How to get rid of belly fat?

Lanag12 Posts: 10 Member
edited November 2019 in Fitness and Exercise
I’ve reached my healthy weight I’m supposed to be at. I’m 21 F 5’11 My starting weight before this was 181 in September now I’m down to 167. However I still feel fat/ having belly fat. Is this normal or in my head? How can I lose belly fat without dropping to much weight?


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Ht/Wt/Age? Can you also define how much weight you lost over the last couple of months? What was your caloric goals and your workout regimen in this time?

    While you get that, here is some additional light reading.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member

    Read this and look at all the people in your situation.... there's lots of us :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Three potential issues:

    1) If you do not know your body fat % and your body fat distribution, then a scale weight can be incomplete information. The number on the scale vs a number on a reference chart could indicate you are in a “good” range, but you might still be overfat.

    2) A weight that is considered “healthy” is not necessary a weight that means “lean”. Even being in the lower end of the “overfat” range would still have little increased health risk.

    3) We all have body types with fat distribution patterns that are genetically determined. You could have a body type that preferentially stores fat in the abdominal area so that at any given level of body fat, that area will still be disproportionately larger.

    The previous post has a link that will have additional explanation.

  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    Just going w/your BMI, you are at 23.3 and in the "normal" range and are not likely to be "at risk" for health problems associated w/being overwt or obese.

    This doesn't mean the you have the physique you"d like or couldn't benefit by losing some more BF, but you really haven't provided enough info to comment further about these matters.