goal weight? 108-100?



    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I'm trying to imagine a life where someone else told me how much I could weigh.

    Her husband might be her checks and balance to make sure she doesn't go overboard? I asked my husband to do this, since I tend to push things to the limit, and I wanted to make sure I was keeping a healthy perspective on my weight loss.

    eta-read OPs other posts and that sounds like what's going on :) Good for her, for knowing her own limits and setting up healthy parameters!
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    I'm translating this to mean there's a limit to how skinny she can get before he gets concerned for her health.

    at least someone could translate it
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    Have to love how people automatically jump to the worse about your hubby. Then think that it is OK because you're only 19, what a world we are living in!

    I am trying to get to about 130lbs, depending on how I feel when I get there, I might go a little lower.

    i know right they just jumped right on worse possible band wagon and stuck to it. and yes then its ok because sense im 19 i have to be in a horrid relationship
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    I'm trying to imagine a life where someone else told me how much I could weigh.

    Her husband might be her checks and balance to make sure she doesn't go overboard? I asked my husband to do this, since I tend to push things to the limit, and I wanted to make sure I was keeping a healthy perspective on my weight loss.

    Yes that is basically what it is. he tells me everyday that it doesnt matter if i lose a little more weight, stay the same, or gain everything that ive lost back. he thinks i look great and always has but it me that isnt happy, he respects that i want to lose weight and is helping me to do it the healthy way although he knows i may take it too far so he is here to help me stay healthy
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    My wife is 5'4" and her goal weight is 130-135. Personally I think she looks **** good at 140 but 130 is still healthy, and she still looks good there. If you're only an inch shorter I would think you would look like a rail under 110-115, but hey, different strokes right? As for me, I'm 5'11" and my goal weight after all is said and done is about 205, but I'll probably get to 190 or so before I start to bulk back up.

  • miniversion
    miniversion Posts: 17 Member
    My goal weighr is 105, 102 would be fine too..

    I wonder if when women tell that their husbands do not want them to do this or that, if that is a command or an expression of his feelings. Perhaps it's just the language. A womsn can say that their husband does not want her to, make it sound like a command when in actuality, it's the woman's choice to "not do it" because she wants to please her husband.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Sherry...that was exactly my thought! Yesterday I heard a woman admire another woman's hairdo. Then she proudly said 'My husband won't let me cut my hair, if he would I would wear it like yours'??? I was astounded. Thought I had been rolled back to the 50's! Anyway...weigh what is best for you! PUHLEASE!

    Lol. Just out of curiosity, are you currently married? And/or been divorced?

    Raising my hand here as someone who does little things to keep my husband happy (including keeping my hair long) and attracted to me. Been in a loving, committed and still very spark filled relationship with him now for almost 17 years. Also, paid my way through grad school, have a doctorate, and own my own business. No 50's throwback here. Just a woman who loves her husband and is more than comfortable making little compromises in relationships.

    Oh....and very grateful to have friends that wouldn't judge me for making a comment like that. :-/

    To the op, good for you for changing your eating habits and being healthy. I'm a little over an inch shorter than you and am most comfortable myself around 100 (anywhere from 98-102 is good for me). I have never had an ED and have a healthy relationship with food and my body. First, good for you for being cognizant of your past and keeping it in mind with your eating and dieting decisions. Second, assuming you are also very small framed like me, I have heard the average is about 5 extra pounds per inch. You would be an inch and a half taller than me, so 108 sounds reasonable as a number on your lower end if you are doing a 'comfortable between this and that' kind of thing. Maybe 108-112?

    Good luck to you.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    my goal weight is around 108-100 pounds (depending on what hubby lets me get away with) whats yours

    Okay everyone im going to add to this and clear a few things up for everyone.... i said the above comment about my husband as a joke, however serious i may have been. Yes we have a disagreement with what i should and should not weigh. even though its not everyone's business to avoid any further bashing of my relationship ill tell you why we dont agree on this topic.

    im 5'3" and there is a reason he is concerned about my weight. im recovering from years of an eating disorder, and he is worried that i may slip up if i start to become too thin. when we had met originally i was actually heavier then my current goal weight, i was about 114-115, and i was there by extremely unhealthy means, my stomach was con-caved in, you could count my ribs, and my hip bones were always bruised on account of the lack of fat that covered them.
    THIS time im much healthier, i have clean eating habits, and a full 180 lifestyle change. im almost the same weight i was when we met but look so different you would never believe it in pictures.
    My husband is here to keep me from going too far, and thats all i had ment by the above comment everyone is so concerned with.
    and NO my relationship is not unhealthy it is actually extremely healthy filled with love, and care, and kindness. and just because im at a young age doesn't give you the right to judge something that you have no freaking clue about.

    thank you to all the people that didnt assume the worst by my comment, and you actually cared to figure out if there was something else here, another reason that my comment would make more sense without assuming im in a horrid overly controlled relationship with someone who i have to ask if i can pee... i assure everyone who is "concerned" that is not the case.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm trying to imagine a life where someone else told me how much I could weigh.

  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    175-180. I'm 183 right now.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    I will pray for you! It saddens me when one is faced with an eating disorder... There are so many reasons people fight these demons that convince them to starve or even over eat...... I am glad your much healthier.. You should post the pics... I am interested in seeing them the difference between starving yourself and doing it the healthy way... and you may just help someone else!

    Thank you. its still a daily struggle even though i started my recovery over a year ago, everything is tough and gets better with time even though i dont always see it.
    posting pictures is a great idea, i will have to see if i may be able to find a few, i deleted most of them off of my computer when i started my recovery in order to not be tempted by the past in the first few delicate months of gaining weight back.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    My wife is 5'4" and her goal weight is 130-135. Personally I think she looks **** good at 140 but 130 is still healthy, and she still looks good there. If you're only an inch shorter I would think you would look like a rail under 110-115, but hey, different strokes right? As for me, I'm 5'11" and my goal weight after all is said and done is about 205, but I'll probably get to 190 or so before I start to bulk back up.


    Hi Rigger. i understand thinking i may be deathly ill looking by my height and weight compared to your wife, totally understandable. however i point out that everyone's body types are very different same height or weight doesn't mean same body. (totally not being rude just so you know). for example my older brother is 5'11 and weighs in at around 210, my other older brother is 5'11 and only weighs in at 165, my husband is 5'10 and weighs in around 175-180, and my dad is 6'2 and weighs in at 235. they are all around the same height but their weights are So drastically different because all their body types are different.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    I wonder if when women tell that their husbands do not want them to do this or that, if that is a command or an expression of his feelings. Perhaps it's just the language. A womsn can say that their husband does not want her to, make it sound like a command when in actuality, it's the woman's choice to "not do it" because she wants to please her husband.

    good point, most of the time when women say this they mean its their feelings that they would rather you not do something apposed to them saying you cannot, they are very different meanings.
  • nikkilouise0803
    nikkilouise0803 Posts: 8 Member
    BMI states I should be 126lb, but I'd be happy to get to 140lb! :)
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is the 140-145 range. Really though, I want to be 21-23% BF, my calculations are that will happen around the 140 range. When I was a senior in HS, and may I say pretty good shape (had 2 semesters of PE and a physical after-school job) I was 143.

    Good luck to you! My husband has asked me not to be a stick, he'd prefer I was a little curvy. I know what he likes and I'm happy to appeal to him; plus I like my boobs, haha. Been married 10 years come April...yes I was married at 18, but I'm more controlling than he is; I'm just willing to compromise on things that matter to him.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    BMI states I should be 126lb, but I'd be happy to get to 140lb! :)

    As long as you're happy and healthy :) thats what really counts
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    108-100?? The last time I weighed that little, I looked anorexic and I'm only 5'0" tall. Before that, I was a teenager. Today, at 42 years old, my goal is roughly 120, depends on how I look when I get there. I may stop before, I may continue on.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is the 140-145 range. Really though, I want to be 21-23% BF, my calculations are that will happen around the 140 range. When I was a senior in HS, and may I say pretty good shape (had 2 semesters of PE and a physical after-school job) I was 143.

    Good luck to you! My husband has asked me not to be a stick, he'd prefer I was a little curvy. I know what he likes and I'm happy to appeal to him; plus I like my boobs, haha. Been married 10 years come April...yes I was married at 18, but I'm more controlling than he is; I'm just willing to compromise on things that matter to him.

    Good luck! :) and congratulations on 10 years! :D super exciting. i would say we both give and take equal amounts of control, although i feel its more like we know what the other likes and dislikes and we do what we can to compromise and keep each other happy.
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    I'm 5'3" amd originally my goal weight was 108 since that's what I weighed on my wedding day (over 20 years ago). I continue to hover around 114 to 116 and I'm Ok with that. I'm eating way better and have made lots of lifestyle changes including more regular exercise. I'm now focusing on toning and lifting more.

    Also, I joke my husband had in our marriage vows that I must keep my hair long. He tells me all the time to keep it long when I suggest I'm cutting it off but really he woulnd't stress if I cut it. At the end of the day it's my hair but it's one of those things you do for your marriage.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    108-100?? The last time I weighed that little, I looked anorexic and I'm only 5'0" tall. Before that, I was a teenager. Today, at 42 years old, my goal is roughly 120, depends on how I look when I get there. I may stop before, I may continue on.

    120??? I'm 5'2" and the last time I weighed 120 I looked fat.

    It's ok to say that in reverse right? :noway: