The NEW selfie thread with no rules



  • terrordawg
    terrordawg Posts: 19,462 Member
    How do you post a photo in here

    @Whydahdad71 Click the little mountain icon, click “Choose file” and then select your image!
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    russ_m_19 wrote: »
    So glad I found out my gym now has a hex bar! I feel much safer doing deadlifts with it than a barbell


    Great work, man. Keep it up!
  • EmbracingChange7
    EmbracingChange7 Posts: 149 Member
    Just wanted to stop in and say you all look fantastic! Some good looking people in this thread 😊❤
  • russ_m_19
    russ_m_19 Posts: 152 Member
    cdubks88 wrote: »
    russ_m_19 wrote: »
    So glad I found out my gym now has a hex bar! I feel much safer doing deadlifts with it than a barbell


    Great work, man. Keep it up!

    Thank you!
  • mommabear4315
    mommabear4315 Posts: 3,424 Member
    Thank you all. 🌸
  • send_me_god
    send_me_god Posts: 46 Member
    A year ago vs. today gp3x9sjawd02.jpeg

    Look at you gorgeous in both really are! But you look so good girl and I'm super impressed 🤗🤘❤😘😍❤❤❤

    Thank you! You’re so sweet!
  • send_me_god
    send_me_god Posts: 46 Member
    A year ago vs. today gp3x9sjawd02.jpeg
    Nice job - your dedication shows!

    Thank you! 🤗
  • Tinydancer106
    Tinydancer106 Posts: 3,678 Member
    You all don’t know this but I have lost over 80lbs. Mfp has helped me along the way. I’m happy I got a second chance in life to be healthy. One of the reasons that is so hard for me to take selfies is because for the longest time I hated the way I looked and felt. I look like a totally different person now. I am still working on myself emotionally and physically. It’s a journey that will never end. I am thankful for a great supportive community. So here’s my selfi of the day.

    I adore you chica 🤗💗 and you look amazing just lovely ....we all struggle I think on how we see ourselves at least I know I do.....but I'm telling you unbiased cept I'm so digging you look beautiful!!!😍😍❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜... Keep posting those pics you'll see we see you girl!🤗
  • Tinydancer106
    Tinydancer106 Posts: 3,678 Member
    russ_m_19 wrote: »
    So glad I found out my gym now has a hex bar! I feel much safer doing deadlifts with it than a barbell


    Way to go Russ!🤗🤘😎
  • russ_m_19
    russ_m_19 Posts: 152 Member
    russ_m_19 wrote: »
    So glad I found out my gym now has a hex bar! I feel much safer doing deadlifts with it than a barbell


    Way to go Russ!🤗🤘😎

    Thank you!
  • yogidani77
    yogidani77 Posts: 6,978 Member
    A year ago vs. today gp3x9sjawd02.jpeg

    Wow!!! Thanks for sharing!
    This is amazing progress 💪🏼
  • yogidani77
    yogidani77 Posts: 6,978 Member
    You all don’t know this but I have lost over 80lbs. Mfp has helped me along the way. I’m happy I got a second chance in life to be healthy. One of the reasons that is so hard for me to take selfies is because for the longest time I hated the way I looked and felt. I look like a totally different person now. I am still working on myself emotionally and physically. It’s a journey that will never end. I am thankful for a great supportive community. So here’s my selfi of the day.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I think a lot of us can relate to what you are saying.
    I know I can. I want you to know that I think you look absolutely beautiful and I am so glad that you have gained confidence in yourself. You are obviously also a beautiful person on the inside as well since you thought to share something so personal in order to relate to and inspire so many of us 🤗♥️
  • yogidani77
    yogidani77 Posts: 6,978 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    You all don’t know this but I have lost over 80lbs. Mfp has helped me along the way. I’m happy I got a second chance in life to be healthy. One of the reasons that is so hard for me to take selfies is because for the longest time I hated the way I looked and felt. I look like a totally different person now. I am still working on myself emotionally and physically. It’s a journey that will never end. I am thankful for a great supportive community. So here’s my selfi of the day.

    Awesome job!! That’s great. I can relate. I have a way to go but I’ve lost 65lbs so far. Hated myself for so long. I’ve gone off the deep end with selfies....when you feel a lot better about yourself and you used to hate yourself, sometimes you take selfies. It probably comes across as being a vain B....but, I’m not. Just a happy person finally. Share more. You look fantastic!

    I can relate soooooo much to this. I don’t think you take too many selfies 🤗 and you’re definitely not a vain B!!
    I love to see people feeling confident in and loving themselves and I like to see peoples faces. It just seems so personal and I like to see people happy 🥰
    So you guys keep ‘em coming ♥️♥️♥️♥️
  • EddieJohnHunt
    EddieJohnHunt Posts: 695 Member
  • T_143
    T_143 Posts: 1,022 Member

    Beard update!

    Lookin great!
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    russ_m_19 wrote: »
    So glad I found out my gym now has a hex bar! I feel much safer doing deadlifts with it than a barbell


    I need me one of those 🤘🏼
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    renydo2 wrote: »

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
    Time to work off some turkey and ham and pumpkin pie and stuffing and more pumpkin pie and more stuffing and get the picture.

    Hey J! Looking good, man. Hope you are having a great weekend, my friend! 😁
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member

    Putting in the work. Great job! Have a great weekend!