Calorie burn & weight loss

Weighed myself last night at my club after an intensive squash session. 160lb, or 71.1 Kg. That means, I lost after 60mins of intensive squash in hot/humid conditions, 6.75lb or 3Kg!😲😊
I guess this is s shout out for the sport of squash but racquet sports generally.
Read a while back, a great article based on the results of a very extensive and long study/survey, that racquet sports are best for longevity.
Keep up the fight.


  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    You do realise that as soon as you rehydrate that perceived weight loss will disappear? As nice to see the scales drop drastically as it is, you will be replacing that fluid over the next few hours I’m sure. 😊

    I absolutely do not mean to knock the effort it takes to play squash in hot and humid weather and it’s great for fitness, reaction times, stamina etc but I can’t imagine in terms of actual fat loss it comes in much higher up the scale than most cardio activities.

  • aziz_n1
    aziz_n1 Posts: 140 Member
    Yes, I know the weight ‘loss’ is only temporary and yes, I did drink a lot of water after. I try not to weigh myself everyday but about once a week at roughly the same time on the same scales.
    If only I can find the article again, I might be able to post a link. One of the things I do recall from the article was, again based on results, 1hr of squash or other racquet sports were very high up the list of sports/exercise for all sorts of tests inc fat loss. The only other sports that came close were running, serious swimming or football(soccer).
    However, racquet sports were higher up the list in older age as they are sports/activities that people who play, continue playing longer than other activities.
    I guess I am biased but only thinking about the survey & article on it.
    Will try to find the article & post it.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    My personal experience with squash...many, and I do mean many, years ago in school we were bussed to a local sports centre where they’d booked squash courts. I’d never played before but in I went and gave it my all. I played other racquet sports so picked up the ball to eye coordination difference in squash fairly well. We were having a fairly good game. I was extremely out of breath and totally unaware that the paid for time running out would be signified by the lights on the court going out. I’d just bent over to pick up the ball when this happened and I still remember to this day the panic I felt because the sudden darkness made me think I was passing out! (I’m not a fainter, but the combination of high heart rate, shortness of breath and overall sweatiness had me convinced!) 😂
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
    I once lost 2kg, or 3.33% of my weight in a 15 minute air-conditioned car ride, 15 minutes outside, another 15 minute car ride. That was in the Middle East in the height of summer :D I wish I could pack and market this as the next big diet woo. But I'm rubbish at marketing. Other than that: buy people, buy! Only $120 for a 45 minute treatment (flights not included).
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    In a research study I participated in during grad school, I lost 4 lb sitting in a hot tub for 45 min ( another subject lost 7.5 lb).

    Water weight lost during exercise has little/no correlation to exercise “quality”, intensity, or fat loss.

    That being said, yes, if done relatively continuously and if one has the skill to play at a high level, squash/racquetball have always ranked high on the intensity scale and thus would have both fitness training and weight loss benefits.

    Again, the quality/intensity depends on the skill of the player and the structure of the game.