Tea & coffee logged as water?



  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 906 Member
    This has been up a while but I think the confusion is whether you are asking about logging coffee and tea as water (at the bottom for MFP) or logging them for their calories. If there are calories in them, log them in your food diary.

    You can also log them as water if you are using MFP to log water...which is really just to make you notice how much water you are or aren't drinking during the day since hydration is very important for overall health.

    Coffee and tea are almost 100% water so they count as part of the water you consume. Some people will argue that they have a diuretic effect - which is true but it is relatively slight so they are still hydrating you.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    It seems that tea and coffee are more likely not just water but drinks.


    Of course they are drinks with not just water - or they would be plain water.

    Depending how you have them there is also ground coffee beans, tea, sugar, sweetener, milk, cream, icecream etc.
    Depending what is in them obviously how many calories are in them - from next to nothing to lots.
  • perryc05
    perryc05 Posts: 225 Member
    It's mainly water so I log it that way. I drink black coffeee but have tea with a dash of milk so I log the milk separately.