
I am down a little over 31 pounds this year so far but I have defiantly been struggling the last few months. It’s hard to not let the number on the scale define how I feel because I know it’s about more then that but I can’t help but to feel discouraged because it hasn’t been moving which is so frustrating because I have so much to lose. Any words of encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • 4Linda0
    4Linda0 Posts: 7 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great. Hang in there sometimes it takes a few days and more weight comes off.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Keep trying. Sometimes the best we can do for a while is maintain. If you stay stuck for a month, redo all your math, check every number and assumption in your plan.

    If that kind of tinkering doesn’t get you going, cut 50 calories per day. The calculators are based on averages and no one is exactly average. Plus, there are always calorie counting gray areas. Just how it is. Keep adjusting until you get it.
  • BubbaMob100
    BubbaMob100 Posts: 7 Member
    You’ve done really well so far. Don’t let the the number on the scale derail you. Remember what’s made you so motivated at the beginning to make it to the point you’re at now. You’re awesome for what you have accomplished. Keep pushing yourself!
  • jochmleon
    jochmleon Posts: 6 Member
    You're not giving up which is great. Sometimes the numbers on the scale are so frustrating that we forgot to look at other measures of success. How do you feel? Is it easier to move? Do you have more pep and stamina? Don't forget to keep these non-scale victories in sight too!
  • suzettedees
    suzettedees Posts: 85 Member
    I’ve been through several plateaus and they suck!! I kept eating clean and exercising and the numbers would not budge but, my waistline did. The scale eventually caught up to my progress. Be patient and kind to yourself. There is a lot of good advice above. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and not letting stresses get out of control.
  • signingspazz
    signingspazz Posts: 3 Member
    Don't give up!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    You don't want the scale not moving and frustration to do you in. Meaning, are you going to gain all your weight back because of that? Please don't. We've all been there. I actually go through times when I weigh and many times I don't..just for that reason.
    If you feel the number on the scale could throw you back into old bad habits..and actually trick you into thinking you can no longer lose weight. Stop weighing yourself ..continue on your path..maybe tweak a few things with your exercise and diet. Handle your willpower with respect and care. You need it to see you through.

    You've come too far!
  • hollypowell1914
    hollypowell1914 Posts: 17 Member
    jeshum6821 wrote: »
    I am down a little over 31 pounds this year so far but I have defiantly been struggling the last few months. It’s hard to not let the number on the scale define how I feel because I know it’s about more then that but I can’t help but to feel discouraged because it hasn’t been moving which is so frustrating because I have so much to lose. Any words of encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm in the same boat, don't give up, your doing great. You might want to avoid the scale until you can step on it and not let it weigh your self esteem.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Argh! The dreaded plateau! First of all, congrats on your amazing success! I find two things help: 1) get serious about tracking and weighing and measuring everything. If you are just eyeballing things, or not writing down every little nibble, portions have a way of creeping up. 2) Mix things up, either with changes in your diet or exercise or both. I think our body gets used to things and sometimes you have to jolt it back into action. Make a point of trying a new recipe every week, or maybe pick out a new fruit or vegetable at the market. Try a new fitness class, or a new exercise buddy (which can be as simple as calling an old friend and say, "hey, let's go for a hike/walk/bike ride"... Hang in there! Oh, and a third thing, make sure you're drinking lots of water! Good luck!
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    jeshum6821 wrote: »
    I am down a little over 31 pounds this year so far but I have defiantly been struggling the last few months. It’s hard to not let the number on the scale define how I feel because I know it’s about more then that but I can’t help but to feel discouraged because it hasn’t been moving which is so frustrating because I have so much to lose. Any words of encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    For me, the scale can be toxic if I rely on it too much. So to avoid obsessing about the numbers on the scale I have adjusted my behavior by getting on it a lot less. I'm trying weighing one time per month, but no more than once every 2 weeks. That's what helps me, but it could be a different time frame for you. No matter what though, after more than a few attempts at making permanent change in my weight, I've taken all the experiences and lessons I've learned to understand that this is not a quick fix, and while the scale is an important tool and a way to measure progress, it is not the end all be all. I've only lost 10 lbs since May after losing 15 lbs in 8 weeks before that. I'm not allowing the difference in those numbers to define this process though, I use them for understanding the process, and adjusting accordingly.

    Today I hit 35.4 lbs lost and you've lost 31 lbs. Those numbers should remind us of our hard work and progress, so let's use them as a motivator to keep going, step by step, day by day.

    Best to you.
  • ResolutionMan2016
    ResolutionMan2016 Posts: 7 Member
    I’ve experienced plateaus, and they sure are disheartening. However, my waist, leg and neck measurements did still decrease.

    If you’re putting good foods into your body, and not consuming too many calories, change is happening. Don’t lose faith 🙂
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    You are okay. You need the Libra app. It shows trends.
  • MrsJ1210
    MrsJ1210 Posts: 135 Member
    Everything in proportion is my motto.

    I allow the clothes in my wardrobe tell me how I'm doing more than the bathroom scales as they can be demoralizing. I do stand on the bathroom scales but I listen to what my clothes say about how I'm doing more 😀