What is the correct amount of Marcos?



  • Dreamwa1ker
    Dreamwa1ker Posts: 196 Member
    I tried reducing carbs at first when I started calorie counting - this actually just naturally happened as I budgeted calories, simply because I'm a bit of a carnivore and would rather have more meat than bread/rice/pasta etc - just the foods I like better. But, I found when I did that I would get too hungry between meals. So, this time I backed up and started making sure to eat more fiber (I had some other health reasons for doing this as well) - this naturally meant more carbs. I went and set my macros based more similar to the DASH diet, and switched up my dashboard for the diary to show fiber. As soon as I started eating more beans, lentils, etc that were full of fiber (incidentally also more carbs), I would stay much fuller longer. So, you have to experiment to find what keeps you full and satiated.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    What is the correct amount of Marcos?

    Depends on the number of Polos.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. Carry on...


    I've been wanting to say that since this thread started, but I've been holding myself back out of excruciating politeness. Thank GOODNESS someone finally said it! :D
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,723 Member
    What is the correct amount of Marcos?

    Depends on the number of Polos.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. Carry on...



    But only because I didn't think of it. :p