1200 calories and not losing

Ok so I think I'm on day 45 straight of logging. I am 5'3 female
Sw 157
Cw 153 ish
Gw 145 (for now)
At a rate of 1.5 lbs a week, and mfp has suggested 1200 cal .
I exercise about 4 days a week, but it's usually fit walking indoors via youtube for 20-40 min . I have not started strength training very much yet.
I track steps with fitbit and rarely pass 7k , I'm usually between 5-6k .
I dont usually eat back many of my exercise calories , because I dont exercise that hard yet.
I am losing sooo slow . Am I missing something ?? I feel like I am eating enough. I am not suffering ... so I dont get it .
I have also had bloodwork done multiple times and all is normal including hormones.
I'm just getting frustrated because I've lost so little weight and I feel like any little slip up will put me right back to where I started , only 3 lbs ago


  • van780
    van780 Posts: 13 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Keep at it. Tighten up your logging and account for bites, licks, and tastes, incidentals like cream in your coffee, etc. Look out for whooshes, too and water retention. I usually don't lose anything for the first month, and then suddenly lose double what I was planning to for a couple weeks in a row. Then back to a holding pattern, and then another whoosh. I notice patterns around my period, around weight lifting sessions, around salt intake, and extreme changes in carb intake.

    Just keep going. This isn't a race, and the time is gonna pass anyway, so keep doing what is healthy whenever possible.

    I'm hoping this is what will happen. I do tend to eat salt because my BP is low , but Its a regular thing for me , so i dont think it would cause spikes in weight regularly. I have also been trying to log every thing that passes my lips
  • van780
    van780 Posts: 13 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Normally when a person makes a post like this, it is because they are underestimating how much they are eating. I'd place money on the fact that you are eating more than an average of 1200 calories a day. Normally people that underestimate like this are not weighing, with a food scale, everything they eat. This includes processed foods that are prepackaged into individual serving sizes. They either eyeball portions or measure using cups and spoons which should be reserved for liquids only.
    Many people can successfully lose weight without weighing everything but if you are not getting the results you are after this is the best place to start.

    I do not use a food scale for everything. I have been using measuring cups/spoons. Am I supposed to weigh a cup of cereal for example ? Otherwise, i am pretty confident. I actually was wondering if I could possibly be eating too little ! I've been trying to stick with items that can be easily measured or weighed and have barcodes to scan and I swear I thought I've been doing really well !
  • van780
    van780 Posts: 13 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Are you using a food scale for all solids?
    Are you double checking the entries you choose in the database to make sure they show the correct calories?
    Have you logged every single thing that has passed your lips in that 7 weeks?
    Is 153 the lowest you've gotten in that 7 weeks?

    I am not . I've been using cups and spoons. And I have been double checking entries to make sure they are correct. I have been pretty diligent in logging everything that I've even nibbled on. There was only 1 day that I know I over ate . I had one short and sweet peek at 152.8 :) but I've been keeping in 153s . Hoping tomorrow is a 152 day !
  • van780
    van780 Posts: 13 Member
    If you are not getting results weigh EVERYTHING, including that cup of cereal. There is often more in that cup than you think.[/quote]

    Wow , ok . I really didnt think it would be that much of a difference. Especially at 1200 calories. I will definitely try that ! Thank you

  • serrano1000
    serrano1000 Posts: 1 Member
    Here is some "food" for thought on how the body burns calories and the original definiton of a calorie... https://www.1843magazine.com/features/death-of-the-calorie
  • van780
    van780 Posts: 13 Member
    Not eating enough does not hamper weight loss. That is a myth. You said at first you were "trying" to log everything you eat, but then you said you were being diligent at your logging. I agree with everyone that accuracy in logging is the key. Sometimes I'm far from perfect at my logging, but I know on days where I do log accurately, I get better results on the scale. Even one accurate day makes a difference for me. There is a photo floating around in the boards that show two spoonfuls of peanut butter. They look identical, but one of them is weighed, and one isn't. And the difference in calories between the two is enormous!

    Understood. I really figured that even if it were just a little off, that I'd still be deficit enough to lose pretty smoothly . Thank you :)
  • van780
    van780 Posts: 13 Member
    lgfrie wrote: »
    MFP won't ever recommend less than 1200 calories per day, so when it says "1200" that doesn't mean you're going to lose 1.5 pounds per week. As @ahoy_m8 noted above, your TDEE is around 1660, so MFP looked at a 1.5 lb/week goal, calculated that that'd involve eating 910 calories per day (i.e. 1660 - 750), and told you to eat 1200, because 1200 is the minimum for safe dieting. Based on a 1660 TDEE, the 1200 calories, i.e. a 460 calorie per day deficit, should result in 5.8 lbs in 45 days. You've lost 4. Not really a huge difference. It could be accounted for by any combination of measuring your food a bit incorrectly, or water retention from a higher sodium diet, or having had a few off meals or off days - were you really 100 % compliant with the calories for 45 days?

    You're actually probably fine. You're 1.8 pounds shy of being right on schedule with the weight loss. That amount can occur in a single whoosh day, which could come at any time.

    Suggest just plowing forward for now and seeing where things end up in another month.

    Thank you for this. I appreciate it. Numbers make my head spin lol . I am happy with the loss and fully intend on moving forward steadily . There was really only one day that I pretty bad , but aside from that i thought i was counting well.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 984 Member
    Also, what did you set your activity level to? Are you tracking / adding your walking to that as exercise? / is your fitbit synched with MFP?

    If you're doing 5-7k steps a day, that not much over what MFP considers to be Sedentary. So, if you're also adding in exercise time and eating some of those calories, you may be overestimating your exercise.

    I'm about an inch shorter than you and it doesn't make much difference what rate loss I select, MFP still gives me 1200 as it's not going to go below that. It does mean that weighing and tracking needs to be really really accurate to lose the final pounds. Eat an extra few calories, accidentally, and your deficit is negligible.