What do u eat for breakfast?



  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    you shouldn't be concerned with the fact that it "takes up" most of your sugar for the day, unless you have a medical condition like diabetes. otherwise, i usually have some oatmeal with toppings (cinnamon + apple, strawberries, blueberries, anything i have) or a fruit salad. :3
  • cctorrez
    cctorrez Posts: 15
    breakfast i usually do either

    Bran Cereal + Unsweetend Vanilla Almond milk + handful of blueberries + half a banana + dash of cinnamon
    quite possibly my absolute favorite


    1 egg + 1or 2 egg whites
    cherry tomatoes
    on whole wheat toast
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    Awesome! I like the oatmeal idea except I add tons of sugar & butter to mine... Is there something else that could be added for taste? I don't like plain oatmeal.

    Coconut butter / oil, blueberries
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I used 2 do the whole slim fast thing. Do u know what the sugar content is? Is it better than cereal?

    There is a low carb slim-fast too. It has 2 grams sugar.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    There is no reason why breakfast has to be traditional breakfast foods.

    Yeah. My breakfast for a couple weeks has been frozen packaged burritos.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I was never in the habit of eating breakfast and on weekends I prefer to eat a large brunch around midday instead. I eat breakfast every week day now and I feel so much better for it. I don't have a "light" breakfast, because I find I need the concentration and energy for work now.

    During winter I ate microwave porridge (oats) with skim milk, and stirred in a tablespoon of chia seeds (made into a paste), about 50g of blueberries (defrosted from frozen), and a teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil for some sweetness. About 400 calories.

    Now the weather is warmer I'm eating an organic bircher muesli I bought from the health food store. This muesli doesn't have any added sweeteners and has goji berries, some nuts etc. I soak it in about 50mL of orange juice, add defrosted blueberries, a teaspoon of coconut oil, chia seeds, and about 200gm of Chobani fat free Greek yoghurt. About 500 calories.

    Another breakfast I really like is two slices organic bread (soy and linseed, or rye, or multigrain, whatever you like), with low fat cottage cheese and slices of truss roma tomatoes and salt and pepper. Around 300 calories.
  • GameOfPounds
    GameOfPounds Posts: 128 Member
    1. oats w/ apple,almond milk and cinnamon +coffee with milk
    2. reduced fat greek yogurt with fruit +coffee with milk
    3. 2 whole eggs with peppers,feta, fried in 1 tbsp olive oil

    When I have no time for cooking I go for the yogurt but if there's no available,I may eat whatever there's already at home as long as it's "suitable" for breakfast :)
  • vonstigator
    Cocopops cereal bar half an hour after i wake up then a banana mid morning. Im trying to eat little and often.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I do IF 16:8 so just coffee with organic full cream milk.
  • msclairuk
    msclairuk Posts: 50 Member
    I make suse I vary my breakfast so I don't get bored. These are what I usually choose from

    Natural Yogurt, with some fruit and a sprinkle of muesli
    Porridge with a small sliced banana or berries (normal frozen berries I've taken out the freezer the night before)
    2 Crumpets with light spreading of low fat soft cheese
    Kellogg's Cornflakes with semi skim milk (if I'm in a rush)
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Rolled Oats, Light Milk and maybe some fruit + a protein shake or
    Scrambled Eggs with multigrain bread and a protein shake and maybe some grated cheese and or fritz
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    On weekdays I have overnight oats (oats, natural yogurt and unsweetend almond milk left overnight in the fridge, in the morning I add flavoured protein powder and toppings such as fruit or berries). On weekends when I have more time I make either protein pancakes or protein French toast. Flavoured protein powder adds sweetness and I also usually use cinnamon, desiccated coconut or maple syrup to sweeten things up.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    On weekdays I have overnight oats (oats, natural yogurt and unsweetend almond milk left overnight in the fridge, in the morning I add flavoured protein powder and toppings such as fruit or berries). On weekends when I have more time I make either protein pancakes or protein French toast. Flavoured protein powder adds sweetness and I also usually use cinnamon, desiccated coconut or maple syrup to sweeten things up.

    damn only briefly thought of adding protein powder as a flavoring, sounds yummy
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    I make a breakfast shake every morning with coconut water, frozen strawberries or blueberries, 1/4 cup of quaker quick oats, 1 scoop of Dymatize ISO 100 banana or vanilla protein powder and a little pure stevia (not the grocery store kind, I get it in bulk on line. its just pure stevia with no additives). Blend it for a minute, its yummy and gives you great energy!
  • kaymon25
    kaymon25 Posts: 17 Member
    At the moment I eat 1 small pot of fat free natural yogurt with blueberries and raspberries. I'm thinking about adding a few walnuts with that too.
    I did buy some egg whites and was planning on making egg white omelette with spinach and/or mushrooms but I just don't have time to cook like that in the mornings.
    Another thing I sometimes have is 30/40 grams of mini wheats with 125ml of skimmed milk. I would like to eat more cereal but there are so many sugars/fats in them.
    Another healthy option is toasted brown bread with grilled turkey or bacon rashers, lightly fried mushrooms, poached or scrambled eggs, grilled tomatoes - I would have this but I don't get up early enough before work to have time to cook it!
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    hard boiled egg, carrot sticks, banana, peach.
  • bethanyfranco1
    Awesome! I like the oatmeal idea except I add tons of sugar & butter to mine... Is there something else that could be added for taste? I don't like plain oatmeal.

    I like using fruit flavored tea instead of plain hot water and stevia. My fav is blueberry tea. Oatmeal is awesome because it has fiber and protein.
  • horsetrainer46
    horsetrainer46 Posts: 69 Member
    blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, peaches or bananas are all great in oatmeal.:smile:
  • xxtaliaxx
    xxtaliaxx Posts: 123
    Today I had some greek yogurt with fruit and granola along with a boiled egg.