First time trying the eat 100 calorie an hour diet



  • Hockeymom2three
    Hockeymom2three Posts: 10 Member
    I couldn’t do it. It would lead to an obsession with food. Not for me
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I just tried a diet skill exercise where you write down how you are feeling hunger wise every hour. Just that drove me crazy and it didn't involve any planning, I just had to have my phone with me.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    100 cals an hour = hungry ATFT! N1 here..
  • andyW58
    andyW58 Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2018
    Why I posted this now? I ran across this discussion searching the Internet for others who might be trying to do the same, small meals every hour.

    Regarding my health, I have a wonderful doctor who fully supports this plan. With his help I started riding cycle 8 years ago and he has guided my path to good health for over 10 years. I am in the best shape of my life, except for the extra pounds.

    Regarding the 1200 calories each day, you see that is my 'target'. I eat 'around' 100 calories each hour, many times it is 130 or 150. So, I built into the plan a 'Fudge Factor' (pun intended).

    The clearest reality from my life experience, there is no easy way of determining your exact fuel/burn equation. But using this plan, I will have a much better data set to understand how to make life long adjustments once I reach my target weight.

    As I stated, this is definitely not for everyone. The most interesting 'concern' is managing this process. In fact, it is easier than any other plan I have ever tried. Cell phone plays a nice tune, I eat. I carry CLIF bars, only eating half each hour. This process, for the first time, is giving me clarity of food intake and it's affect on my weight, and in the end, my health.

    I'm not a fat shaming guy, but I have many friends and family who are over weight, some quiet heavy. The vast majority of them cannot afford the surgery my brother had to help him finally take off the weight that was a critical health risk. So, one thing driving me, if this works (as results have already shown), then others can do this, as an option versus the cost and difficulties of other, more traditional, socially acceptable plans.

    My concern is not about appearance, it is founded completely on health. At 60, I have been to many funerals, and the majority of those deaths were directly related to lifestyle, most resulting from weight related illness like Diabetes and Heart Failure.

    I very much appreciate all the comments... :-)
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    edited December 2018
    TomDonis wrote: »
    That's not entirely true Anna. I eat more now than I used to when I was fat. Yet I continue to lose weight. 1, I eat healthier, much much healthier. And 2, I exercise a lot. A minimum of 60 minutes of cardio a day. I hate blanket statements that include the word "ONLY". You can't possibly have taken every single possible option into account.

    You added 60 minutes of cardio per day and you don’t understand how that tipped you CICO into a deficit regardless of adding in more food (supposedly)?

    Did you track your food when you were “fat” to know for sure your eating more now? Either way you aren’t defying laws of thermodynamics. Your in a deficit if your losing weight.

    ETA: oh and OP, this 100 cal per hour concept is absurd practically.
  • happytree923
    happytree923 Posts: 463 Member
    This would drive me absolutely crazy. I feel like it could screw up your hunger cues too because you would never feel full and would be thinking about food literally all day.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    jdog022 wrote: »
    TomDonis wrote: »
    That's not entirely true Anna. I eat more now than I used to when I was fat. Yet I continue to lose weight. 1, I eat healthier, much much healthier. And 2, I exercise a lot. A minimum of 60 minutes of cardio a day. I hate blanket statements that include the word "ONLY". You can't possibly have taken every single possible option into account.

    You added 60 minutes of cardio per day and you don’t understand how that tipped you CICO into a deficit regardless of adding in more food (supposedly)?

    Did you track your food when you were “fat” to know for sure your eating more now? Either way you aren’t defying laws of thermodynamics. Your in a deficit if your losing weight.

    ETA: oh and OP, this 100 cal per hour concept is absurd practically.

    The first two pages of responses were from 2013. Someone bumped it today but very likely that none of the people you’re quoting or referring to are still around...
  • jdog022
    jdog022 Posts: 693 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    jdog022 wrote: »
    TomDonis wrote: »
    That's not entirely true Anna. I eat more now than I used to when I was fat. Yet I continue to lose weight. 1, I eat healthier, much much healthier. And 2, I exercise a lot. A minimum of 60 minutes of cardio a day. I hate blanket statements that include the word "ONLY". You can't possibly have taken every single possible option into account.

    You added 60 minutes of cardio per day and you don’t understand how that tipped you CICO into a deficit regardless of adding in more food (supposedly)?

    Did you track your food when you were “fat” to know for sure your eating more now? Either way you aren’t defying laws of thermodynamics. Your in a deficit if your losing weight.

    ETA: oh and OP, this 100 cal per hour concept is absurd practically.

    The first two pages of responses were from 2013. Someone bumped it today but very likely that none of the people you’re quoting or referring to are still around...

    Ah crap...
  • kds10
    kds10 Posts: 452 Member
    Sounds like a diet that someone would do for a few days then give it up.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited December 2018
    I read through this. Is tooth decay really an issue?

    Anyway, exercise (especially lifting) makes me hangry, no I would feel satisfied eating so little at a time. I would need an hourly alarm, which would be a nuisance (although if I had to take medication every hour for survival I guess I would get used to it).

    I couldn't possibly do this for maintaining weight and I like eating in a way that I will maintain so I'll stick to 3-4 meals and snacks.