...but i don't "feel" thin

I went to the doctor today (strep throat). First time in like 8 months...

The nurse was charting me and said "you've lost weight! Wait ... wow, you've lost ... 32 pounds?"
Me: "yeah I've been working on my fitness"

I See the doctor he says "you're there...find a new goal. You're perfectly fit. You don't need to lose any more weight." ... After negotiations we settled on losing 7 more lbs so i can box as a welterweight this summer.

But the thing is ... i still look fluffy and soft... I guess i expected rippling muscles and stuff. When i started, "goal weight" felt so far away, maybe my expectations were unrealistic.

I'm running sub 50 minute 10k's ... so my fitness is much better... but i don't have any definition. And that's super discouraging.

Im going to start a progressive lifting program... i guess i just needed to vent.
