Shake Diet, Yes or No?



  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    Ditto on the shakes. I did Jenny Craig for a year. Weighed the exact same when I finished a year. Why? Because if you think 3 tortellini's in a tiny can make a nice lunch, then it might work. I always ate more. Double trouble indeed.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Not sure if serious.

    But in case you are.....Just NO. Eat real food, in the proper amount.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Nope, just a calorie deficit.
  • TeresaAlice1968
    TeresaAlice1968 Posts: 12 Member
    Water fasting is a horrible idea ! Please eat healthy well balanced meals. The problem with the shake diets is you always gain weight back. Portion control and exercise is all you need:)
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    i lost over 165lbs doing this so called "fad" thing 2 shakes a day, small snacks in between. It worked for me, Maybe its not for everyone, but I have been able to maintain, and eat regular food when im not in the mood for a shake. To each their own I say,
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Just say NO! I speak from experience. Did a shake diet in my 30's. I was allowed a total of 3 shakes per day, 110 calories each, total 330 total daily calorie intake. Oh I lost the weight so quickly. I would pass out often. I developed irregular heartbeats and ended up in the hospital. Got me from 169 pounds to 115. Then the kicker after the hospital stay. I returned to real foods, didn't monitor anything and over the course of years I ate my way from 115 to 290. It was totally unsustainable and healthy and I royally screwed up my metabolism.

    I've found the mfp way (used properly) is getting me where I want to be and I can still eat real food. You wont find any kind of shake whatsoever in my diary.
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    Work out your BMR, then your TDEE, then calculate what you should be eating and eat it.

    Quick fix fad diets leave you yo-yoing between weight, not getting proper nutrition and constantly reinforcing bad habits.

    If you want to 'get fit' then start training (cardio, strength, based around whatever your goals are), please don't water fast or use shakes as a replacement meal. You won’t reach your goals. This is coming from a seasoned yo–yoer who wanted the quick route and never got there.

    Good luck!
  • Michelle_dirtracer
    If it helps, why not? I started the GNC lean shakes last Thursday. So far, I have lost 3 lbs. I always run at least a mile and a half everyday. I only do the shakes during the week while at work because I am not allowed a lunch break so it is easy to do. I eat a sensible dinner.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If it helps, why not?

    Because for many, it only causes a yo-yo effect of weight gain after they begin to eat regularly again. In the long run, that hurts more than it helps.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Water fasting is a big no no for weight loss although it can help with spirituality. However, you will probably gain back the weight you lost.
    Shake diets. No.
    Learn how to live a balanced lifestyle with healthy components, in moderation. Use myfitnesspal as a tool to help regulate the.amount of nutrients and calories for your specific goals.

    There are no short cuts to healthy weight loss.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Shakes aren't food, so no.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Shake diets may make you lose weight in the beginning but it doesnt teach you the proper way to eat. Eventually, you will get sick of shakes and want to eat real food. What then? If you dont know how to balance you meal calories and portion sizes then you will gain it all back.

    Shakes take the thinking out of eating for people. it is convenient. You will have greater success lsoing weight the right way. it is the same as all those meal delivery weight loss plans.

    4 women in my office did Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. They all lost weight. They all gained the weight back again when they had to figure out what to eat on their own. I am the only one who has kept the weight off.

    My sister lost 14lbs on a shake plan. She curses me every time she sees a new pic of me because she hasnt been as successful. She is also very restriced on where,what, and when she can eat. She looks good now but she is going to have problems when she doesnt feel like paying for shakes anymore.

    Take the time and the effort to learn how to balance your meals and you will surpass your friends using the shakes.
  • AnnElizabeth11
    I'm not starving myself. It's a fast yes, but in other words, it's a cleanse, a detox. So are you going to say to those others who do those types of things are starving themselves silly? Or those who participate in the Ramada and do not eat OR drink for 12-14 hours are just stupid because "oh no, their not eating".

    Love how to bring my children into this matter. Very mature. But yes, i understand your point. but the water fast isn't for everyone. During my detox/cleanse, I had clearer skin, better sleep, more energy throughout the day, I had a clearer mind because my body could focus on the rest of my body, instead of the constant breakdown and digestion of food. Your body needs a break too sometimes, and I would suggest you look into the positive aspects of water fasting than bashing those who take part in it from time to time, or hell, even try it yourself and then you can have your own point of experience.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I was just wondering other people's opinions/advice and or experience on this. Our room mate right now did a shake diet (1 meal 2 shakes with healthy snacks in between) for about a month on an off and worked out daily for at least one hour with a combination of cardio and strength training and he has been doing this for almost 9 months now and has lost about 80lbs. I've been doing water fasting and was wondering if this were a good way to go about giving my body extra nutrients, as I do take daily vitamins to help my body get what it needs while I am water fasting. Since doing this I have lost 20 lbs and the weight has been staying off. Was just wondering if this has helped any body out fairly well or does it just work for some body types and not for everyone type of deal. Thank you :)

    Unless you are going to eat in this way forever... what is the point?
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm not starving myself. It's a fast yes, but in other words, it's a cleanse, a detox. So are you going to say to those others who do those types of things are starving themselves silly? Or those who participate in the Ramada and do not eat OR drink for 12-14 hours are just stupid because "oh no, their not eating".

    Love how to bring my children into this matter. Very mature. But yes, i understand your point. but the water fast isn't for everyone. During my detox/cleanse, I had clearer skin, better sleep, more energy throughout the day, I had a clearer mind because my body could focus on the rest of my body, instead of the constant breakdown and digestion of food. Your body needs a break too sometimes, and I would suggest you look into the positive aspects of water fasting than bashing those who take part in it from time to time, or hell, even try it yourself and then you can have your own point of experience.

    Sorry, I just have to say that people who fast at Ramadan are doing so for spiritual reasons... not as a quick way to lose weight. To compare the two is ridiculous... and kind of insulting
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    1 day of fasting is acceptable every now and then.

    Fasting for 10 days at a time is ridiculous and I can't believe any doctor would sanction it.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    No! Shake diets have been around for about 40 years. If they worked then I'm sure there would be a lot less people with weight problems in the world.

    Unless you intend on following the shake diet for the rest of your life then I wouldn't bother, it's not a long term solution.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    As a diet/longer term thing, hell no. As a supplement/emergency thing to keep handy if you need something in a pinch, I'd say that's fine.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Why do I feel like this is a troll?
  • AnnElizabeth11
    What's the point of a juice fast? or a detox/body cleanse? Because it's a way to clean your body of impurities as a result, yes you may lose weight, but you also gain so much more in the process than others want you to think, and therefore bash it because its alien to them. You going to say that doing intermittent fasting, or the 16/8 fasting, and even the 5:2 fasting is just a "fad" because oh no, we're "starving" ourselves we're not eating 1400-1700 calories a day our bodies are going to shut down if we don't eat food.

    I also have a friend who actively participates in the Ramadan and goes without food or water for 14 hours, and at the end, his family has a huge feast to celebrate. I asked him if doing what I am doing (THE OCCASIONAL WATER FAST) would have the same positive aspects as his fast. He said yes it would, as it is granting you a clearer mind as you are letting your body be cleaned and rid of all toxins and impurities that could be blocking your judgement, and in the end, you will awaken with a cleaner soul. I in no means, meant for that to come off as insulting to anyone else. I was just stating a fact.

    On another note. I'm done replying to this topic as I'm tired of arguing with others to try and see it from my point of view as I can see none of you have a hint of open mindedness in you. So go on your ways of doing what your doing. Good day.