KFC is my problem!!



  • kkveggie
    kkveggie Posts: 56 Member
    Think of all the money you'll save!
  • Tawna2017
    Tawna2017 Posts: 37 Member
    oh, me! i was thinking kfc must be some sort of frozen yogurt place or something from the emotion in the post! i guess ours is just really super nasty because i wouldn't eat there if i was starving to death. after seeing the livers i may not even be able to eat chicken at all! jeeesh!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    KFC isn't the problem.
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    I live 2 min from Kfc .I love it also and I love this program.I know somethings are as healthy as others butthis to me is real life.This program allows me to have what I want . Also only 2 of us so when working I do eat out .I know calorie totals for each restrauant close to me .Yes I do cook and yes I know there are better choices,but when I want KFC that's what I want so might as well do it.A mashed potato and gravy is 120 well worth that to me. Crispy legs are 160 each so I usually get 2 legs and a potato and bring home make green beans or salad .Im a happy camper 500 calorie meal and Im content .If I didn't do that I would eat over at home from not getting what I wanted to begin with.So don't not have the things you enjoy.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Has anyone any advice on how to stay away from KFC? I am totally addicted to it and could easily have one every single day, I know if I stayed away from it I could loss weight more easily but the trouble is I cant say no!! Anyone any advice to help me?

    learn to say no... simple yet effective!
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    I know the feeling you are talking about. I absolutely LOVE sweet potato fries! My downfall is when Burger king gets them then of course you have to get a burger or something too. Somedays I am really good at avoiding it but others I have no willpower at all. On the bad days, I take a different route instead of driving right through those restaurants I drive around. It is a bit longer but it definitely has its payoff.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    can you not just go once a week or something? i have a real thing for mcds but i try to just have the odd one now and again. i am lucky, the KFC near me is rubbish :S
  • parallax1978
    parallax1978 Posts: 13 Member
    Has anyone any advice on how to stay away from KFC? I am totally addicted to it and could easily have one every single day, I know if I stayed away from it I could loss weight more easily but the trouble is I cant say no!! Anyone any advice to help me?

    I think eating at KFC would probably be enough to keep me away from KFC for good...
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    KFC used to be my problem too. Seriously, I was a KFC fiend, until I read in the paper about a kidney that a student found in place of a chicken leg. I then had a google and discovered this isn't an uncommon case. I haven't touched KFC in over a year.


    Im no doctor, but how the HELL does a chicken kidney get inside its leg???

    And for it to be common???

    And those @$$holes have the nerve to charge me $9 for 3 lousy boneless pieces of chicken. I just quit KFC.

    OP....see how easy that was? Boom..Done!

    I just quit as well, in fact I just threw up in my mouth and probably will skip lunch today
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    Well the picture was enough to keep me from going & I don't even eat there!!!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Lok at the calorie count on what you would eat and then figure out how long it will take you to work that off. I know a guy that sees a piece of cake as an additional 1.5 hours of running and decides if he has the time or desire to eat it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Start making your food at home and take it to work, preplan dinner, etc.
  • goodnamegone
    Have a look at the video the animal rights people posted of the way the chickens are treated by the KFC workers. That might make you not want to eat there anymore. It sure turned me off them. Just google KFC cruelty to chickens video and multiple links come up. Kind of sad really.
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    I put on all this weight from fried chicken and vodka. So I have no advice. At least you don't live in the DR. The fried chicken here makes kfc look like the **** it is. Not t mention my watchy man goes and gets it for me, so I can drink vodka like a sloth in the sun. I have no advice to give. I just wanted to know I feel your pain.

    fyi-watchy man is my complex's guard.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    A lot of people are suggesting that you watch documentaries and read articles about the horrors of fast food. But don't feel bad if that does nothing for you - it does nothing for me either.

    My advice would be to limit yourself. I am in love with the subs from the shop down the street. They're not BAD for me, but they have more sodium and carbs than I'd like, and I know I have to cut back if I want to be successful. So I started by limiting myself to one sub a week. Now I'm to a sub every two weeks. I'm not going crazy because I know I can still have one once a week, and it gives me something to look forward to. Sometimes, I find that I don't even want one when the time comes! Perhaps you could try the same?
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    i loooove love love fried chicken. id eat a fried chicken kidney, too (dont be scared, its just a different part of the animal. are we not omnivores?). they put something in KFC that makes me ill... sweaty and dizzy and lightheaded and my stomach feels all gurgly for hours, every time. is it just me? this is what made me never eat there. but fried chicken is the bomb, so i make my own but its enough of a pain in the butt to make that i dont do it often. maybe learn to make your own (they even have copycat recipes online!) and only eat the fried chicken if you make it yourself. little rules like this, that i make for myself, keep my honest and thin. good luck.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Switch to Popeye's?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    They went out of business around here.... that solved my problem.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Has anyone any advice on how to stay away from KFC? I am totally addicted to it and could easily have one every single day, I know if I stayed away from it I could loss weight more easily but the trouble is I cant say no!! Anyone any advice to help me?

    learn to say no... simple yet effective!


    Also agree with
    KFC isn't the problem.


    Not trying to be harsh/rude/discouraging, just going to be honest...when you want it bad enough (and by it I mean to lose weight) you'll stop going. Plain and simple. I know it's hard, but until you have a "light bulb - I am GOING to change" moment...or decide to have the willpower to stop this damaging behavior.

    For 5 years, I was not taking care of myself, I was eating crap, drinking, and would complain about my weight, tell myself I need to lose it. Days went by, months, years...5 years and like 70 lbs later...I was probably close to rock bottom. I was stressed out because of my job, depressed, and drinking a good bit (not every day but might as well have been...) I went to Ireland for 3 weeks and they have fresh food there, not a lot of processed food at all. I only went to a bar 1x and had a shot of Jameson and a Guiness. Went from drinking 4-5 days a week to none for 3 weeks. I came home and tried to go back to how I had been living/eating. My body rejected the crap food. After one really bad hangover I had my light bulb moment, I HAVE to change. Done. I gave up fast food, crap, soda and booze all at once. Started working out, was more dedicated to MFP and felt better almost instantly. I'm not saying it was easy at all. I am an emotional eater/drinker. I still had issues, problems came up that would make me want to drink or shove the nearest food in my mouth. Here I am 16 months later, 44 lbs gone and much more in control. If I want a beer, I will have one. It's really about moderation not deprivation. For myself, I think I had to have that shock and completely change everything in order to make it work for me. I'm not saying that'll help you, you know yourself better, so if weening yourself off is better for you, than do that. But just do it! Do it for you! Maybe anytime you want it think about arteries clogging, chickens being hurt, yourself looking how you want to look...I don't know, anything. Mainly, make the decision, find your "light bulb" moment.

    The most important thing...is believe that you CAN do it. You are stronger and have more willpower than you think. You just have to dig deep to find it. Believing in yourself is very important though...