
Hi everyone!
I’ve noticed that I was drinking a lot. I hopped back on MFP when I realized I need to be living a healthier lifestyle- one that does not involve alcohol. Is anyone else having the same challenge right now?


  • chrissearls82
    chrissearls82 Posts: 9 Member
    I usually have drinks about once a week (I try to do it socially but sometimes just do it at home if no one is available)

    Yeah I've noticed the more I drink the worse my weight gets and the worse my system feels overall
  • FreddieFreckles
    FreddieFreckles Posts: 13 Member
    I follow a guy on twitter for reasons I don't remember. I have a life membership in the United States Chess Federation. The monthly Chess Life has a page devoted to "My Best Move". This month, that page features that guy. Small world. Anyway, he said that when he was 27 he was alcoholic and had trouble paying his $200 monthly rent. He says he looked into the future and decided he had to change. He's 34 now, 5 1/2 years sober, completed a Bachelor of Science in Physics, and self-published 2 books. This morning I was on Amazon to buy something. Amazon suggest I consider buying one of his books, which he titled "Letters from my sober self to my drunk self".

    Scary small world. How the hell would Amazon know that?

    Anyway, look into the future and decide if you want that with, or without, making changes now.

    That’s such an inspiring story 😊
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    I hate to admit it..but it is drinking socially that leads me down the path of regain. If I can keep it to drinks one or two nights. week as I maintain, I'm fine. But, if I start having a few on nights during the week. Hello slippery slope. I quit all together anytime I'm in reduction. sigh.
  • TJ_in_MA
    TJ_in_MA Posts: 28 Member
    Beer is my downfall and after a weekend of tossing back a...uh...few....I see it on the scale on Monday. One of my biggest challenges for sure is cutting it out.
  • vermontrebecca6929
    vermontrebecca6929 Posts: 72 Member
    Yay so glad to find this thread since going out for drinks is a big part of my socializing. Turns out its trending to offer alcohol free cocktails and there are even new businesses cropping up in NYC (and maybe elsewhere) offering only alcohol-free mixed drinks. So I am in for the ling haul—sparkling water not wine & non-alcoholic mixed drinks
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    This has definitely been a sticking point for me. I honestly just got serious and decided that I'd cut out drinking unless I REALLY wanted to, but I realized I love food more than booze. I want to lose the weight and, even if I count the booze calories, I eat like crap the next day (wayyyy over my calorie goal), so it's just not worth it for me. If I hangout with friends, I'll usually have a diet coke. No one cares or hassles me about it.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I haven't read all the comments, but I did want to tell you that as of today, I am 21 days alcohol-free (AF). I'm doing a 30 day challenge, called the Alchol Experiment. I was drinking too much wine, once I opened a bottle I'd drink the whole thing in one night. I didn't drink every day, but several days a week, espcially weekends. I've lost a few pounds and I feel better. I'm going to try to keep going after the 30 days. The website is very supportive...
  • Puddlz1
    Puddlz1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I’ve noticed that I was drinking a lot. I hopped back on MFP when I realized I need to be living a healthier lifestyle- one that does not involve alcohol. Is anyone else having the same challenge right now?

    Unfortunately, yes. I still am. I hired a nutrition and fitness coach, hoping that if I had to be more accountable to someone else, it'd help me kick the beer to the curb. It's definitely making me more aware, and I gave up alcohol at the beginning of the year. I feel a ton better, but I don't lose any weight quitting drinking. Which kinda stinks. I'm getting better at letting it go now. It's just a couple of beers a night, but even that is just too much because of the way I feel. And like another poster, gives me the serious case of the munchies. Good luck with your healthier lifestyle!! We can do this!
  • aroze0928
    aroze0928 Posts: 254 Member
    I had to do it. I started in January with a couple of slips.. Had to be done the beer at night then add in all the late night snacks. I lost 22 pounds so far. Stick with it and goodluck.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    Sympathy to all that have trouble resisting drinking beverages with alcohol ❤️
    That’s one thing I’ve never had an issue with. I like wine, but don’t feel a desire to drink my calories, so pretty much stick with water, black coffee, and diet pop. It’s hard enough limiting calories for food. Harder for you guys.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Yay so glad to find this thread since going out for drinks is a big part of my socializing. Turns out its trending to offer alcohol free cocktails and there are even new businesses cropping up in NYC (and maybe elsewhere) offering only alcohol-free mixed drinks. So I am in for the ling haul—sparkling water not wine & non-alcoholic mixed drinks

    There was an article in yesterday's NYT about how more and more people of all ages are "Sober Curious" and the non-alcoholic bars that are popping up (primarily in NYC). What a great idea.
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    Same here! I feel sooo much better when I don't drink. It's really hard to stay away though since my husband drinks every day (two beers weekdays, more on weekends) and as many times as I've told him not to offer me anything or that I'm trying to quit, it's like he doesn't listen. :/ So trying to resist a drink when there's one right there is twice as hard.
  • CFSHarleyJon
    CFSHarleyJon Posts: 9 Member
    Have to say that’s been a HUGE problem of mine if some time with beer especially! Considering I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the alcohol does NOT help me at all not only with the weight issue but the fatigue factor. I spent most of last winter comatose it seemed and ended up at my heaviest weight ever by January but since then I kicked myself in the *kitten*. Didn’t quick drink 100% but I’ve quit except for special occasions. It’s “part of what’s helped me loose 40 pounds since February so far and working out isn’t something I can do very easily because exercise if I’m not very careful will cause a nasty bought of fatigue that put me down for a week. The beer is still a big temptation every day but I’ve taken to drinking a carbonated flavored water ea evening which has helped me mentally get past it to where now I rarely think about it anymore and often turn down a drink a friend offers me. So I guess I’m saying if I can do it there is hope for almost anyone. Lol 😬
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    There is a community on MFP called Less alcohol- one day at a time (there is one for each month). I don’t know how to link it, but that’s where we all gather to support each other trying to moderate our drinking.

    Oh and those alcohol calories lead to munching on food calories! Big time!