When will people notice my weight loss



  • mimimunchery
    mimimunchery Posts: 69 Member
    Update!!! I went to a party for my daughter’s co-op preschool and a mom who I am friendly with but only see about once every month or so was like “ oh my god have you lost weight you loo great”. Kind of made my evening 😊(especially since I was eating chocolate chip cookies at the time!)

    But in all seriousness you guys are right. Most people don’t feel comfortable commenting and that’s totally fine.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    When I notice weight loss I typically don't mention it, especially to a colleague. Work is no place to comment on personal appearance or an individual's body unless it is to address unprofessional attire. The liabilities are just too high in today's 'I'm offended' workplace.

    The closest I come even with friends is 'Wow, you are looking great!' or a genuine compliment "that dress is fantastic on you - it hits all the right curves'. I won't inquire about weight loss because I might be wrong and unintentionally imply that I think my friend needs to lose weight.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am with MFP for just over 400 days and have lost 33 kg. People I see once a day to once a week have not noticed - those people I see very occasionally (every 6 months or so) comment immediately - great feeling, wouldn't mind more comments...
  • wmweeza
    wmweeza Posts: 319 Member
    Truthfully no one noticed until I hit 80 pounds....but then again I work at home so I don't see a ton of people. At 60 pounds no one noticed. I went home for Christmas and was around family and friends that hadn't seen me in 2 years....NO ONE noticed, I was quite bummed by that.
    I think some people aren't observant, others are too polite to comment on someones weight, and truthfully some just don't care. I'm not in it for the praise, I'm in it for the long life gains :)
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I've lost 17lbs and honestly no one has noticed but me. My partner realised when I showed him a before and after picture. Drawing from my own experience, I generally don't comment on people's weight loss unless I know them really well and know it won't make them self conscious. You alone know how much progress you've made and you should be really proud of yourself :smile:
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    When I notice weight loss I typically don't mention it, especially to a colleague. Work is no place to comment on personal appearance or an individual's body unless it is to address unprofessional attire. The liabilities are just too high in today's 'I'm offended' workplace.

    The closest I come even with friends is 'Wow, you are looking great!' or a genuine compliment "that dress is fantastic on you - it hits all the right curves'. I won't inquire about weight loss because I might be wrong and unintentionally imply that I think my friend needs to lose weight.
    They may also have lost weight due to among other things, cancer, an eating disorder, depression (which can cause people to lose their appetite), etc. And yes, I know people who have lost weight because of all of these things. I actually probably know one person who has lost weight at different times over the course of their life due to having all of those diagnoses. That's why congratulating someone for their weight loss, especially when you don't know if it was intentional, is not always advisable.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It depends on where your weight has come off, how observant people are, how they feel about randomly commenting on others’ weight.
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Let me applaud you. But know that many people see weight as a very personal thing and won't comment. It's not considered politically correct. I once commented that someone had lost weight. They started crying and stated that I was body shaming them. Never again.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I am totally losing weight for myself and my health. BUT a little recognition never hurts right...😊

    So I am female, 41 years old and 5’8”. J currently weigh about 182 or 180 lbs. I’ve lost about 20 lbs since January and about 17 or 18 lbs since March when I started really working hard. My BMI has gone from nearly 31 to about 27.5 or 28. So out of the obese range and firmly in the middle of overweight. Clothes are fitting better and I think looking nicer.

    BUT literally NOBODY has commented on my weight. Not my husband (who I haven’t told about my efforts - all he knows is that I’ve been doing strength training with a personal trainer). Not friends. No one.

    Is it really not noticeable? I know I was quite chubby to start and I am still pretty chubby, but is there really no observable difference?

    So I’m wondering - when do people start actually noticing weight loss? Especially taller women with 30-50 lbs to lose.


    Commenting on another persons weight is somewhat taboo. Even if it's meant to compliment, a lot of people don't take it that way. There are tons of threads here with people wishing others would not comment. I would personally never comment on a persons weight unless they specifically brought it up.

    Other things you have to consider...the changes in your body from weight loss are slow and subtle...even we sometimes don't really see it in the mirror...people who see you regularly and particularly daily might not really notice because things are happening so subtly.

    I lost a total of 40 Lbs...the only person who ever really commented was from a lady friend of mine who I hadn't seen in probably a year when I bumped into her at the gym. I don't really count my wife and family because we had open discussions about what I was doing.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    16 years ago I went through a particularly dramatic divorce. I nearly stopped eating altogether and I lost 10 pounds in 10 days. I was already small at the time, so going from 117 to 107 made a huge difference in my appearance. Several women came up to me at work and congratulated me on my weight loss and asked for my secret. So, I told them. I'm guessing they never commented on anyone's weight loss again after that.

    On a related note, several coworkers noticed my name change in the GAL and extended their congratulations as well. Yeah....
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 668 Member
    The part that threw me was your husband not noticing. 20lbs is quite a difference. I’m 5’9” and am currently at maintenance weight but my weight has went up and down about 30 lbs over the years. My husband, family and friends usually noticed the weight loss when I would hit about 10 lbs lost. I’m not like a lot of the posters here. I’ve never been offended when people at work or just in every day life notice I lost weight. It’s hard work and people noticing motivates me to keep going. But then, I kind of say whatever’s in my head and heart and am not very filtered. So I guess I’m very forgiving of other people saying what’s on their mind too.LOL.
    I bet some new better fitting clothes would get people noticing. Since you’re still losing, how about hitting the thrift stores?
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    edited May 2019
    I had my first spontaneous comment about a month ago after losing 45lbs. I’m 5’3” & had gone down 3-4 pant sizes at that point, but hadn’t yet updated my wardrobe. As others mentioned, it was approached as “looking fit / healthy” rather than “having lost weight”.