Losing weight with 'Real Food'



  • MCPowner
    MCPowner Posts: 1
    Love it! If you stick to it 95/5 you will. Check out weston a price. Also, raw milk is an amazing part of this way of eating. People will tell you milk is bad when in reality pausterized and homoganised milk is bad.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I've been slowly changing my diet to all real food meaning, no artificial or packaged anything. No low fat, nonfat or artificial sweetener. Lots of vegetables, lean protein and only minimal wheat/carbs because I'm hypoglycemic and must limit the amount.
    My question is, does anyone else do this successfully and lose weight?

    I make everything. Bread, everything. Look at my diary. I'm also hypoglycemic. And I lose weight. The key seems to be do cardio daily - you can dl zumba or perhaps justdance2014 as an app and follow that if you travel for business & do cardio in your hotel room.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Lots of people do it and lose weight. It can make it easier to lose weight, as unprocessed, unpackaged foods are generally less calorie dense, so you get more for your money so to speak when you eat them. I prefer not to eliminate any particular foods from my diet (except trans fats) because I believe that eliminating foods that you enjoy, or good tasting foods can lead to binging, which used to happen to me.

    ^This. Many people attribute eating "clean" or "real food" as the reason they lose weight, but it all comes down to calories in vs calories out. As AJ_G posted, eliminating foods that you enjoy can lead to binging, and is usually the reason people rebound after reaching their goals and gain even more weight then they've lost. Creating a healthy, sustainable relationship with food that you can maintain as a lifestyle is the best approach. Now, if you can see yourself eating only "real food" for the rest of your life and maintaining your restrictions, then that is the best approach for you.
