Tips for Binging

I've been doing great, I've lost some kg but sometimes I just binge :(
Does anyone know how to stop or at least really healthy/low calorie snacks?


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    kyzzq wrote: »
    I've been doing great, I've lost some kg but sometimes I just binge :(
    Does anyone know how to stop or at least really healthy/low calorie snacks?

    To stop bingeing you have to get to the root of why you are bingeing, for some this is genuine hunger (eating too low in the first place and yo-yoing between binging and purging); for some it's out of boredom and for some it's an emotional response to triggers.

    Work out which one it is and then you can put a plan together to help combat it.

    For example if it's hunger - re-evaluate your goals, it is better to have a sustainable calorie goal than one that leaves you so hungry you break into a binge every other week.

    If it's boredom, find something else to do - going for a walk, using a fidget toy, etc.

    If it's an emotional response perhaps consider some form of therapy or try keeping notes about when and why you feel the need to binge.
  • aishmartin
    aishmartin Posts: 468 Member