What Do You Usually Order At The Coffee Shoppe ?



  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Pumpkin Spice Latte, full fat with whip cream. Calories be dammed. But I go maybe once every month or so. And usually only when PSL is in season.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    black coffee
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    grande non fat mocha no whip :smile:
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    I don't. I make coffee at home, and spend the money on things I need, like college tuition for my daughter. Even instant (at work) is pretty decent with a bit of cinnamon and some hazelnut creamer.

    Have you ever calculated how much money you are spending every day on this stuff?
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    Morning - Whole Milk Cappuccino - 110 calories in the Tall and the added fat helps take the edge off the caffiene
    If I go any time other than the morning? Unsweetened passion tea/herbal tea. Iced or not depending on season/weather
  • Sarahloulalou
    Sarahloulalou Posts: 60 Member
    Starbucks medium soy chai latte at 263 calories because I just can't resist. Fills me right up too
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Black dark roast across the board. If it's fall and I'm near a Starbucks I'll splurge and have an iced pumpkin spice latte, though.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    Black Coffee, Espresso shots or Chai.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    My usual order no matter where I go is a whole milk cappuccino. No sweeteners. In the fall I like a pumpkin spice latte w/ a pump of white chocolate mocha. It's the best drink ever.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Coffee, black. (Then I add an aspartame based sweetner)
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I just get a tall skinny peppermint mocha, usually iced, when I go which is basically never. xD It's a treat for me, if I have some extra time to kill or have a particular craving.

    I generally just brew my own at home. Outside of that once-every-few-months treat I give myself I only drink black coffee, and I don't see the point in spending money on a cup of it when I can just brew my own at my own strength preference. :P (which is warping the spoon strong like in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons)
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    When I make coffee at work I add one sugar cube and a splash of heavy whipping creme. A splash goes a long way.

    At the coffee shop, you can ask them for less syrup, not whip, etc..
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    5 shots of espresso over ice with cinnamon (spice not the syrup).
  • runningonmargaritas
    runningonmargaritas Posts: 69 Member
    I drink my coffee black but occasionally I order a cappuccino with skim milk and add cinnamon - no sugar or syrup.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Grande Sugar Free Caramel Soy Latte
    150 cals
    10 g protein
    13g carbs
    5g fat
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
    I usually order just a black coffee. However, once the October rolls around, I fancy Pumpkin Spice Lattes, but my ALL TIME FAVORITE is the Eggnog Latte from Starbucks around the holidays... SO GOOD!!
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    whiskey..... coffee kills the taste of the whiskey u silly wabbitt u :)
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Skinny cappuccino/skinny flat white. Sometimes a full-fat hot chocolate!
  • andezz99
    andezz99 Posts: 56 Member
    Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte.....I must have it a couple times a week.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Coffee...black. Then drink it.