Cheat days ok? will weight disappear if u have one cheat day?

So I had one cheat day yesterday, and I ate 1400 calories opsssxD I usually eat 1000 to 1200 calories a day ( 500 cal the day before this cheat day), so 1400 made me gain 1 kg?! :( yikes.. is that normal lol. Will this weight go down after a few days, is it water weight or is it fat? What can I do to get away water weight? Thanks for reply:)<3


  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    is it weird that I don't like cheat days? I prefer to take those extra calories at the end of the week, and use them during the week.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    You should still be entering foods like Yogurt into your food diary, unless I misunderstood what you said.
  • bellacelina2
    bellacelina2 Posts: 92 Member
    No its finished weighted, its like those tiny cups u buy at stores haha, called safari yoghurt xD @LyndaBSS
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @mattig89ch Nope. Not weird. It's the mindset that goes along with it, cheat meals can turn into cheat days, cheat months. Have what you want every single day and let the steam out of the kettle.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    200 "extra" calories = 0.057 of a pound of fat, or about 1/20th of a pound. In other words, it's a rounding error. If your scale shows more weight gain than that, it's retained water, perhaps from the sodium in that additional 200 calories. In a few days it'll be all gone.

    You can't make water weight go away faster than it wants to go away. The body retains water primarily in relation to your consumption of sodium, and releases the water on a schedule as it sees fit. 1-5 days depending on what you ate and how water logged you are.
  • lucadeangiles
    lucadeangiles Posts: 55 Member
    edited June 2019
    if you gain weight from eating 1200 calories, it’s only because there’s more food, salt, or water in your body than you’re used to. It’s not fat. If you’re not happy with the way your body looks at such a low weight, I’d suggest building muscle. You can easily do this without looking bulky and a lot of the people (like the kpop people you mentioned) actually have a lot more muscle than you’d think