Weight loss has stopped?

I’m kind of confused, since February I have been going to the gym at least 3 times a week, and have been super focused on what I’m putting into my body (other than the very occasional cheat meal, which I still fit into my calorific deficit)
Anyway, so far I’ve lost around 20 pounds, but for the last week and a half, I haven’t lost a single pound. I’m not sure what’s wrong, and I’m not eating enough calories to maintain my weight. Help?


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I’m kind of confused, since February I have been going to the gym at least 3 times a week, and have been super focused on what I’m putting into my body (other than the very occasional cheat meal, which I still fit into my calorific deficit)
    Anyway, so far I’ve lost around 20 pounds, but for the last week and a half, I haven’t lost a single pound. I’m not sure what’s wrong, and I’m not eating enough calories to maintain my weight. Help?

    Having a week or two here or there where you don't lose weight is perfectly normal. You have been losing weight at a fairly rapid pace. Water weight swings and digestion irregularities can easily mask fat loss on the scale for a couple of weeks.

    If you are sure you are logging accurately and consistently, trust the process. If you're not, now is a great time to consider ways you can tighten up your logging.

    Congrats on your progress so far :drinker:
  • kdcoolidge
    kdcoolidge Posts: 1 Member
    I just had an "OMG-did I write that?" moment! I am going through the exact same situation. I've lost 21 pounds, stepped on the scale this morning after two weeks of hard work in the gym, and my number didn't budge. I guess we should take comfort in the fact that this seems to be a common thing. After being a faithful "logger", eating better and working out several times a week, I'm just scratching my head - it doesn't make sense. However, staying the course and ignoring the scale is probably the best thing to do. I'm a woman, I'm menopausal, so yeah...my body has plans of it's own! So lets keep on truckin', and we'll bust through this plateau!!!
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    edited April 2019
    I just broke through my first stall of this type. I hit a new low, then spent the next 12 days bouncing from +0.2 to +1.2 higher. It was so frustrating! On the 13th day I returned to the previous low, then went -3.0 over the next 3 days...for an average of 1.5lbs/wk, exactly as predicted.

    Since the new low I’ve bounced up about a pound again, but this time I’m not fretting (or at least trying not to)!

    Hang in there. Keep doing everything correctly. It’ll drop.