Slim Fast



  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    I use the vanilla shake in my smoothie in the morning, because I do enjoy the taste. If I could find something that tastes the same I definitely would switch. I like it because it adds flavour to my smoothie, and it is cost effective, but I do not follow their diet plan, or eat any of their other products
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi there! I was just wondering how many of you have tried the slim fast shakes? I was thinking about giving them a go but I thought I'd get your opinions first, before I part with my money! Haha!

    Keep your money. List of problems:

    1. I was Hungry all the time. Yes, I tried these years ago and they did not fill me up.

    2. Read the ingredients.... sugar is way up toward the top. If you want a meal replacement shakes, you can make your own QUALITY shakes...... look for protein powder, fruit, and spinach (aka green smoothies)

    3. After I quit Slim Fast the weight came back. Slim Fast might kick start a diet ..... but eventually you have to figure out how to eat real food. Eventually you will have to figure out portion sizes. How are you going to maintain a weight loss? ...... Slim Fast 1 week out of 4 ..... for the rest of your life?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I haven't used diet shakes & don't intend to. I think you're looking for a quick fix - and if there really was such a thing everyone, but everyone would use it and we wouldn't be fat.

    Keep your money in your pocket and concentrate on eating proper food in the right portions and getting enough exercise.

    Are you going to the weight loss clinic tomorrow? I'll bet if you ask about them there they'll tell you the same thing.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I think Slim Fast is a great way to waste your time, and a fantastic way to separate you from your money. If you want to go down that road with an overly processed liquid in a can that may in fact have enough man made chemicals in it to treat cancer or survive nuclear fallout without changing it's composition, go nuts. When you quit and all the weight you lost comes back, I'll throw in an "I told you so" along with the advice I'll give you now. Eat less, move more, plan to live your life this way, for the rest of your life. If you do this, you'll succeed, if you look for the quick fixes and cleverly marketed diets, enjoy the yo-yo, because that's all you'll get.

  • aggieanne04
    aggieanne04 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not a fan of the Slim Fast shakes, but I adore the AdvoCare shakes. :) I drink 'em daily! You can message me for more info if you want.
  • angiemotto
    angiemotto Posts: 31 Member
    Hey there!

    Just want to give you my personal experience with Slim Fast. I started my weight loss journey about 6 months ago. I decided to try the Slim Fast diet because I have personally tried just eating healthy but i always went over my calorie count or didn't realize how many calories or fattening the foods were. But drinking Slim fast takes all the guess work from my plan. I know exactly what my calories are, its quick and easy, and they actually taste good to me. I don't have to precook anything, just grab and go. Its not expensive either, I get the equate brand from Walmart and its $5 a 6 pack. My typical day looks like this: have a shake for breakfast, about 2 hours later eat a 100 calorie snack usually a cereal bar or fresh fruit, veggies or oatmeal. Then 2 hours later for lunch have another shake, followed by another 100 calorie snack 2 hours later. Then for dinner I have a healthy meal with a lot of veggies and pretty much whatever I want just keep in under 500 calories. Then after dinner I eat a popsicle or ice cream bar or something rewarding thats not too bad on calories. The first couple days I was a little hungry sometimes but not bad at all because by the time I got hungry it was time to eat again. This worked for me when NOTHING else would. Of course I added exercise in everyday. I started losing 1 to 3 pounds a week! And some days I replace the shake with a regular meal around the same calories. Sorry to ramble but I am very happy to discuss Slim Fast because I have tried everything to lose weight. After I'm finished losing my weight or if I get tired of drinking the shakes, I have learned how to count calories and very sure I can replace the shakes with sensible food choices. Message me if you have any questions! :-)
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Midway through the video he interviews the founder of Slim Fast.
  • StillStrugglin
    StillStrugglin Posts: 43 Member
    I didn't like how SlimFast tasted. I am more of an Atkins girl, myself. (Less sugar; more tasty.) I don't use them on a full-time basis (the bars or the shakes) and I agree with those that say they are not a long-term solution but they are (a) better than having a chocolate bar if that's I'm craving and (b) helpful if I'm trying to get myself out of a bingeing type situation.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    these are not food! They may do the trick for some people but they are not likely to be a long term solution. Find real food options that you enjoy eating.

    Food is also a experience and you want to engage your senses....for me the only one of my senses slim fast triggers is a gag reflex ;)