Finding real honey is more difficult then you think.



  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Real honey tastes amazing too. I always get ours from a farmer's market that carries it with the honeycomb intact. It's delicious, but not cheap.

    Agreed, farmer's markets and certain roadside stands.
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    I wish I knew where 2 buy real honey in my town... They say local honey is the best 4 u so I don't wanna buy it online... I want real local honey...
  • RachyD21
    RachyD21 Posts: 83 Member
    While there is certainly accuracy in the claim that most store honey is so filtered that it has no actual pollen in it, even the organic ones, most of your list is about HFCS and the claim that most honeys are primarily HFCS is just factually bogus, so most of that list is just nonsense when you're talking about honey.
    Considering they wont list ingredients, i don't trust anything. They dont say they contain HFCS but then again they dont say what it contains. What is the contents if they wont list it
    Hell its just as easy to avoid Honey all together

    They don't list the ingredients? I don't know about where you are but in the UK that's illegal unless the only thing that it contains is what it says on the front (i.e. honey). I think that's probably what's happening here :o)
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    That list is just a lie. Also leaves out a big component of unfiltered honey: bee parts.

    Not that I mind, since I will happily chow down on a plate of bees and bee larvae. Stir fried with honey, of course.

  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    A shop here sells it still on the honeycomb. Cheap as anything. Pity I hate honey.
  • zrzka
    zrzka Posts: 7 Member
    my grandad was doing honey when I was small, so I have definately tried both versions.. and its really cheap to buy a proper honey from farmers in Czech Republic, even now - it's around £3-4 per 1kg jar of pure/raw honey.. the taste is far too different than here in UK
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Well i guess i can judge when i try the real stuff.
    and to add good read here.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    We are lucky and have a lot of farmer's markets around here. I have been really encouraged that if you have seasonal allergies that eating local honey is good to provide relief for some allergies. Maybe look around for farmer's markets?
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well i guess i can judge when i try the real stuff.
    and to add good read here.

    Looks filtered. Not raw in my book.

    Not that it matters because the health benefits are BS. The reason raw honey is worth it: taste and texture. And free bee parts.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't understand why they're even allowed to call it honey when it has corn syrup or any other additive in it. Ridiculous!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I don't understand why they're even allowed to call it honey when it has corn syrup or any other additive in it. Ridiculous!

    They aren't, and it doesn't. The graphic in the op is an outright lie. Putting HFCS in honey without labeling the additive would be call "fraud". It's illegal in every state, and in Canada, and probably in Mexico too.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    I don't understand why they're even allowed to call it honey when it has corn syrup or any other additive in it. Ridiculous!

    They aren't, and it doesn't. The graphic in the op is an outright lie. Putting HFCS in honey without labeling the additive would be call "fraud". It's illegal in every state, and in Canada, and probably in Mexico too.
    I totally agree, but you have to admit we are starting to find some strange things in the foods that we have always trusted. Not saying they are putting HFCS in honey, but again i cant say they are not.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I don't understand why they're even allowed to call it honey when it has corn syrup or any other additive in it. Ridiculous!

    They aren't, and it doesn't. The graphic in the op is an outright lie. Putting HFCS in honey without labeling the additive would be call "fraud". It's illegal in every state, and in Canada, and probably in Mexico too.

    Good to know. It sounded so plausible because big corporations are getting away with so much already, why would I be surprised at them peddling corn syrup as honey?
  • 123tryingtobefree
    Real honey here in Greece costs 30 euro per kilo and I buy it from a guy my dad knows etc...real things are hard to find guys..
  • Seconding the recommendation to check your local farmer's market. The biggest one in my city has at least one supplier. Also, I've found raw honey at my local supermarkets in their natural/organic sections.
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    You can also try looking in home brewing beer and wine shops for "real" honey as well. Usually have different varieties.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    What a bunch of baloney in that 3 year old post.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Local Farmers Markets sometimes have local honey.
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    Well, that was terrifying. I'm going to read the labels much closer now...