Lifting but little physical results



  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,908 Member
    Take photos. I took no before or after photos of weight loss, until I started with a PT twice a week in March. She takes photos every session and texts them to me but I generally don’t look. (Still feel awkward looking at myself.)

    I was down in the dumps because I felt I hadn’t lost much since March. I started going through photos on my phone, hoping to clean out some space.

    I finally looked at those photos she’s been sending and I. could. NOT. believe. the. difference.

    Thank goodness she took and shared them. They put an end to the second guessing and brought joy back to the process.

    Now I look at her and smile when she takes them, instead of cringing.
  • cherriegh
    cherriegh Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks I'll start the photo trick 🙂
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited August 2019
    cherriegh wrote: »
    I started working out 3months ago doing glute/leg focused training 3x weekly consistently with 1day intense cardio 30mins but my glutes are just still flabby and saggy and not perking up.
    I'm 5'2 at 66kgs - My goal is to strengthen my saggy butt not really lose weight.
    My weight has remained the same and clothes still fit the same even though I haven't measured.

    I have been training very hard with progressive overload but change to physical appearance of my glutes is still minimum.
    Is there something I'm doing wrong or is it early? Is there such as a waste of training?

    I got training by PT at gym and exercises include: Hip thrusts, glute bridges, Leg press, Squats, Sumo Deadlift, Hip abduction, Hyper-extensions or Cable pull through as finishers

    I'm so discouraged because I don't see changes Help please!

    Physical changes with weight lifting take time...3 months isn't very much's a drop in the bucket.
  • Rawrmachin3
    Rawrmachin3 Posts: 20 Member
    You’re doing way to much to try and tone a specific area. Fat loss doesn’t work that way and muscle growth isn’t going to happen like you think.

    The body will lose weight where it wants. Your body fat percentage is most likely too high which causes you to not be able to see the changes.

    I’m assuming you’re female which means you don’t produce test levels like a male. You’re not going to see a huge level of mass gain in 3 months, 6 months etc. it’s a marathon not a race.

    Muscle building has a lot to do with genetics and diet. You’re most likely overtraining the body and not giving it time to rebuild the micro tears.

    If you break a bone the body rebuilds it back stronger. It does the same thing when you are weight lifting. You’re creating micro tears in the muscle that need to be repaired. I wouldn’t do what you’re doing with legs more then 1-2 times a week. Start incorporating other muscle groups as well such as chest, shoulders, arms, back, etc.

    Just keep up the work and be happy with you. Results will come in time but you can’t rush it. I didn’t start benching 495 , squatting 675 or deadlifting 765 when I started lifting years ago. It took time to get there and build the muscle I needed.
  • Kuchiness
    Kuchiness Posts: 48 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hello all,
    I'm not highjacking the thread but just a thought. I'm the same height as the original poster but much leaner. so 5'2 and 53 kg. I have the very same problem as her. A very saggy butt and it's flat on top. So lowering body fat didn't help the appearance (in my case).I constantly try to activate my glutes when I squat, and doing clams and glute bridges etc ( all bodyweight btw) but I'm unable to activate them successfully. No matter which exercise I perform I never feel anything in my glutes either during or after the workout. Could this be the original poster's ( and so mine) issue? Not being able to activate them effectively?
  • cherriegh
    cherriegh Posts: 196 Member
    Kuchiness wrote: »
    Hello all,
    I'm not highjacking the thread but just a thought. I'm the same height as the original poster but much leaner. so 5'2 and 53 kg. I have the very same problem as her. A very saggy butt and it's flat on top. So lowering body fat didn't help the appearance (in my case).I constantly try to activate my glutes when I squat, and doing clams and glute bridges etc ( all bodyweight btw) but I'm unable to activate them successfully. No matter which exercise I perform I never feel anything in my glutes either during or after the workout. Could this be the original poster's ( and so mine) issue? Not being able to activate them effectively?

    Before lifting I start with glute activation exercises usually 7-10mins on threadmill followed by 2sets of clams, glute bridges, hyper-extensions, kickbacks, crabwalks (I choose 3 not all)

    I still am not seeing the lift just where the butt starts(lower glute area) where it connects to hamstring its flabby, I do have volume at the top I'm ok with. I'm continuing with progressive lifting and lower calories to drop body fat and monitor every 3months......fingers crossed