Sick of water

I used to drink at least one and sometimes two whole 2 liters of Pepsi a day. It was very common for me to go several days with no water at all. Now that Im tring to change my bad ways and lose some weight I have only had water and quite frankly Im sick of it. If I never see another glass of water again that would be fine with me.

Has anyone found a good diet drink out there that you really like?
Anything to keep me from a major Pepsi relapse.


  • lashonda
    lashonda Posts: 32 Member
    I used to drink at least one and sometimes two whole 2 liters of Pepsi a day. It was very common for me to go several days with no water at all. Now that Im tring to change my bad ways and lose some weight I have only had water and quite frankly Im sick of it. If I never see another glass of water again that would be fine with me.

    Has anyone found a good diet drink out there that you really like?
    Anything to keep me from a major Pepsi relapse.
  • apaden4
    apaden4 Posts: 137 Member
    I know the feeling - completely....

    If you like root beer, the diet a&w root beer is fantastic. I also like diet dr. thunder (the wal-mart brand) I think it tastes better than diet dr. pepper. Oh and the crystal light peach tea packets that you mix with water are really good.

    That's what I used to "ween" myself off of pepsi - and now I am trying to ween myself off of diet pop. It's a never ending cycle!

    Good luck to you!
  • pamelawh
    pamelawh Posts: 162 Member
    stay away from diet drinks. they aren't any good for you. if you want to pump up your water, get lemon concentrate and put a squeeze in or buy a lemon or lime or orange and put a squeeze in. water keeps you hydrated and it has benefits like your skin looking better. don't give up on water.
  • cardgrl
    cardgrl Posts: 175 Member
    I prefer Crystal Light. There are soooo many flavors to pick from. Being healthy does seem boring, but everytime I have a relapse on bad foods, I always feel yucky...mentally and physically. Stick with it. Pretty soon, your body and your mind will be thanking you!
  • tnkitty
    tnkitty Posts: 78 Member
    I like Coke Zero for the occasional soda. Sometimes you just gotta burp lol!
    When I'm tired of just plain water I get those little Crystal Light (or store brand it's cheaper) powders that you pour into water bottles. It makes drinking water so much better. :-)
  • melissac
    melissac Posts: 41 Member
    i don't mind water at all but i find it difficult to drink 8 glasses a day i am lucky if i get 4 in. When i was following atkins i used crystal light i really liked the rasberry mix and the pink lemonade.
  • I used to be a total sodaholic. All I would dring was soda. I tried to switch over to diet versions when trying to lose weight about ten years ago and then just went back to the real stuff not too long after that.
    I did end up totally quiting sodas about two years ago. This is how I did it...
    I bought large bottles of flavored fizzy water that weren't sweetened. And I alternated between the fizzy water and plain water with a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime or orange.
    I soon began to feel that the fizzy water tased fake compared to the plain water with real fresh fruit juice added to it.
    Also, if you miss the caffeine as I did, (I got terrible headaches), just have a cup or two of black home brewed tea (iced or hot) with a little sugar and gradually decrease the amount of sugar over time.
    I agree with pamelawl, sodas (diet and regular) are the worst form of calories and the carbonation is bad for your body as well.
    I do now and then maybe once a month treat myself to a 12 oz. can of soda with lots of ice. However, try to stick to natural sodas that don't use high fructose corn syrup and that use natural ingredients for flavor such as Hanson's brand or Sky brand found in most natural food stores like Whole Foods or Wild Oats or even Trader Joe's.
    Think nature, what did our ancestors drink while hunting and gathering? What is your body designed to consume?
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    Same here Melissa!

    I get so tired of drinking water but I know its a must.

    The lemon & water trick is kinda gross tasting to me.
  • dlbrock31
    dlbrock31 Posts: 7 Member
    I love the Crystal Light and I've also traded my Large Coke from Mcdonald's (at least 2 a day) for a Coke Zero (now MAYBE one small bottle a day). My other favorite is iced tea sweetened with Sweet N Low.
  • denmother46
    denmother46 Posts: 272 Member
    I am a Diet Cokeaholic!!

    Hardly ever drank water (boo) and would drink at least 4 Diet Cokes per day. Have cut down to no more than one per day - some days zero - for the last 3 weeks. I STILL have headaches :-( but getting better.

    I am trying to stay away from all the chemical drinks like the diet sodas, Crystal light, ect. I have never been able to drink tea, or been a big water drinker so it's hard.

    I have found that if I buy/drink the 1 pint bottles of water for some reason it's easier to get the 64 oz per day. I only have to drink 2 bottles in the morning and two in the afternoon/evening. They are kind of small so it's not too hard to get one down. I dont know why, but this works for me.

  • nancym
    nancym Posts: 49
    You should keep a variety of things to drink. I go through phases where I might drink alot of water or soda or tea.
    I usually drink Caffeine Free Diet Dr Pepper. My husband brought home Diet Pepsi Jazz Caramel Cream by mistake. It is good! I almost feel like I have a caramel melting in my mouth. Now that is just me and you might not have that sensation.
    I drink 2 cups of coffee in the a.m. (decaf), then I follow that a bit later with a diet drink with caffeine, so I can say I have had caffeine (but no caffeine after noon or I can't get to sleep at night), then I drink 1 1/2 liters of water and a diet caffeine free tea or Crystal light or what ever else is in my way when I reach into the fridge.
    Having a variety is very helpful. Most people find plain water boring, especially if there is too much of it.
    Good luck!
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    Try sparkling water (like Perrier) but keep an eye on the sodium content. Herbal teas, particularly green tea, are wonderful for weight loss.

    On the whole, I'd stay away from diet pop; it's full of all sorts of nasty chemicals.
  • lashonda
    lashonda Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I went to the store at lunch and found crystal light on sale. Its Ok, at least for a while. This is a great site, dont know if i could do it without all the positive things I get from this site.

    Thanks again.
  • I am probably the odd one out here but I love water.Also,I think if you give up on anything abruptly it affects your body and moods.I suggest you take it slow.

    I usually have a glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning.Everytime I use the bathroom I need to drink water.I don't think I was like that to begin with but somewhere along the line it became a habit.

    As soon as I get to work I drink a glass of water and later coffee.

    I don't think these things happened just like that.I guess initially when I was growing up,I just started doing it and soon my body aches for water now.

    To me diet or no diet,driking water is a must.

    What I am trying to say is don't think so much about the drinking water part.Just fit it in a few times during the day and soon you will crave for water.

    Also don't try to drink 3 glasses or too much water in one go.Drink one glass at a time.If you force yourself to drink too much water in one feel like puking.Start slow and it will become a habit pretty soon.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I'm with you Cindy, I go through at least 3 nalgenes of water a day and more if I exercise. At four cups a bottle I have no problem getting enough water. I don't like the super sweet taste of crystal light though, I have to double the amount of water. I went from a pot of coffee a day to two cups in the morning and then it's water after that. I do miss an afternoon coffee but I find I can't sleep well at night if I have one.
  • SugarBearRetired
    SugarBearRetired Posts: 76 Member
    Fresca! Diet and tastes like grapefruit!
  • vspvsp
    vspvsp Posts: 6 Member
    I like Lipton's diet critus flavored green tea. You can buy it in 20 oz bottles or in individual packets you add to a bottle of water. It is probably not nearly as good for you as unsweetened green tea - but it has to be better than diet Coke for you.
  • dragonfly183
    dragonfly183 Posts: 73 Member
    i find it very difficult to drink that much water a day. I'm southern so I'm a sweet tea drinker. Keep in mind that water is one of those things you can drink that tells your body its ok to burn fat. i think green tea is one also.
  • nowNOTthenmylife
    nowNOTthenmylife Posts: 47 Member
    Well I drank sparkling water to slowly get off my soda addiction. Then I just started infusing my water with sliced fruits like clementines, strawberries etc untill I got used to the taste of water
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    vspvsp wrote: »
    I like Lipton's diet critus flavored green tea. You can buy it in 20 oz bottles or in individual packets you add to a bottle of water. It is probably not nearly as good for you as unsweetened green tea - but it has to be better than diet Coke for you.

    I love the diet green tea. Tastes like the real stuff to me. I aim for 8 glasses of water a day but usually can only stomach 4. If I add lemon to it I can usually take more. I like the refreshing taste of water but I just am not that thirsty. I already pee a billion times a day! My liquid consists of one coffee in the morning 4 glasses of water during the day sometimes 6.. and once a week to two weeks a Diet Coke. I bought a case 5 days ago but still haven't touched it. I got it to add a bit of flavor to my routine but after the coffee and water liquids just sound painful.
  • CranstonJ2016
    CranstonJ2016 Posts: 142 Member
    I actually never ever drink plain water, ever! I find it boring and hard to get down. I ususally carbonate my water and add some sort of juicy fruit to it to give it some pahzaz.

    Bubbling up my water makes it feel like a corbonated (pepsi) drink but a lot healthier :)
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I drink a lot of tea. Iced, hot, doesn't matter, I love it all. You can also try infusing your water with different fruits to give it a little flavor with few calories.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    pamelawh wrote: »
    stay away from diet drinks. they aren't any good for you. if you want to pump up your water, get lemon concentrate and put a squeeze in or buy a lemon or lime or orange and put a squeeze in. water keeps you hydrated and it has benefits like your skin looking better. don't give up on water.

    This isn't true.

    Diet soda is 99% water, have as much sodium as tap water, too. And aspartame? It's not as scary as you'd think:
  • darbydean
    darbydean Posts: 12 Member
    I make my own lemonade... 1 can of seltzer water, juice of half a lemon and half a lime, sweetener to taste. I use home made sugar syrup, but i have worked my way down to about a tea spoon.

    Also very nice with a sneaky shot of vodka or gin!!
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    I never drank as much soda as you did, but I used to have one or two a day. I found that the LaCroix sparkling waters satisfied my fizzy drink craving pretty well. I especially like the Coconut and Grapefruit flavors.
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    It's nice to see that the anti-diet soda arguments were just as baseless 9 and half years ago as they are today.

    And I'm always careful to check the dates of threads to make sure they aren't zombies!

    2007, 2017, whatever.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    It's nice to see that the anti-diet soda arguments were just as baseless 9 and half years ago as they are today.

    And I'm always careful to check the dates of threads to make sure they aren't zombies!

    2007, 2017, whatever.

    Quite frankly, I prefer 2007 to 2017. Can we please go back?

    Maybe this thread is a portal in the time-space continuum!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    It's nice to see that the anti-diet soda arguments were just as baseless 9 and half years ago as they are today.

    Jfc. I need more coffee. :laugh: No, scrap that. I need a caffeine IV. A 2 hour sleep night derps me.
  • ValkyrieFury79
    ValkyrieFury79 Posts: 10 Member
    lashonda wrote: »
    I used to drink at least one and sometimes two whole 2 liters of Pepsi a day. It was very common for me to go several days with no water at all. Now that Im tring to change my bad ways and lose some weight I have only had water and quite frankly Im sick of it. If I never see another glass of water again that would be fine with me.

    Has anyone found a good diet drink out there that you really like?
    Anything to keep me from a major Pepsi relapse.

    I absolutely HATE water and am trying to drink it everyday as well - i have found Mio makes these flavor enhancers for water and the best (no diet tasting) ones I have found so far are the Sweet tea and Orange Vanilla flavors. they definitely help because without them, i probably would only drink water when I take my vitamins in the morning.