Is this workout routine too much for a beginner?

Hey guys so I just started going to the gym. I weigh 112lb and want to put on muscle. I was following this program right here:

It is 6 days a week and it states that it is for beginners, but is this too much for me? I am a newbie to the gym. I was thinking about doing this one:

I dont know which program to choose and I kinda need help.


  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    This is the list of recommended routines that r/fitness has from full body and PPL type beginner lineal progression to some more advanced ones. I would choose one of their PPLs than the one you posted.

    Review them and see which one sounds like something you can consistently show up to do. My first foray into barbell lifts was Stronglifts. For me, the squat volume was too much, I injured myself but because I had fallen into the ego lifting (plus the deadline of making it somewhere with my lifting numbers in a certain amount of time), I kept going with improper form. Now that I have my own barbell and rack at home, last year August I decided to try out Wendler's 5/3/1 BBB with accessories. As long as you educate yourself, a lot of programs can be for beginners, as long as you make sure your form is on point, aren't ego lifting/chasing numbers, and think of things like a marathon and not a sprint.
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited June 2019
    The 6 day per week looks like too much for a beginner - maybe later. I would start with something like the second program you have listed or look at Starting Strength or Grey Skull
  • edj3456
    edj3456 Posts: 2 Member
    Will i get muscle gains doing starting strength? I heard that starting strength was a powerlifting rountine for beginners but I just want to build muscle.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    I suggest you find a 3x/week fill body routine. Start there for a few months, the look at progressing once you build a base.
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    edj3456 wrote: »
    Will i get muscle gains doing starting strength? I heard that starting strength was a powerlifting rountine for beginners but I just want to build muscle.

    You will get stronger & build muscle - IF you follow the program. It's a beginer program , after 2-3-4 months, when the weight progression stops, you will have to switch to something slse - maybe one of the 531 programs like 531 Boring but Big
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Any beginners programme will help

    Here is a good list of programmes

    If you are a beginner looking for hypertrophy, read through the AllPro programme in the list.

    Cheers, h.