Am I eating normally?



  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    @naomi8888 - Ok, so here's my questions, how do I weigh stuff accurately/calculate when I'm eating on the go? The thing I had was a protein pack, in which case it's impossible to tell, what part of the total is cheese and what part is cranberries. I mean I was able to look up what an 0z of cranberries looked like and deduced that it was 80 calories, so I took that off my total, since I didn't eat the cranberries but aside from that, I don't really know what I could have done.

    I suppose the alternative is strict keto. Might be worth looking into. - I asked my nutritionist about Keto and she cautioned against it because while it can make insulin resistance better , it can not only make G.I. issues worse but give you high cholesterol and my cholesterol is already high.

    Another thing to consider is a naturopath. I swear they can work wonders. - that's the next step I'm taking. the test he wants to do so he can figure out the right meds to give me is $250.

    Re snacks on the go - can you just bring snacks with you so you know what you're eating? Also depends how often you're eating out for it to make a difference?

    I think maybe you should do a bit more research into keto. Personally I don't do it but I exercise intensely most mornings in a fasted state. I know the nutritionist said it can raise cholesterol but there are so many studies that contradict that. I think the nutritionists / RDs are bound to operate under a certain model. Google Tim Noakes and see what he went through by going against the conventional advice. Anyway, just something to think about.

    Finally, nutritionist, it's up to you but I would consider my health a priority.

    Feel free to message me.

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I agree with everyone who says take care of your health the best you can first. Second priority is getting diet right.

    It sounds like to me you are doing a great job. You have made a great start by setting a reasonable calorie goal, seeing a professional for advice, and doing a pretty good job of weighing and logging. It takes some of us (me) a long time to get to this point.

    I don’t have any of the things you’ve been diagnosed with. I did have some problems with acid reflux waking me up at night.
    I immediately raised the head of my bed. That helped some. Then I experimented with what and when to eat. For me only, I found that I could eat whatever I want whenever I want, with the exception of lower carbs after about 4 or 5 pm, and no carbs for an hour or two before bed. I don’t know if that’s true for others, but it works for me. No more reflux. And I removed the blocks from my bed.

    It would be interesting to me to know how many carbs your dietician said to eat for supper versus the rest of the day. Just wondering if what I’m doing is normal, or if I could do better.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    A bit of background before I start:
    - I have severe G.E.R.D. and acid re-flux which leads me to feeling bloated a lot of the time.
    - I also have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (I have trouble getting enough air in and out of my body due to some kind of issue with my nasal and esophageal passages) which leads to sleep deprivation
    - I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I am currently not on medication for the insulin resistance as everything I have taken makes me violently ill.

    I've been at least 10-12 different specialists over the course of 3 months and while I still don't have a good idea of how to treat a lot of these issues, the consensus across the board is that weight loss can help my symptoms. So far, from June-Sept , I've lost a total of 17 lbs. I'm not exactly sure how except that it might have been a combo of the insulin resistance meds AND having been on a semi-liquid diet for like 2.5-3 weeks , because I had trouble swallowing solid food for a while. I've also been trying hard not to eat after 9 pm.

    Recently, I was able to see a nutritionist, for the first time in years. The nutritionist is aware of my issues and told me to log everything I eat for the next two weeks. She also gave me a list of how many carbs I can consume every meal. I haven't been counting them for every meal though, as it's too stressful right now. I just counted the total and have been trying to stay close to it.

    I've been logging for a week now and I'm noticing a pattern that to me, feels disturbing and I'm not sure how what to make of it. For the first three days, I was going over calories by an average of 100. For the last 5 however, I've been under by 300-600. For some reason , I've just not had much of an apatite. I'd eat half a sandwich for breakfast and then for lunch have the other half, some cheese cubes, almonds, grapes and half an egg and then for dinner I'd have half a burger without the buns with roasted peppers and cheese and call it a day.

    I'm having trouble telling if it's just that I was overeating before and this is how you eat the normal way or if I'm actually eating too little and in effect putting my body into starvation mode. I definitely know that this way of eating is not the norm for me. I'm worried that I might gain weight from eating this way because I feel like I'm consuming way too many carbs.

    Constructive feedback would be much appreciated!

    I understand not using a scale when one is out and about. But when I am out, whenever possible I take my own snacks. And if I know in advance where I am going to stop to eat, I check to see if they have nutrition information available, more and more places do these days.

    If you have quit taking the Insulin Resistance medication, I hope you have made your Dr, and or nutritionist or dietician aware of this. Now if you do not want to go all the way to Keto. there is Low Carb which is not as drastic and you may find it works for you. I am a type 2 diabetic and follow Low Carb, and have kept all my Cholestrol in range and have been following this type of diet for about 18 months now. My point just being there are different types of food plans to follow to fit in calories and what you need to eat healthy with being insulin resistant. Good Luck.
  • mustnothrowcantelopes
    @maureenkhilde - If you have quit taking the Insulin Resistance medication, I hope you have made your Dr, and or nutritionist or dietician aware of this. - Yeah, they both know and the nutritionist highly insists that I get back on some kind of insulin medication , because that will be vital in me being able to lose weight at all . My doctor however, wants to put me on victoza, rather than try to get a medication approved that she's going to have to fight with my insurance about. Except, I've been on byetta, which is a similar med. You stick yourself with a needle once or twice a day . I did that for 6 months before the constant dizziness and shakiness and vomitting and nausea made it too difficult for me to concentrate in class and basically function. At this point, i think I need to find another PCP.

    Now if you do not want to go all the way to Keto. there is Low Carb which is not as drastic and you may find it works for you. I am a type 2 diabetic and follow Low Carb, and have kept all my Cholestrol in range and have been following this type of diet for about 18 months now. My point just being there are different types of food plans to follow to fit in calories and what you need to eat healthy with being insulin resistant. Good Luck. - What is the Low Carb food plan? Do you have any material I can look at?
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Did they ban this guy already?
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    Dan I don’t think so. I got a warning for suggesting it.
  • mustnothrowcantelopes
    What guy? What am I missing?
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    Don’t worry, they’re not referring to you! For a couple of days this week there was a ‘spam bot’ who was posting potentially dodgy links on multiple threads, including this one. That’s the ‘guy’ Danp was referring to.