Too Hot to Ignore

triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.


  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I'll take "Least like the thread I was expecting for $500 Alex".
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    So disapponted
  • gzus7freek
    gzus7freek Posts: 494 Member
    Where are you it is like COLD outside here!!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    DO NOT leave your animals in the car either! Especially dogs... there is no excuse for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    LOL I post stupid stuff from time to time but somethings need a bit of real attention.

    The baby in the video looks like my little 18 month old son and I would hope if someone ever saw him roasting in a car they would break the windows. I can't imagine ever forgetting him myself but I am not always the one driving him from place to place and if an aunt or uncle or grandma forgot they had him in the car I would never recover.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    Because we're less likely to forget our purse or cellphones in our car than our children?
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

    Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

    Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

    Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

    I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.

    Put something really important in the back seat that you'd never forget just so you remember to get your child?
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    I thought this was going to be a thread about Zach Braff
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    The purse in the backseat is a good idea.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Put the lotion in the basket.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

    Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

    Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

    Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

    I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.

    Put something really important in the back seat that you'd never forget just so you remember to get your child?

    You seemed perplexed by this logic. It's something "really important" you know...nothing like your own child.
  • MrsCarpenter719
    MrsCarpenter719 Posts: 31 Member
    I have a 2.5 year old daughter and when my parents take her on the weekends i feel empty without her and freak out when shes not with me i check my backseats STILL when i know shes not with me. I cant believe ANYONE would forget their child in the car but WONT forget their phone or something sad to see that those things are more important to someone. They shouldnt be parents. Im glad you posted this topic!! :) ppl to do be more aware thats for sure
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

    Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

    Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

    Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

    I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.

    Put something really important in the back seat that you'd never forget just so you remember to get your child?

    You seemed perplexed by this logic. It's something "really important" you know...nothing like your own child.

    She was just so excited to shop ACE Hardware, her kid slipped her mind.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

    Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

    Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

    Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

    I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.

    Put something really important in the back seat that you'd never forget just so you remember to get your child?

    You seemed perplexed by this logic. It's something "really important" you know...nothing like your own child.

    The logic behind this is that if you always place your purse in the backseat you always have to get it. Parents often forget they have the baby when there is a schedule change. Its easy to do if you aren't the one that takes the baby to daycare everyday. How many times have you been driving somewhere and take the exit to go to work when you are really meaning to go somewhere else? Its the same principle. It is really easy to get road hypnosis if you have a commute and just go through the motions of your regular routine. This is actually how the majority of these deaths occur. Most are not left in the car on purpose.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

    Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

    Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

    Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

    I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.

    Put something really important in the back seat that you'd never forget just so you remember to get your child?

    You seemed perplexed by this logic. It's something "really important" you know...nothing like your own child.



    thanks :-)
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    edit: serious thread. comfortable temperature joke deleted.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

    Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

    Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

    Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

    I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.

    Put something really important in the back seat that you'd never forget just so you remember to get your child?

    You seemed perplexed by this logic. It's something "really important" you know...nothing like your own child.

    The logic behind this is that if you always place your purse in the backseat you always have to get it. Parents often forget they have the baby when there is a schedule change. Its easy to do if you aren't the one that takes the baby to daycare everyday. How many times have you been driving somewhere and take the exit to go to work when you are really meaning to go somewhere else? Its the same principle. It is really easy to get road hypnosis if you have a commute and just go through the motions of your regular routine. This is actually how the majority of these deaths occur. Most are not left in the car on purpose.

    If I had a purse, I'm pretty sure that I would be far more likely to forget it than my kids. I realize that this message is appropriate for some parents but that fact makes me weep for humanity. Okay, the need for the message in the OP also makes me weep for humanity.

    << Embarrassed to be human . . .
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Just a public service reminder. It is hot outside.

    Do not leave your kids in the car for even a second to run into the store, a friends house, work or school to pick up one thing. It doesn't take long to lose the most precious thing you have and nothing is so important that it cannot wait or be done with the little one in tow.

    Put something, like your purse or your cellphone on the back seat so that you will always have to check the backseat before you leave the car.

    Rolling down a window is not enough and leaving the car running is just stupid dangerous.

    I saw this video this morning and I cried and struggled to even finish it. Every moment I just wanted to look away but we can't keep looking away. If you see a child or a pet left in the car don't just turn away, do something! It is your business and you may just save a life.

    Put something really important in the back seat that you'd never forget just so you remember to get your child?

    You seemed perplexed by this logic. It's something "really important" you know...nothing like your own child.

    The logic behind this is that if you always place your purse in the backseat you always have to get it. Parents often forget they have the baby when there is a schedule change. Its easy to do if you aren't the one that takes the baby to daycare everyday. How many times have you been driving somewhere and take the exit to go to work when you are really meaning to go somewhere else? Its the same principle. It is really easy to get road hypnosis if you have a commute and just go through the motions of your regular routine. This is actually how the majority of these deaths occur. Most are not left in the car on purpose.

    If I had a purse, I'm pretty sure that I would be far more likely to forget it than my kids. I realize that this message is appropriate for some parents but that fact makes me weep for humanity. Okay, the need for the message in the OP also makes me weep for humanity.

    << Embarrassed to be human . . .

    Sadly the message is needed. We live these horribly hectic lives where what is important is forgotten and what is trivial is fresh in our mind. Every 10 days a child dies from this in just the US alone. It is completely preventable.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member

    The logic behind this is that if you always place your purse in the backseat you always have to get it. Parents often forget they have the baby when there is a schedule change. Its easy to do if you aren't the one that takes the baby to daycare everyday. How many times have you been driving somewhere and take the exit to go to work when you are really meaning to go somewhere else? Its the same principle. It is really easy to get road hypnosis if you have a commute and just go through the motions of your regular routine. This is actually how the majority of these deaths occur. Most are not left in the car on purpose.

    Before I was a father, I couldn't believe that parents could forget their child was in the car. They even make sensors that you can attach to the car seat that will make an alarm go off on your key chain once they are not in close range. It seemed quite odd that it would happen. I mean, it's your child. Then I thought, maybe - since I wasn't a father - there was something I was missing. Maybe...

    Then I had a child.

    And it only solidified my previous notions.

    But I guess it only takes once.