people. Again, not including college tuition or expenses.

    Weird that this hasn't been addressed in this thread yet but clearly we all live in different worlds. This ain't my world.

    This for me is entirely too inaccurate. Seems very very very low. I feel like I will spend way over that before they’re 10.
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 in 2015 was $233,610. This is for middle income families and does not include college tuition or expenses. Add approximately $100,000 to that for high income people. Again, not including college tuition or expenses.

    Weird that this hasn't been addressed in this thread yet but clearly we all live in different worlds. This ain't my world.

    This for me is entirely too inaccurate. Seems very very very low. I feel like I will spend way over that before they’re 10.

    I got it from a 2017 report from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture posted by CNN.money.com (And please don't think I get news from CNN. I swear I don't.)

    But yes, it seems like a low figure to me too.

  • FaabLife4
    FaabLife4 Posts: 90 Member
    I have 2 sons and a daughter. The daughter is #3 she's 18 now and my ride or die partner. My very best friend in the world. I didn't plan a third but I am extremely greatful she showed up anyways. Nothing but joy with her. My boys ran me crazy. There was joy but it was dotted in between wanting to strangle them. Lol
  • Je55ica_79
    Je55ica_79 Posts: 277 Member
    Mom of 4 here. I don't think it matters how many. I love my kids. I don't think a certain amount is easier or harder just different. Your family is what you make it.