Why strength train?

This may sound like a crazy question but I’m not sure and I need answers/opinions? If we can’t specifically spot weight loss in certain parts of the body, then why do we strength train or lift? For example; if I do sit ups everyday for 3 months, because I’d like to target my belly fat... Will I lose my belly fat or all over? Same with arms I’d like to lift to target arm flabs....


  • elias1609
    elias1609 Posts: 71 Member
    Awesome! I understand it now, thanks.
  • gottswald
    gottswald Posts: 122 Member
    And in losing weight, you will lose some of your existing muscle with the fat. (not always and dependent on deficit, diet, activity, etc)
  • MPDean
    MPDean Posts: 99 Member
    I'm mid 40s. If I stick to regular strength training I get very few aches and pains and what I think is a reasonable view in the mirror. If I let it slip the aches appear and the view in the mirror worsens.
  • chrishamilton894
    chrishamilton894 Posts: 63 Member
    I weight train to maintain the muscle if got now, to lose weight effectively I’ve found that losing 2lbs a week by dieting, lifting mid to heavy weights and doing cardio gets me the results I need. I’ve lost 2 and half stone so must be doing something right.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,026 Member
    I enjoy it, so I carry on doing it. It being good for me is just an added benefit.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    In addition to getting a bit of muscle definition, this is what I've discovered:

    1. After bladder surgery, in the recovery unit, a nurse asked me to "try to sit up" while he cranked up the bed so I could drink some water. From his tone, it sounded like this was supposed to be difficult. It... wasn't. No pain, no strain, no appreciable difference from how it would have been pre-surgery. I think I was sort of thinking along the lines of, "is it supposed to be this easy?" The nurse's comment? "Wow! You've got some strong trunk muscles!" (P.S. I do not have defined abs. Stomach is the last place the fat wants to leave. But when it does, I think I might have something under it...)
    2. I'm training for my second 5K. I generally strength train in the afternoon and run in the evening. On leg day, I can feel the extra "thrust" during my runs. And I have a sneaking suspicion that strength training is at least partly responsible for my finishing my first 5K in 28:17 and first in my age bracket.
    3. Another one for the trunk muscles: my TOM symptoms have been greatly reduced. A lot less cramping, and less of the um... bathroom issues.

    And all of that aside... you have made such amazing progress.
  • Why strength train ?
    Simply To strengthen and
    build up your muscles
    Because in time as we age ( you humans)
    It’s natural to lose some muscle mass
    Now if you strength train now and continue to you can prevent some of the loss
    In the senior years of life
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Everyone one of these is wrong. The real reason is simple:
    To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

    You win the internet!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    To me all exercise is more about quality of life and health than visuals or scale.

    Cardio to keep the heart and cardiovascular system healthy and functioning well.

    Strength for bone density and the ability to move stuff myself.

    Flexibility for mobility and muscle fluidity.

    It's way more about being able to do stuff for as long as possible as I age than it is about how I look or what number the scale spits out.