Last 10 lbs and plateau

noor_v Posts: 133 Member
Hi, how do I get the last 10 pounds off?

I started my weight loss and getting fit journey about 9 months ago, and I’ve lost over 30 lbs till now. However the last couple of months it seems like I’ve hit a plateau, I have tried different things and nothing seems to be working, and I’m not sure what to do. These last 10-15 pounds are just stubborn.

What worked for you? Any comments, suggestions, feedback is welcome.

I realize that I have only been tracking weight in my MFP diary, but here’s a quick overview of what are usually do:
- I’ve been working out with a trainer about once a week
- I work out 3 to 4 days a week, a combination of cardio and strength training
- For eating habits, I am careful about the amount of carbs I put in my body, I try to eat more protein, drink more water, eat more fiber more veggies and lean meats and less salt, sugar, and junk food
- Also, I don’t drink on a regular basis. Maybe a glass of wine or two, or a few cocktails couple times a month


  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    Congrats on your success.

    for the lsat 10lbs the rate of loss should be small (0.5lb/week ideally). this rate is often masked by day to day, week to week water fluctuations. so you won't often SEE the weight go DOWN weekly but if you track and see the trend you'll see you have lost weight over time.

    what worked at first as far as logging often is not accurate enough for a 0.5lb/week rate of loss which is 250calories per day deficit. this can easily be fudged by loose logging. I had to double down a few times in the lsat few months on weighing every.single.thing AND double checking entries i was using. I made lots of adjustments despite successfully having lost 40 or so pounds previously.

    Based on info provided above i'd say the issue is not being accurate iwth food in. protein is good for health but weight loss is about calories in calories out. it's math. Get a food scale, use it carefully. Log everything EVEN THOSE DRINKS. booze adds up fast.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    The last 10 lbs can be hard, slow, water weight can mask progress (especially if you have just increased your exercise), also you don't have as much wiggle room in your deficit as you used to and it can be easy to go over your goal. Many people find they have to be super accurate with their food scale... weighing and measuring, everyday, make sure you are consistent. You can cut down on carbs, alcohol and junk and you can still not be in a deficit.

    For the last 5-10lbs I just kept track of my weight and kept eating a bit less the leaner I got. For me what helped was using a trend weight app to sort through the fluctuations, being patient and using diet breaks as needed. In your case though I would highly recommend being as accurate as possible with the food scale. Good luck!
  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
  • MrSmooth2017
    MrSmooth2017 Posts: 19 Member
    The last bit is definitely the hardest. Your body is designed to hold onto weight, and it just fights back. You just have to be smart and adapt. Errors in counting don’t really matter so much when you are loosing weight at first as no one really cares as long as it’s going down, but once you get to the point you aren’t getting anywhere it matters a lot more.

    I lost nearly 50lbs and had four periods like this, and just tweaked a few things each time and got through it. Be patient.