TV moments that made you cry. Possible Spoilers.



  • All the previously mentioned Buffy & Angel moments, with the addition of Darla staking herself after giving birth to baby Connor, and Tara being shot. ("Your shirt!")

    I've watched The Young and the Restless since it started, and Cassie's death gets me every. single. time. I see the clip. But the tears flow bigtime at the last scene of Katherine climbing the stairs, knowing that the actress who portrayed her (the late great Jeanne Cooper) was hanging on to life by a thread at the time the episode aired.

    As for movies, I'm an equal-opportunity crier. But I have to admit that when I took my son to see Transformers (the cartoon version in the 80s) I cried when Optimus Prime died. And again in the most recent reboot. Why'd you have to die, Optimus? Why?
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    TV moment...when Michael came to Dwight's wedding. Jim's presentation was perfect. Also, ESPN's Going Home commercial. I managed to not let a tear fall, but they were there. Cute kids, big dudes holding babies and crying, it's all here:

    Movies...I only seem to be able to cry at cartoons. Mulan, Little Mermaid, Up. Real people pretending to be sad make me giggle.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    When the Doctor and Amy Pond said good-bye.... I cried for two days.

    This. Well..not for two days, but there was some "dust in my eye" :wink: watching that episode.


    When Opie was killed in SOA.
    Final episode of M*A*S*H
  • Susan_fessler
    Susan_fessler Posts: 56 Member
    Jurassic Bark episode of Futurama. I will never watch that episode again if it comes on I turn the channel or simply turn the TV off.

    Movies when Dobbie died in Harry Potter
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I totally cried last night while watching Duck Dynasty. Crazy I know, but when Mrs. K and Phil said their vows it totally choked me up.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    On Buffy: Once More, With Feeling when she revealed that she had been in heaven when they brought her back I teared up a bit.
    Yes! Had totally forgotten about that :sad:
  • newfette81
    newfette81 Posts: 185
    I sobbed during ALL of Les Miserables. Hell I choke up at the trailer.

    I cry at a lot of Glee episode.

    but the killer for me was the finale of Fresh Prince of Bel Air when uncle Phil tells Will to be by his phone on Sundays for when he calls all his kids.
  • jules159
    jules159 Posts: 567 Member
    Just watched Pay it Forward again and when everyone shows up with candles after the little boy dies I bawl every time!
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    Grey's Anatomy kills me every time!!! Denny dying was HUGE, When George signs Double 0-7 into Mer's hand, And now. . .Richard, lying there on the floor - DYING for Sept 26th!!
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I still don't understand why this was so awful. I mean, he's still The Doctor and he still has all his memories and his time machine, so why did he have to never see all those people again? I get why Rose, but not Martha and Mickey and everyone else.

    I guess, though, he had to go help Voldemort (or did he do that first?).
    He gets to keep his memories and such, but he's a completely new personality. It must be saddening knowing you're going to lose all your current you-ness. And don't forget that some things are really fixed in time, remember The Waters of Mars? Even if you can change the events that are supposed to happen, they have a way of righting themselves in the worst way possible. That's why he couldn't go back and pick up Rose or Donna at an earlier point in their lives, the big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff would get twisted up.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Friends Finale
    There has been a few Grey's Anatomy episodes.

    Don't judge me.

    Grey's - after George got hit/dragged by the bus & he was in the ER & he drew with his finger on Meredith's hand and she realized that it was him...omg, I sobbed all evening!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    I still don't understand why this was so awful. I mean, he's still The Doctor and he still has all his memories and his time machine, so why did he have to never see all those people again? I get why Rose, but not Martha and Mickey and everyone else.

    I guess, though, he had to go help Voldemort (or did he do that first?).

    He had explained it in a previous episode - if he regenerates it is the same general well of knowledge in his mind but since the body and personality are completely different it is like he (his incarnation) as a person is dying.

    And Barty Crouch with his weird tongue thing came first. Now THERE is something I don't get.

    And to whoever said the first five minutes of Up, YES. Caught me way off guard and I bawled and ranted for a bit.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    When George died on Grey's.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    He gets to keep his memories and such, but he's a completely new personality. It must be saddening knowing you're going to lose all your current you-ness. And don't forget that some things are really fixed in time, remember The Waters of Mars? Even if you can change the events that are supposed to happen, they have a way of righting themselves in the worst way possible. That's why he couldn't go back and pick up Rose or Donna at an earlier point in their lives, the big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff would get twisted up.

    Well, Donna was lost to him, anyway. But he could still go visit Marha and Mickey in the future.

    I dunno. I like the idea of Doctor Who, but the show itself, to me, isn't especially well-written. I watch it because the concept is fun, but I always walk away disappointed by the storylines.
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    When George died on Grey's.

    yes just commented on someone else's post about episode. and when Denny died, and when McSteamy died and when Lexi died...they kill off too many good characters
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    Ending of Lost!! Was so mad, cause even after 6 seasons. I still didn't get it !? Good series though
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Friends Finale
    There has been a few Grey's Anatomy episodes.

    Don't judge me.

    Grey's - after George got hit/dragged by the bus & he was in the ER & he drew with his finger on Meredith's hand and she realized that it was him...omg, I sobbed all evening!

    "O....O.....7......double O ... 7.....OMG OMG IT'S GEORGE!!! IT'S GEORGE!!!! JOHN DOE IS GEORGE!!!!!" lol cracks me up. But I never liked George.
  • katelynal
    katelynal Posts: 114
    Bambi :cry: Oops, not TV.... Numerous moments in Downton Abbey!
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    end of friends

    when Dr Donna had to lose who she had become and go back to who she was...and turn left...sobbed through both of those.

    and when Rose was lost

    ...when Martha left my family had a party however..

    Stargate..Daniel dying (the first time) and Jacks first meeting with the Asgard

    Criminal minds when Emily got 'killed'

    Harry Potter when Fred (or George) got killed

    and the old ad for yellow pages for 'J.R. Hartley'

    actually I am obviously an emotional wreck and should not be allowed to watch tv lol

    and losing David Tennant :sad:

  • paralegalnc
    paralegalnc Posts: 43 Member
    I totally cried last night while watching Duck Dynasty. Crazy I know, but when Mrs. K and Phil said their vows it totally choked me up.

    DONT TELL ME!!!!!! I recorded it...SHHHHHHHHHHHH