Shake Diet, Yes or No?



  • Michelle_dirtracer
    1st of all, she asked for opinions... not to be judged. Diets affect people differently. If she is doing a water fast and her doctor says she is healthy, then why are you people being so negative? Some support team here... Keep up the good work and don't let anyone's negativity bring you down!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    1st of all, she asked for opinions... not to be judged. Diets affect people differently. If she is doing a water fast and her doctor says she is healthy, then why are you people being so negative? Some support team here... Keep up the good work and don't let anyone's negativity bring you down!

    Water fasts fall under unhealthy eating practices and are against TOS.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Before making any nutritional decision ask yourself "can I do this every day for the rest of my life?". This is a very important question for shakes because once you go off the shake plan, what do you do? How do you maintain? Changes are you will gain it all back. And maybe you're okay with yo yo dieting, but it's not a solution to your life long problem.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    NEVER DRINK YOUR CALORIES!!!!!! When you TRY to go back to your normal life, you will gain most of it back. I use them for breakfast when I am in a hurry, but NEVER for meals. My Dr. said this and my trainer has said this. NEVER DRINK YOUR CALORIES.
  • flynnem4
    flynnem4 Posts: 22 Member
    What "toxins" or "impurities" are you getting rid of? Seriously, try to define those words in relation to your fasting; what are you actually getting rid of, specifically, a list of item a, item b, item c? Where is the medical backing for you having an excess of these specific "toxins", and needing to get rid of them?
  • Lmans77
    Lmans77 Posts: 58 Member
    you offered, you asked, you received. Why you mad?

    Ramadan is fasting for what, 14 hours max? Maybe 16? #1, its a religious observation. #2, you eat daily.

    I'm not seeing how you can compare Ramadan to an extended water fast.

    But if you are so set on it, why did you ask for opinions? Carry on....
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    No no no! Also your "fasting" may well be doing you permanent damage. MFP is about changing your lifestyle, not about being on a diet. It's My FITNESS Pal, not My Starve Yourself Pal. If you eat a balanced diet with a small calorie deficit, you will lose body fat and be healthy. If you starve yourself, you will only lose weight short term and gain back more when you go back to "normal". Please get some supportive friends on here and look after yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Enjoy your water.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    My vote is Yes. And I will tell you why. I started drinking Shakeology on June 16th. I replace 1 meal a day which is breakfast. After a couple days drinking the shakeology, I noticed a huge reduction in cravings and increased energy. Since June 16, I have lost 38 pounds. Because I have lost the weight, I can exercise and I am training for a marathon. I am a firm believer that with shakeology, there is truth to the advertising. Im not a beachbody coach, and I aint selling the product.

    Shakeology weighs in at approx 250 - 300 calories for breakfast. (I mix with milk, and either banana or lowfat yogurt). It's not low cal, and its not starvation. It's a healthy choice and equivalent in calories to some of the meal replacements in the grocery freezer section. When people ask me what I am doing, I simply say: Shakeology + MFP + Exercise + Determination = Success.
  • judymata
    judymata Posts: 42 Member
    I say NO. I did the shakes for a while and felt good. I also did veggie shakes which helped me a little more. After a while with the shakes I noticed I was always gassy and bloated. I was informed that having too much soy in your diet is not a good thing. Which HELLO my shakes were all SOY. I immediately stopped them and changed for a high protein low carb diet. I have been slow at losing the weight but have been able to maintain where I am at now which is 198. I have a ways to go but feel so much better.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm not starving myself. It's a fast yes, but in other words, it's a cleanse, a detox. So are you going to say to those others who do those types of things are starving themselves silly? Or those who participate in the Ramada and do not eat OR drink for 12-14 hours are just stupid because "oh no, their not eating".

    Love how to bring my children into this matter. Very mature. But yes, i understand your point. but the water fast isn't for everyone. During my detox/cleanse, I had clearer skin, better sleep, more energy throughout the day, I had a clearer mind because my body could focus on the rest of my body, instead of the constant breakdown and digestion of food. Your body needs a break too sometimes, and I would suggest you look into the positive aspects of water fasting than bashing those who take part in it from time to time, or hell, even try it yourself and then you can have your own point of experience.

    People who observe Ramadan eat, they just do not eat between sun up and sun down. And they are doing it for spiritual reasons, not to lose weight. If they are consuming the same amount of calories when they do eat, then they are not losing weight at all.

    Detoxing is a myth.
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Simply ask yourself if you could continue either the shake diet or the water fast ( :noway: ) for the rest of your life. If the answer is 'no,' don't do it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    I'm not starving myself. It's a fast yes, but in other words, it's a cleanse, a detox. So are you going to say to those others who do those types of things are starving themselves silly? Or those who participate in the Ramada and do not eat OR drink for 12-14 hours are just stupid because "oh no, their not eating".

    Love how to bring my children into this matter. Very mature. But yes, i understand your point. but the water fast isn't for everyone. During my detox/cleanse, I had clearer skin, better sleep, more energy throughout the day, I had a clearer mind because my body could focus on the rest of my body, instead of the constant breakdown and digestion of food. Your body needs a break too sometimes, and I would suggest you look into the positive aspects of water fasting than bashing those who take part in it from time to time, or hell, even try it yourself and then you can have your own point of experience.
    Problem is cleansing and detoxing through food or water intake aren't recognized terminology in physiology. It was designed to sell programs and products to people who think their body is polluted with chemicals.
    Truth is the body is one of the most efficient machines on Earth. Detoxing and cleansing aren't needed since it does it everyday (through liver and kidneys), whether you want it to or not. Chemicals are abundant on a daily basis since everything is made of chemicals. The body breaks down all consumed food and drink to it's simplest form and absorbed. What can't be is excreted.
    Fasting for short periods of time aren't that dangerous, but can make a difference in energy levels and for some bad side effects from withdrawl from things like caffeine. To each their own, but what counts more than anything else for weight loss is calorie deficit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    My vote is Yes. And I will tell you why. I started drinking Shakeology on June 16th. I replace 1 meal a day which is breakfast. After a couple days drinking the shakeology, I noticed a huge reduction in cravings and increased energy. Since June 16, I have lost 38 pounds. Because I have lost the weight, I can exercise and I am training for a marathon. I am a firm believer that with shakeology, there is truth to the advertising. Im not a beachbody coach, and I aint selling the product.

    Shakeology weighs in at approx 250 - 300 calories for breakfast. (I mix with milk, and either banana or lowfat yogurt). It's not low cal, and its not starvation. It's a healthy choice and equivalent in calories to some of the meal replacements in the grocery freezer section. When people ask me what I am doing, I simply say: Shakeology + MFP + Exercise + Determination = Success.
    It's working now because of calorie deficit and less carbs, but unless you're one of the 10% who can successfully maintain AFTER adding solid food in for the shakes, then when regain is likely. Like all diets, 90% regain due to not be sustainable.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • oOxXxOo
    oOxXxOo Posts: 75 Member
    Everyone has their own opinion and the general consensus is shake diets are a load of rubbish. However part of the journey is being motivated to start and seeing results which continue to motivate you further. If shake diets worked for your friend that is great. Would it work for you? Your guess is as good as mine. Would anyone recommend that over eating healthy nutritious food...not unless you had to drop a significant amount of weight fast for some medical reason such as surgery. In my personal experience drinking shakes got boring pretty fast. I missed food, sitting down and enjoying a meal with my family. Did they work? Yes and no. Did I lose weight when I was on them, yep but it all came back, bought friends and family and I ended up weighing more than I did when I started. Not only that, it's not an easy way only have to look at the thread what are you cooking for dinner to see what your missing out on.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I've pretty much decided that if it says "diet", I say "don't do it!". :tongue:

    Most "diets", whether its a shake or whatever, are just temporary things, possibly a way to drop some pounds on the scale, but not sustainable, usually not cheap, and people who do lose end up burning out and gaining the weight back.

    I'd love for us to reclaim the word "diet" from the popular conception of it.

    Here is the actual definition of diet: "The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats."

    Diet does not mean temporary strange eating habits. It doe not mean a weight-loss plan. It's developed that connotation because of all the quick-fix weight-loss plans that use the word, but we shouldn't let them co-opt it. In fact a TRUE diet is what we are striving for: a habitual way of eating. Squirrels eat a diet of acorns, all their lives. Rabbits eat a diet of rabbit food. Great white sharks eat...well, pretty much anything they want.
  • gagrlnfla
    gagrlnfla Posts: 1 Member
    My parents have been incorporating homemade shakes into their diet for the past 4 months, along with regular exercise and watching how much processed food they consume. They look and feel GREAT! I think the key is to make sure that whatever you do that works, it has to be a lifestyle change more than a temporary fix. The shakes that they make are loaded with fresh fruits and veggies mixed with an allergen-free vegan protein mix (mom is allergic to just about everything). It isn't for everyone, but if it works, then I say go for it....a couple of pieces of advice though
    1) Make the shakes parents do (1/2 cup each) 4 types of fruit & 4 types of veggies + SAN Raw Fusion protein powder + walnuts for extra protein and volume. It'll be plenty nutritious, tasty, and filling as well. SlimFast and other pre-made shakes are not satisfying and filled with processed chemicals.
    2) Invest in a quality blender. My parents burned through 4 types before they settled on the Vitamix, and they love it!
    3) Start off with 1 shake for breakfast...then move to a shake for dinner as well if you like it.
    4) Eat a quality lunch
    5) Give it time...I was really against the idea when they approached me with it. Now I crave evenings when I can visit and have mom make me a shake for dinner!