How often do you go over your MFP calorie limit?



  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    A couple of times a week, mostly at the weekend. Usually not by much. Occasional blowout where I go over by quite a bit - maybe once a month seems to kickstart the weight loss again. I don't worry about it tbh.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I go over by a little a few days a week, but then again, I'm under most days, so for the week, I am usually pretty close to target or slightly under.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Only once in 11 months. I was sick and over by 200
  • EmmieChunk
    I'll go over by 50 calories or 100 calories a couple times a week. No big deal. I'll definitely do a refeed once a week where I eat at or slightly above maintenance levels. Friday morning brunch is going to be killer.

    this is what i usually do...
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    6 times in 590 days. 4 of those days I was on vacation in New Orleans. The other two days I made up for the overage the next day.

    I also make sure to exercise very nearly daily so I can eat more.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I should also mention they have me eating 1,420 a day which is crap. I set up my own macros to 1,800 (TDEE-20%). To maintain I should be eating 2,200 a day.
  • katinachaos
    katinachaos Posts: 90 Member
    I stopped worrying about it as much when I started looking at the overall week. I set my goal at 2#/week, so even when I'm over by 200-300 calories, even if for the whole week, I could be losing over a pound a week, so I don't freak out. Seeing friends do the Ideal Protein diet and how they lose super fast, but aren't getting healthy (seriously, a diet that says you can't do cardio for a large portion of it?) I'd rather take a year to lose 50 pounds and be a stronger person, all without seriously denying myself things that I love (hello? beer?), than lose it in 3 months being miserable and weak. If you go over, you go over. Don't go over tomorrow. Beating yourself up about it means you are not doing something that you can maintain down the line.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I get discouraged and upset each time I surpass my calorie intake....:sad:

    is there anyone else on the same boat?
    I go over periodically. Try looking at your weekly totals if it freaks you out. I think it's good to keep the body guessing sometimes, actually, but that will tell you if you're going overboard.

    Or just walk after dinner to make it balance!
  • johnp1732
    johnp1732 Posts: 32 Member
    only about once or twice a week.
    two days of the week I never get in the positive range of my net, cause of the calories i burn off.
    In fact, now that i think of it, I barely reach my net goal most of the time...
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I'm basically on maintenance, staying under 3 days a week, and going over 4 days a week.
    But when I was on weight loss mode, I would look at my weekly deficit.
    So, because I knew I WANTED to eat more on the weekends (and drink),
    I would compensate on the weekdays, and still have a decent weekly deficit.

    Track your weekly.
  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    Today will be one of the days I go over - after a really bad night with my son I knew I would need extra energy to make it through the day at work. I will have to look at what exercise I can do tonight to make it up, if I can stay awake ;)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Never went I want to eat more I move more. But, recently I switched to TDEE minus 20% and it's scary because you don't add exercise calories so my allotment is what it is. So, far I haven't gone over in a little under a month. Yesterday was close.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    All the time, but I'm learning that my TDEE is through the roof, thanks to a restaurant job and chasing a two year old all day. I'm maintaining 117 lbs eating well over 2000 a day, so I'm not worried, especially since I have a 3000 calorie day once a week or so too.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I don't consider 50-100 calories in either direction to be over or under. That's about right on as far as I'm concerned. The phone has a nice app that shows the whole week and as long as I'm on track for the week I feel good.

    If you're consistently going over you're either a) not committed, or b) setting your goal too low i.e. your weight loss goal is too aggressive.
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    Almost every day.
    Can I eat discipline for breakfast?
    That would fix the problem :/

    Yes me too! Actually I have my goal set at 1500 which is closer to my BMR so I consider that a minimum rather than a max. Then I have an intake goal I try to stay under, 1800.
  • NaughtyinCali
    Im definitely in the same boat. Im trying to walk in the afternoon or evening if it looks like Im not gonna have enough calories for my dinner. Im not doing things perfectly, but I continue to log the truth no matterr what. Ive lost 7 pdz and 3 inchez from my waist.
  • aquamarinex
    aquamarinex Posts: 42 Member
    Too often especially with a 1,200 goal if I don't exercise but I try and tell myself that if its only say 100 calories its still well below my BMR etc and I am still going to lose a little just at a much slower pace. I really enjoy cheese, chocolate wine all the unhealthy stuff and if I had to cut it out entirely I would seriously throw in the towel.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Sometimes I go over, maybe once every week or so. Usually not to an extreme, but last Sunday was not a good day for me. I went over by the amount of my deficit and maybe more. The important thing is to not beat yourself up over it. Chalk it up to a bad day and start over fresh in the morning and never think about it again. One bad day is not going to "ruin" your diet.

    Each day you have the chance to chip away at another pound or so of weight loss for the week. If your calories are set at 1200 and you eat 1300 for the day, you are still chipping away at the pound of weight loss for the week. If your calories are set at 1200 and you eat 1800 for the day, you will not have chipped away at your pound or so of weight loss for the week, but your body will have burned every calorie you ate that day just existing. You won't have gained any weight (assuming your body burns 1800 calories just existing, you'd have to eat 5300 calories in one day to gain a pound!)

    So one bad day here or there just slows your progress, but you ARE still making progress. Keep going and never give up!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I do it several times a week. Sometimes I think my body just needs more food. I don't worry about it over a single day, but look at my week overall. If I'm on target for the week, I feel fine.
  • shortmomma81
    Daily. With my activity level...1200 is a joke.
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