Tried to eat low carb...was hungry an hour later!



  • zeejane4
    zeejane4 Posts: 230 Member
    edited May 2019
    kds10 wrote: »
    kds10 wrote: »
    So had three eggs and bacon for supper. An hour later was hungry and made a must keep me full. I find that carbs often sustain me more!

    Are you eating a low carb diet in an attempt to lose weight? If so while that does seem to be a popular woe currently, low carb is not the only way to do it. Some people lose weight with moderate carbs and some lose weight with high carb diets. I personally am finding much easier calorie adherance with a higher carb diet.

    I had success with IF...lost 20 lbs last year...kind of slacked off on it a bit this year by doing IF just some days but not all days of the week like I used to thus have not lost anything. I have 10 lbs left to go. So I thought maybe I will try the low carb Atkins plan.

    Started in the last few weeks to focus more on IF again but being more consistent with it...weighed myself this a.m. and down 1.5 so I think I will stick with my IF and just eat what I want but of course in moderation during my feeding window.

    I find for myself that once I start thinking can't have this or can't have tends to overwhelm me and I always fail in the end. IF worked for me because that control of an eating window seems to keep me in control of my eating.

    Sounds like you're going in a good direction, it's so important to figure out what works best for you-a way of eating that fits your food preferences, lifestyle, schedule etc.
  • jean133mjg
    jean133mjg Posts: 133 Member
    It may be that your mind is used to eating differently and not yet accustomed to your new diet. I find I am more head hungry than anything. Drink water. Sometimes that will help and keep your mind busy on things other than food. When I do, I forget that I'm hungry. If you're truly hungry, eat. Just give it 1/2 an hour before to figure out whether it's head hunger or real hunger and adjust your diet to help with that. Just stay within your calorie limits. Good luck.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    edited May 2019

    Volume is key.