Need some serious help :-(


Not long joined mfp and I thought the diet for me would be low carb/primal and had planned to start tomorrow but having in put all te data I am at 2500 cals and its making me feel slightly uncomfortable - I have done so many diets in the past and I can't seem to settle on one and get my weight loss journey started - my weight is 211lbs so it shouldn't be hard to lose weight - I just don't have a clue what I am doing or need to do to lose weight!

Any advice on what has worked for other people so I can use as a guideline to finally make up my mind


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Don't overthink it at this stage. I tend to get overwhelmed by the big picture and it sounds like maybe you are too.

    If you want to go paleo/primal, low carb, high protein, vegetarian, vegan, etc., that's fine but it isn't necessary. The most important thing is to find a meal plan that you like and can stick with and to stay within your calories. Technically, you could eat nothing but snack foods and still lose weight if you're in a caloric deficit.

    Try the settings MFP has given you for a while and see what happens. Make small changes and adjust as you go along.
  • Don't overthink it at this stage. I tend to get overwhelmed by the big picture and it sounds like maybe you are too.

    If you want to go paleo/primal, low carb, high protein, vegetarian, vegan, etc., that's fine but it isn't necessary. The most important thing is to find a meal plan that you like and can stick with and to stay within your calories. Technically, you could eat nothing but snack foods and still lose weight if you're in a caloric deficit.

    Try the settings MFP has given you for a while and see what happens. Make small changes and adjust as you go along.

    thanks for your reply - I think I will just set my setting the right way and et that amount
  • My advice? 1600 calories, 30% fat, 30% carb, 40% protein. feel free to follow my story on here - I have lost 46 pounds, in 4 months

    wishing you the best!
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    My advice? 1600 calories, 30% fat, 30% carb, 40% protein. feel free to follow my story on here or my facebook page - I have lost 46 pounds, in 4 months -

    wishing you the best!

    How can you give advice like that when you don't know anything about her height or activity level or really anything else about her? A formula that has worked for you won't automatically work for everybody else.
  • WxLLe
    WxLLe Posts: 11
    I understand how you feel regarding testing out different diet programs and none working to your satisfaction. That's not to say that all diet programs are bad because they aren't. What I have been posting here recently is a diet plan known as Smack Fat that is GUARANTEED to have you losing weight in 30 days or under. They also have video proof on their site of Kaba demonstrating how he lost weight and his journey to a healthier lifestyle. If you're curious in any way whatsoever check it out. Here's there site. Let me know what you think as well I'll be glad to hear your results :)
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Stick to clean unprocessed foods at least 80% of the time, the other 20% is for the unexpected meals/snacks when you may not have much of a choice about what you're being served, or those treats that you enjoy (as long as you have plan their calorie value into your daily allowance.
    5+ servings fruit/vege each day
    Complex carbohydrates (wholegrain bread, cereals, rice and pasta; whole fruits not juice)
    At least 2-3servings of lean protein is necessary to help maintain/build muscle during weight loss.
    Aim for a low fat diet but healthy fats are still important.

    Remember this is a Lifestyle change, not just a 'diet' to loose weight.
  • mikeruz
    mikeruz Posts: 35 Member
    I started on my weight loss journey on July 27th and started at 319.5. I looked at everything I typically eat and typed it into the MFP. I was shocked as to how many calories I would eat and drink in a day! I am simply making a conscience effort to stop soda, beer and high fat foods. If you start there and add a trip to the gym 3 days a week you will be successful. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can talk more!
  • Thanks i have added you - I think the key is to get lore healthy without obsessing about it and let the changes come naturally - rather than stressing myself out about what I can and cannot eat
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    As others have mentioned don't over think this process. Take baby steps. This week log everything you eat no matter what. Next week make adjustments to that eating pattern in order to stay under your goal. Perhaps you can commit to x number of days at the gym this week or x servings of fruit and veggies this week.
    Take it one day at a time and the changes will happen. It takes 21 days to create a new habit.
  • When you have a lot to lose 50+ lbs focus on not eating over your calorie goal and try to increase your activity if only walking the dog once a week or whatever until you get more used to moving... as you get used to it up your activity and as you lose weight focus more on healthy options. If you go from the "see food" diet to grilled chicken and veggies every day you will probably get board and quit. This has to be a life change for it to really work.

    That being said broccoli goes a lot farther then potato chips do so as you watch your calories you'll start to want the healthy choices to feel more full. And unless you have health problems that prevent you from eating something, and you enjoy it eat it.

    Just my opinion
  • Yep think I should log my daily calories over th weekend and see how much I really eat instead of saying I am
    Going to do it and then not bothering x
  • Starting to log the foods you are going to eat is a great start. I used that to figure out what I needed to lower my intake of or cut out of my diet. Remember that it is going to be a journey and you can't do everything on day one. I have slowly changed my eating habits over time and now eat healthier and much less than I did.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Eat less (calories), Move more.

    Consistently log everything. Invest in a food scale ($20-$25) and weigh/measure everything. This will help you not overestimate/underestimate your calorie intake. Try hard to meet your calorie goal. Don't eat (or net) below 1200 calories.

    IMO, the first week is the hardest. Just keep with it. Don't give up. If you have a bad calorie day, it's okay. Just stay the course and try to do better the next day. Don't let yourself give up.

    If you want to incorporate exercise, start small. Take a 15 minute walk around the block. Then maybe in a few days, make it 20 minutes and so on.

    Everything will eventually snowball and then fall into place once you find that "sweet spot" of eating right (calorie amount) and exercise.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    2500 seems a lot for someone who is 211 lbs. You're sure it's not what you should eat in order to maintain weight?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    2500 seems a lot for someone who is 211 lbs. You're sure it's not what you should eat in order to maintain weight?

    This too.

    Use this calculator to find out what you should be eating with your activity level:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My advice? 1600 calories, 30% fat, 30% carb, 40% protein. feel free to follow my story on here or my facebook page - I have lost 46 pounds, in 4 months -

    wishing you the best!

    How can you give advice like that when you don't know anything about her height or activity level or really anything else about her? A formula that has worked for you won't automatically work for everybody else.

    lol Right! There is no one set number for everyone..even macro wise.
  • 7x57
    7x57 Posts: 12 Member
    saturated fats are the enemy
  • so my calories based on the calculator is 1650

    so I will start there and see what happens just eating at the deficit