Building a booty

Hello everyone, I am 19 years old weighing 124lbs my measurements are 26 inch waist. I really want to grow my glutes but I’m new to calculating my macros & how much I should be eating, please let me know. I would also love some fitness program recommendations on building muscle. Thank you!!


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You can either use MFP and set it to gain 0.5lb per week and make sure to eat back all exercise calories, or use a calorie calculator to calculate your total expenditure which includes exercise (TDEE) and either set it to gain or eat 250cals above that amount daily.

    For macros the typical recommendation you want minimum 0.8-1g protein per lb, 0.4g fat per lb and the rest carbs.

    In terms of programming you want a progressive hypertrophy program based around the glutes. Strong Curves is a good one. There are others too like Thinner Leaner Stronger. You can check out this link for more options: