January 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    kimlight2 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. It's been a while since I was running regularly due to injuries and life but I am back at it.

    My goals for 2020 are to stay injury free and healthy. I am also possibly going to try again for my first half marathon.

    January goal is to run 50 miles. I am running 4 days a week now but I know my plan bumps me up to 5 days a week this month so I am a little nervous about that.

    St. Malachi 2 mile and 5 mile
    Cleveland Marathon Half and 5k
    Run and Ride Cedar Point 5k and Quarter Marathon
    Cleveland Hero's Run 5 miler
    Santa Hustle Cedar Point 5k
    kimlight2 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. It's been a while since I was running regularly due to injuries and life but I am back at it.

    My goals for 2020 are to stay injury free and healthy. I am also possibly going to try again for my first half marathon.

    January goal is to run 50 miles. I am running 4 days a week now but I know my plan bumps me up to 5 days a week this month so I am a little nervous about that.

    St. Malachi 2 mile and 5 mile
    Cleveland Marathon Half and 5k
    Run and Ride Cedar Point 5k and Quarter Marathon
    Cleveland Hero's Run 5 miler
    Santa Hustle Cedar Point 5k

    Don't be nervous. Listen to your body and adjust as you need to.
    5 days a week is very doable.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Welcome @kimlight2!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 586 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    One weird thing that happened during the run though, I was getting extremely drowsy, to the point that I would run five or six strides with my eyes closed, wake up for a few seconds, and close them again. It got slightly better during the faster part, but the moment I hit the cooldown I was falling asleep again. Anyone ever experienced anything like that? Any idea why?

    You need a nap?

    Or possibly you were not getting enough air? Was the air quality poor?
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @noblsheep Didn't you recently change your diet? A carb adjustment? I'd bet that's why. Might trick your brain next time by a small amount of sugar. Stan (the original creator of this thread) suggested a swish of Gatorade and spit to convince the brain to let go of more carbs. Although, you may need a few more carbs as you adapt to the changes you've made.
    shanaber wrote: »
    @noblsheep - I have never heard of anything like that happening during a run but I think making sure you are breathing deep enough could help.
    noblsheep wrote: »

    One weird thing that happened during the run though, I was getting extremely drowsy, to the point that I would run five or six strides with my eyes closed, wake up for a few seconds, and close them again. It got slightly better during the faster part, but the moment I hit the cooldown I was falling asleep again. Anyone ever experienced anything like that? Any idea why?

    Hmm... what happens to me on longer runs is sleepy eyes and uncontrollable yawning... ‘lift the chest up and breathe deeper’ I was told, and that works to stop it somewhat.
    Maybe try that too?

    Thanks for everybody's replies! I'll try them all and get back to you.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    @Teresa502 I should be able to commit to 470 miles for this year. How do I join your team?

    I did have the two meals today with friends and family. There was zero time for exercise, except for playing with my great nephew and great niece. They are only 7 and 4 months old, so play consisted of holding them and cooing with them. :wink: I hope to get the first run of the year in tomorrow.

    On the Eighth Day of Christmas,
    My workout let me see,
    Eight hours with family
    Seven thoughts of quitting
    Six children sleeping
    Five hills to run
    Four falling leaves
    Three black cows
    Two tractor tracks
    And a sweet bouncing boxer puppy.

    Yay! Go to the Run the Year website and register. https://shop.runtheedge.com/pages/run-the-year-2020 There are several levels to choose from depending if you want a medal and/or shirt. I just did the basic $25 registration. Once you get set up, join our team. Right now we're called "MFP Team E" or if you want to private message me your email I can send you an email invite.

    (P.S. - Playing with your neice and nephew sounds like a perfect form of exercise for the body and the soul!)
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    1-1 8k slow + resistance bands
    1-2 7k slow + yoga

    January Total: 15k
    January Goal: 135k

    Sunny, low 30s F, and a nice breeze from the south. Had the birds thinking about spring. Me -- not so much.

    @quilteryoyo You're KILLING IT with your Twelve Days of Christmas!!!!!

    The Twelve Runs of Christmas

    On the seventh run of Christmas, my workout gave to me:
    Seven sparrows chirping;
    Six frozen fingers;
    Five trillion snowflakes;
    Four wind gusts;
    Three calf cramps;
    Two frozen ponds;
    And a small niggle in my left knee.

    Next year when you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders