Just give me one month - January 2020



  • maxinefurness
    maxinefurness Posts: 318 Member
    Starting weight: 12.05
    Start weight this month: 12.01
    Goal weight this month: 11.7
    Target goal weight 9.07

    June - lost 6lbs
    July - lost 3lbs...then went on holiday and gained 5lbs back 🙄
    August- lost 2lbs
    September and October - I went off it and put all the weight and more back on 😔
    November - lost 7lbs 😀
    December - gained 4lbs 😬

    Jan 1: 12.01 Christmas was fun but put on 4lbs! 😬
    Jan 2: 12.01
    Jan 3: holiday
    Jan 4: holiday
    Jan 5: 12..2 whoops 😫
    Jan 6: 12.2 back at work today, back on it 💪🏻
    Jan 7: 12.3 no idea what happed here! 😔
    Jan 8: 12.2
    Jan 9: 12.4 😳 whattt?!! Nearly back to square one! Gutted! 😔
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • cailinmor
    cailinmor Posts: 71 Member
    Have done this for the last two months and find it helpful. Haven't lost any weight but haven't gained so hopefully January will see a decrease

    Jan 1-13st 3 lbs
    Jan 2-13st 3.5 lbs
    Jan 3-13st 3.25 lbs
    Jan 4- 13st 3 lbs
    Jan 5-13st 2 lbs
    Jan 6-13st 2.5 lbs
    Jan 7-13st 3 lbs
    Jan 8-13st 2.5 lbs
    Jan 9-13st 2.25 lbs
  • Starting weight 325lbs 22nd August 2019
    Start weight this month 264.4
    Goal weight this month 256
    Target goal weight 165lbs possibly less undecided yet!

    Going a little easier on my goal this month as I didn't make goal again last month. Missed by 0.4lbs!

    Sept loss 14.9lbs
    October loss 12.1lbs
    November loss 11.6lbs
    December loss 10.2lbs

    1 January 264.7! Great I start the new year up by 0.3lbs! Probably last night’s alcohol so back on the water today 😊

    2 January 264.5 down a little but weighed late in the day so hoping it’s not accurate! Walked miles today so here’s hoping for a little more off tomorrow!

    3 January 264.4 down a little but today is my birthday so I’ve had a glass of Baileys tonight. Fingers crossed it doesn’t do too much damage tomorrow!

    4 January 264.4 again! Aaarrrggghhh! Sick of this number! Know full well I slightly overdid it yesterday but also didn’t drink enough water but just a little drop would be encouraging at this point! Extra exercise the last couple of weeks as well and still not a great result! Frustrating but I’m going to drink more and keep plugging away at it! I will have a summer body for the summer dagnamit!

    5 January 263.7 finally a little loss at last! All that walking and all the water drunk did help. Guess I’ll keep going today then!

    6 January - didn't weigh today, busy day.

    7 January 264.4! Not impressed but TOM on the way and this always happens. Drinking loads to try to help. Not helping that I'm back at work today and having to sit in front of the computer all day isn't helping with my step count! Treadmill for hours later it is then. Humph at this. Hate fluctuations I can't help!

    8 January 263.3! Yay a loss at last! A new low for me as well. Definitely going to keep on with the water and have chosen a new supper meal to stop me overdoing the butter on my toast. I'm doing this!!!

    9 January 263.3 Now I don’t like this number either! Gah! Can’t really expect a daily loss but I always hope! At least it wasn’t a gain so I’ll take that as a win! 😊
  • harveyj_88
    harveyj_88 Posts: 64 Member
    Starting weight January 1st 2019 - 278lb
    Starting weight January 1st 2020: 248lb
    Goal weight this month: 230lbs
    Target goal weight: 175lbs

    Jan1st: 248lb
    Jan 2nd: 246lb
    Jan 3rd: 242lb
    Jan 4th: 243lb
    Jan 5th: 241.2lb
    Jan 6th: 241.8lb
    Jan 7th: 242.2lb
    Jan 8th: 240.2lb
    Jan 9th: 239.2lb

    Total loss in Jan so far 8.8lbs
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    Journey so far:
    Jan 2015: I joined MFP at 227 lbs and gradually reduced
    Oct 2016: finally hit my target of 155
    Dec 2018: Had gradually wavered up again to 170s
    Jan 2019: still wavering round 170
    July 2019: bounced up and down between 160 and 170
    Aug 2019: Gave myself the proverbial kick up the a** and buckled down!
    Oct 2019: Set new goal weight of 150 by year end
    Nov 2019: Hit goal late Nov. I’m now focusing on increasing strength workouts
    Aug: -8.31 (a lot of this was holiday weight gained in July)
    Sept: -4.71
    Oct: -4.2
    Nov: -2.2 (Strength workouts temporarily slowing progress)

    Dec: + 4.4 (Christmas indulgences)

    OSW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    CSW: 170.1 (1 Aug 2019)
    LW: 147.8 (Nov 2019)
    JAN SW: 151.4
    GW: Under 150

    Wed 01 Jan: 151.4
    Thu 02 Jan: 151.6 Not the best start. We got Series 8 of GoTs for Christmas and DH opened a box of liquorice allsorts as we were watching the first episode last night. I was under goal, but the sugar has given me a touch of bloat this morning.
    Fri 03 Jan: 151.8
    Sat 04 Jan: 151.4 Phew! Glad it’s started to shift again.
    Sun 05 Jan: 151.2
    Mon 06 Jan: 151.2
    Tue 07 Jan: 151.1
    Wed 08 Jan: 150.9
    Thu 09 Jan: 150.2 😍 not really expecting this drop as we were entertaining yesterday, and I did indulge somewhat.

    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30

  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Original starting weight June 2019: 80.8kg
    January 2020 starting weight: 74.9kg
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 71kg
    Target goal weight: 60kg

    Jan 1: 74.9kg
    Jan 2: 74.4kg right direction 😄
    Jan 3: 73.8kg holiday water weight coming off 🥳
    Jan 4: 73.3kg 🙂 happy weekend all!
    Jan 5: 72.6kg woah must’ve had more water weight than I thought after the holidays! Not complaining though 😀
    Jan 6: 72.5kg
    Jan 7: 72.7kg too much sodium with dinner last night, whoops!
    Jan 8: 72.9kg not sure what’s going on, have been staying within calories 🤔
    Jan 9: 73.6kg fell off the wagon yesterday and today 🙁
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Happy birthday @MySlimGoals 🎉🥳🥂
  • lnov530
    lnov530 Posts: 53 Member

    Female, age 49 from Michigan

    Highest weight 280 (Oct 2018)
    Starting weight 273 (July 2019)
    Current weight 247 (Jan. 2020)

    One month goal: 235
    Ultimate goal: 160

    Jan 1: 247.6
    Jan 2: 246.2
    Jan 9: 242.6
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • Buddhabellybabe
    Buddhabellybabe Posts: 26 Member
    Jan 1: 201.8 (did not track calories, did not exercise either)
    Jan 2: 200.8 (spin class in the morning and the afternoon, tracked calories but went over)
    Jan 3: 200.6 (spin class in the afternoon, tracked calories but went over
    Jan 4: 199.8 (New day...jury is still out. No spin classes planned, lots of grading to do.)
    Jan 5: 201.6 (ate birthday cake all day yesterday, no workouts. Back up I go.)
    Jan 6: 201.2 heading to spin class right now! Let's kick those pounds to the curb! Stayed within calorie target!)
    Jan 7: 199.8 went to 2.5 spinning classes and drank over a gallon of water
    Jan 8: 199.2
    Jan 9: 199.4 didn't track yesterday or workout, didn't work out this morning, have a cold and feel crappy :/
  • bstanford510
    bstanford510 Posts: 115 Member

    Starting weight: 170.8
    Starting weight this month: 140.2
    Goal weight this month: 134
    Target goal weight: I’m not sure yet, shooting for 130 first.

    August: lost 5.5 pounds
    September: lost 5 pounds
    October: lost 10 pounds
    November: lost 5 pounds
    December: lost 5.6 pounds

    This month will be way different then usual. Doing the Daniel Fast starting Jan 5th for 21 days, for spiritual reasons. So my workouts will probably suffer a little and I will probably lose weight fast in those 21 days.

    Jan 01: 140.2
    Jan 02: 139.8
    Jan 03: 139.8
    Jan 04: 138.4
    Jan 05: 137.8
    Jan 06: 137.6
    Jan 07: 137.4
    Jan 08: 136.0
    Jan 09: 135.6
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    Starting weight: 163.4 lb
    Start weight this month: 147.8
    Goal weight this month: 140
    Target goal weight: 128

    August: lost 1.2 lb
    September: lost 4.2 lb
    October: lost 3.7 lb
    November: lost 3.9 lb
    December: lost 4.3 lb (but ended high due to New Year’s)

    (I use Happy Scale, so the losses above are determined by moving average. I will post my actual daily weight below.)

    01 Jan: 147.8 (my lowest in Dec was 144.6) Definitely indulged for a couple of days at the beach for New Year’s with family. I expect this to go down quickly after a few days back to my normal routine....hopefully, anyways!
    02 Jan: 148.8 I ate within my deficit calories yesterday, so this increase is either from DOMS (I’m still extremely sore from a hard workout on Tuesday), or it’s PMS a lil early? Oh well, patience!
    03 Jan: 148
    04 Jan: 146.8
    05 Jan: 145.8
    06 Jan: 146.8 —had buttered popcorn at the movies yesterday, ie, sodium-induced water weight!
    07 Jan: 146.8 —staying at a calorie deficit, but more salt plus PMS still, so I’m not letting go of the water! Patience...
    08 Jan: 147.4 Seriously! Admittedly, more salt again.
    09 Jan: 147 TOM today, finally!! Hopefully I can lose some of this now. I’ve been within my calorie goal, so something’s gotta give soon!
  • keshaldra
    keshaldra Posts: 101 Member
    May lost 8 lbs
    June lost 1.6 lbs
    July lost 2 lbs
    August lost 4.2 lbs
    September lost 6.6 lbs
    October lost 2 lbs
    November gained .4 lbs
    December gained 1.8 lbs

    Original weight: 234 lbs
    End of month goal weight: 208
    Goal weight: 180 lbs, then re-evaluate

    Jan 1: 211.8
    Jan 2: 211
    Jan 3: 210.4 (going HARD so far, been flawless with the diet, and working out more intensely than usual. The goal is to see if I can keep it up for a month)
    Jan 4: 209.6
    Jan 5: 208.8
    Jan 6: 208.8
    Jan 7: 209 (this was disappointing, I've done really well so far)
    Jan 8: 208.2
    Jan 9: 207.8
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 653 Member
    Starting weight 12.06
    Start weight this month 10.04
    Goal weight this month 9.13
    Target goal weight 9.10

    May lost 4 pounds
    June lost 6 pounds
    July lost 4 pounds
    August lost 4 pounds
    Sept lost 5 pounds
    Oct lost 4 pounds
    Nov lost 4 pounds
    Dec put on 1 pound :(

    We can do this

    Jan 1:10.04. Thank you for starting the group again. Got in there before I posted. xx
    Jan 2: 10.04 back on track yesterday
    Jan 3: 10.02 😀😀
    Jan 4: 10.02 😀
    Jan 5: 10.02 happy with this. Had mcdonalds yesterday just outside calories. Did not account for how high in calories a milkshake would be.
    Jan 6: 10.02. Not feeling well.
    Jan 7: 10.02 early morning weigh in.
    Jan 8: 10.02
    Jan 9: 10.02. Needs to start going down again.
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Dec. 31- 137
    Jan. 1- 136
    Jan. 2- 136.5
    Jan. 3- 137(I knew I wasn't going to like this # after last night Ugh, thinking I might go back to weighing 1-2x a week because it's very discouraging to see the gain and tends to put me in the 'why bother' frame of mind)So if it's alright, I might just pop in here once a week or so to update.
    Good luck everyone and hang tough!!!

    Jan. 4- 139 (not enjoying the scale fluctuations!!)
    Jan. 5- 136 (??)
    Jan. 6- 136
    Jan. 7- 136.5

    Jan. 8- 137 WTHeck

    Jan. 9- 136.5 Thinking I will give up the daily weighing/reporting here and just see how it goes. Sick of this up, down, up, down, up, down and obsessing over it. :/ Checking back in a week or so.
    Good luck everyone and hope this challenge helps you keep to it!!!
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    January 2020 starting weight: 208.1
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 205.0
    Target goal weight: 180 (less than 25% bf)

    Jan 1: 208.1 (a lot of water weight)
    Jan 2: 207.4 (Started 30 day Yoga with Adrienne program--this is my year of flexibility)
    Jan 3: 206.3
    Jan 4: 205.9
    Jan 5: 205.6 Finished w7d3 of c25k. Strength coach today.
    Jan 6: 206.1
    Jan 7: 206.1 Still doing YWA...finished Day 5 yesterday.
    Jan 8: 207.0 Lost 1.1lbs in 1 week! :)
    Jan 9: 207.0
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • carobert
    carobert Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! New here! Been up and down weight most of my life... Hoping one of these time I can be down and stick with it.

    Female 31 5'5"
    Jan 2020 SW 246.5 (250 is my all time high :s )
    End of Jan goal 235

    1/6: 246.5
    1/7: 245.5 (-1) 😁 under calories
    1/8: 245.0 (-0.5; -1.5) under calories and not hungry or too grouchy 😉
    1/9: 242.9 ( -2.1; -3.6) 😁