Does alcohol slow weight loss ?



  • flutes2
    flutes2 Posts: 11 Member
    I gained 20 lbs by adding a glass of wine nightly which inched its way up into 2, and then pretty soon inched up into a half bottle ... I stopped the drinking completely because wine is a red light food and I also got sloppy eating while drinking, and dropped the 20 lbs. Over the past 60 days I have dropped another 5. I want to loose another 10 - 20 lbs. That being said, I do know people mostly women who are thin and drink; once heavy they lost weight "just drinking" counting calories of their wine or other drink of choice no mixers and eating almost nothing maintaining a trim figure using this "weight watcher" or calorie counting approach. Don't think it would work for me because I like to eat but as long as the calories are accounted for you probably will loose weight
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I have my nightly wine - sometimes more, sometimes less. As long as I log it I am fine and lose - the problem sometimes is I go over because that 2nd glass or 3rd sounds really good - or because I am out with a friend and I didn't budget for the extra glass or two - or I get to a point where I don't care that I go over. Which is fine once in a while -but can't do every day or I am defeating myself.

    It's all relative and if you can drink responsibly. And if you are worried about a cocktail EVERY night - switch to weekends only or something.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.

    Well, that is certainly a possibility (a GOOD possibility) but I was worried how to phrase it without violating the Community Guidelines so I left it out ;)
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    edited March 2019
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.

    Unfortunately, MFP is well aware of how it is being used and seems to think it's fine. There have been posts complaining about it for at least a year. I find ignoring the fact that it's there has made my time on the forums more enjoyable. I get a woo or two on lots of my posts, and don't give it a second thought.

    In a quest to stay on topic, which is also important, many people find alcohol does slow their weight loss because once they've had a couple it becomes easier to make bad food choices and more difficult to log accurately. Also for smaller women, that 150 calories of alcohol is taking the place of food they really need to keep from being hungry.

    I found that limiting alcohol to "treat" status, and only including it when I was sure my other diary categories would line up was necessary to stick to my calorie goal consistently. Honestly this has continued into maintenance for me - I often find myself deciding I'd rather eat another brownie and forego the beer :wink:
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.

    I agree wholeheartedly!
    Isn’t it about time MFP did away with this “woo” option?

    100% I always take the “woo” as a bad thing!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    nocgirl72 wrote: »
    I stickto flavored vodka and club soda, or corona premier beer with a lime or Michelin ultra. Both have only about 90 calories less than 3 carbs.

    The Corona one is my fave it’s new. Great with a lime.

    You are going to have to cut back on the alcohol and make sure you log it and it’s in your counts.

    the bolded is what you got woo'd for. as long as you log it, and hit your calorie target, and that calorie target is a deficit, you will lose weight.

    That said, for health, if too many of your cals come from alcohol so that you don't get enough fat or protein, it will have other health impacts, including body composition (a higher % of your loss will come from lean muscle if you don't get adequate protein)

  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I have a drink 2-3 times/week and log them. I love having dry sparkling wine because it's low in cals!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,891 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    nocgirl72 wrote: »
    I stickto flavored vodka and club soda, or corona premier beer with a lime or Michelin ultra. Both have only about 90 calories less than 3 carbs.

    The Corona one is my fave it’s new. Great with a lime.

    You are going to have to cut back on the alcohol and make sure you log it and it’s in your counts.

    the bolded is what you got woo'd for. as long as you log it, and hit your calorie target, and that calorie target is a deficit, you will lose weight.

    That said, for health, if too many of your cals come from alcohol so that you don't get enough fat or protein, it will have other health impacts, including body composition (a higher % of your loss will come from lean muscle if you don't get adequate protein)

    Speaking of things that didn't really deserve a "woo"!

    I drank alcohol while losing, and still do in maintenance. My weight behaves as I'd expect based on calorie intake.

    However, I think the quoted PP has some basis: Regularly drinking so much that it drives good nutrition out of the picture, with a calorie deficit, is going to have health consequences, and some of those could be a reduced energy level (leading to lower NEAT so impaired weight management compared to a more nutritious overall way of eating), or (as PP says) there could be negative body composition effects in the long term.

    That's not the same thing as saying point-blank that alcohol is bad for weight loss, independent of context and dosage considerations.

    And it didn't sound like the OP was contemplating the "all alcohol, no nutrients" diet anyway. ;)
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.

    I agree wholeheartedly!
    Isn’t it about time MFP did away with this “woo” option?

    100% I always take the “woo” as a bad thing!

    I take woo as a number of potential things (but with a grain of salt):

    1. I haven't been clear in a post
    2. I've stated something defying convention
    3. I stated something wrong
    4. I stated something right
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    alcohol is taking the place of food they really need to keep from being hungry.

    THIS. If alcohol either encourages you to overeat, or takes the place of more nutrient-rich foods, it might make weight loss slower and/or more challenging.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,891 Member
    mgburke17 wrote: »
    Alcohol in your body stops fat burning. I stopped drinking and it made a difference.
    A quick article summary...
    1. Alcohol Stops Your Body From Burning Fat
    2. Adds Unnecessary Calories / zero nutrients
    3. Lowers Your Inhibitions / poor diet choices
    4. Appetite Stimulant
    5. Post-Morning Hangover / extreme case

    And the article...

    Alcohol "stops your body burning fat" in the sense that your body puts priority on burning alcohol calories first. If you're in an all-day calorie deficit overall, your food intake and stored fat get burned later, so you end up with about the same net fat loss.

    I think everyone knows alcohol isn't a physical-health superfood. ;)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    mgburke17 wrote: »
    Alcohol in your body stops fat burning. I stopped drinking and it made a difference.
    A quick article summary...
    1. Alcohol Stops Your Body From Burning Fat
    2. Adds Unnecessary Calories / zero nutrients
    3. Lowers Your Inhibitions / poor diet choices
    4. Appetite Stimulant
    5. Post-Morning Hangover / extreme case

    And the article...

    Not if you're in an overall deficit.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    mgburke17 wrote: »
    Alcohol in your body stops fat burning. I stopped drinking and it made a difference.
    A quick article summary...
    1. Alcohol Stops Your Body From Burning Fat
    2. Adds Unnecessary Calories / zero nutrients
    3. Lowers Your Inhibitions / poor diet choices
    4. Appetite Stimulant
    5. Post-Morning Hangover / extreme case

    And the article...

    Biochemical pathways are not all or nothing. There are multiple pathways and will prefer the path of least resistance.

    Note this also occurs at a molecular level and does not amount to anything resembling a detectable meaningless in terms of weight management.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I can't help myself. I have to woo the before and after pics, so I don't think wooing is a complete failure.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Raysie1 wrote: »
    What is it with all the wooing of good advice lately?

    If the person wooing did this because they made the common mistake of thinking Woo means "woo-hoo", a positive, they can unwoo by clicking it again.

    Honestly, this Woo reaction experiment has failed and we should just get rid of it.

    I'm really not sure this is the case. It's happening on lots of threads and the comments being wooed are often not Woo-worthy in either sense. I fear someone just has too much time on their hands and doesn't know what to do with it. It's a shame if they make people think that perfectly good comments have less merit.

    I agree wholeheartedly!
    Isn’t it about time MFP did away with this “woo” option?

    100% I always take the “woo” as a bad thing!

    Really, oh no!