Help! I’m “stuck” at my weight!

caitlinltuttle Posts: 10 Member
edited December 2019 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everybody!

I came here looking for some advice, tips, motivation, or just something along those lines.

I have been using MyFitnessPal religiously for about 4-5 months now. I log every day, every single thing I eat. Sometimes I allow myself to eat over, but I still track what I eat. One “cheat day” won’t kill my progress. (Is my thinking, I might be wrong I don’t know).

I eat within 100-200 calories within my goal every day. Some days it is over, but most days it is under or right at my goal.

I am trying to lose 2 lbs a week (starting out, I had over 100 lbs to lose) and in 4-5 months I have lost 30 lbs. I have felt better than I ever have before in my life and I’m actually seeing results in my body. I am so happy!

The reason I need help, tips, thoughts, advice, etc is because in the last 2 weeks or so I haven’t seen my weight change. It doesn’t seem to have moved. (I am not using the same scale because I am not at my house right now). I know the holidays are tough to stay in budget, but I am not overeating all the time. I am enjoying the food while still staying in my limit. I am trying to not get discouraged, but I feel like I am doing everything right and I am seeing no results.

What do I need to change? I have recalibrated my calorie limit since I started so I know I’m not eating too much. Currently I weigh 250 lbs, I am a 19 year old female and I am eating 1680 calories per day.

I am not overly active. I work on a farm so I stay active but I don’t work out in a gym. Do I need to join a gym?


  • jmf286
    jmf286 Posts: 32 Member
    2 weeks isn't that long to be worried but if the lack of loss persists for a few more weeks, you don't mention anywhere whether or not you weigh your food?

    If not you may have reached the point where the errors in your guesstimates (portions, cups whatever) plus excess calories from your cheat days are adding up to you being inadvertently at a maintenance level of calories. IF you weigh your food in grams you might find where the errors are.

    Well done so far!
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,725 Member
    Yeah, you can't tell much after two weeks. Is it that time of the month? How was your sodium intake? Full moon? DO you weigh your food? :)
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,415 Member
    Even though it's *good stress,* stress will still result in increased cortisol in your system, which can cause some water retention. Don't worry about the lack of scale results until a couple weeks after you've gotten home. I retain water like WHOA if I get out of my routine or travel, but the math always wins out in the end. If you stick to your deficit, the numbers will add up and show themselves once you're back to your normal daily life. <3 Enjoy your holiday, stick to your deficit, and have faith that after all this time, you know what you're doing, and you've got time to wait out a little bump in the road. It's very probably just water.
  • caitlinltuttle
    caitlinltuttle Posts: 10 Member
    jmf286 wrote: »
    2 weeks isn't that long to be worried but if the lack of loss persists for a few more weeks, you don't mention anywhere whether or not you weigh your food?

    If not you may have reached the point where the errors in your guesstimates (portions, cups whatever) plus excess calories from your cheat days are adding up to you being inadvertently at a maintenance level of calories. IF you weigh your food in grams you might find where the errors are.

    Well done so far!

    I don’t weigh my food. When I am estimating with portion sizes, if at all possible, I use measuring cups and get it exact. If I continue to not see results, then I will start weighing my food. Thanks for the support guys!

  • fdlewenstein
    fdlewenstein Posts: 231 Member
    A good scale is key. I think weighing your food is more accurate than using measuring cups (for most food items). Drinking the daily requirement of water is also extremely important. When I started my weight loss journey it was difficult for me to see my weight go up and down or stay the same because I am extremely compliant. I started using the app Happy scale and now I see my weight loss trends. I don't get so uptight about not seeing weight loss everyday on the scale. I would also suggest walking everyday. I started walking everyday at a slow pace and have increased the distance as I feel better. The best advice I can give is to stick with it and don't give up. Consistency is key.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    I have had a couple “plateaus” since I started 3 months ago, currently on day 11 of 158lbs (give or take within the pound). I had the same thing happen at 164 as well. It’s frustrating, but I just keep on truckin’ - I assume some of it is water weight from an increase in activity with biking. I have actually found that if I have a heavy day or two (traveling, family meals, etc.) I will have a mini spike (a pound or so), then finally a breakthrough. We’ll see if I repeat that trend with 4 family meals in 48 hours this week, followed by a family wedding next weekend :D I still track, but don’t sweat the red numbers as much... a couple/few hundred over isn’t going to totally derail my progress.
  • EmilyEnough
    EmilyEnough Posts: 67 Member
    Good job you!!! 💓💓😍💓😍