Trouble staying on track

Hello members, I need encouragement. I'm struggling badly. Old eating habits are coming back. Medication changes. And I'm gaining. Please someone help me.
Thanks in advance for your time


  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited May 2019
    @calisandy I can't address the Rx changes or said side effects. I can tell you that your very next meal is your time to flip the switch. Don't need to wait for the perfect day or time to start. Don't let another day pass you by. Falling back into old eating patterns is easily done. Those deep grooves in our brains don't give up old habits easily. Track your portions and calories, data points. You can turn this ship around by jumping right back in, starting with lunch.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    It might help to pare your "rules" down to the bare minimum, and slowly work your way up to back where you want to be. Start just logging and trying to hit your calorie goal, just get that habit back, and then go from there. Obviously if your health conditions require more than that immediately, you need to take that into consideration as well. Hang in there!

    Check out the Most Helpful Posts threads too:
  • calisandy
    calisandy Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much! I lost 132 lbs. But have gained 9. My thyroid was underactive, dr prescribed medication. But that means no adipex.
    I'm starving all the time now.
    I fight it off but then when I do eat, theres no off button.
    I'm 59 yrs old. Post menopausal.
    I seriously cant stop eating once I start.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    calisandy wrote: »
    Thank you so much! I lost 132 lbs. But have gained 9. My thyroid was underactive, dr prescribed medication. But that means no adipex.
    I'm starving all the time now.
    I fight it off but then when I do eat, theres no off button.
    I'm 59 yrs old. Post menopausal.
    I seriously cant stop eating once I start.

    Do you pay any attention to your macros? In general, protein fat and fiber are satiating for most people. So check out your log and if any of those are consistently low, try to bring them up to speed. Also consider playing around with meal timing. If there is a specific time of day where you tend to be hungrier, try to rearrange your cals to get more of them during that time.
  • calisandy
    calisandy Posts: 7 Member
    To be honest, I've not been tracking properly or paying attention to portions, macros, etc.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    calisandy wrote: »
    To be honest, I've not been tracking properly or paying attention to portions, macros, etc.

    Well now you have a place to start. Deep breathe, no need to panic, set a simple goal, and get back on track :smiley:
  • calisandy
    calisandy Posts: 7 Member
    Yes. 9 lbs is minimal.
    Time to journal feelings and eat nutrition .