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Just give me one month - January 2020



  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    January 2020 starting weight: 208.1
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 205.0
    Target goal weight: 180 (less than 25% bf)

    Jan 1: 208.1 (a lot of water weight)
    Jan 2: 207.4 (Started 30 day Yoga with Adrienne program--this is my year of flexibility)
    Jan 3: 206.3
    Jan 4: 205.9
    Jan 5: 205.6 Finished w7d3 of c25k. Strength coach today.
    Jan 6: 206.1
    Jan 7: 206.1 Still doing YWA...finished Day 5 yesterday.
    Jan 8: 207.0 Lost 1.1lbs in 1 week! :)
    Jan 9: 207.0
    Jan 10: 206.5
    Jan 11: 206.3 I hardly drank any water yesterday. I need to work on that today.
    Jan 12: 205.6
    Jan 13: 206.1 So sore from tough workout yesterday.
    Jan 14: 205.6 There goes the water weight from my workout.
    Jan 15: 205.6 Lost 1.4lbs this week
    Jan 16: 204.3
    Jan 17: 204.5
    Jan 18: 205.0
    Jan 19: 204.8 Strength coach today
    Jan 20: 204.5 I have to work on increasing my protein intake.
    Jan 21: 204.5 Reached my protein goal yesterday.
    Jan 22: 204.3 Got my protein in. Down 1.3lbs last week
    Jan 23: 204.5 Protein goal reached.
    Jan 24: 205.0
    Jan 25: 206.1
    Jan 26: 207.0
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,170 Member
    MFP Start weight: 160 lbs
    Started “just give 1 month” threads in Mid-Oct 2019 @ 157.4 lbs
    January start weight: 157.4 lbs
    January goal: 153 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 98 lbs, but that maybe too low. Main goal is to be healthier & stronger.

    October +2.6 lbs. (160)
    Nov. -2 lbs. (156.6 lbs)
    Dec. Stayed the same (155.6 lbs)

    Jan 1 = 157.2
    Jan 2 = 156.6
    Jan 3 = 156.6 I need to start back to planning my meals, again. Got way off during the holidays... with out of town guests & of course the holiday parties.
    Jan 4 = 157.4
    Jan 5 = 157.6 I haven't been trying at all the last couple days, but I just planned my meals, today. So, even if I don't show a loss the next couple days... I'm hoping that each day I'll be able to report that I was at or under calories...
    Jan 6 =156.8 lbs :) Yesterday, I stayed under in calories. I only had 24 oz. of water, though. Right now, my aim is for at least 32 oz. of water.
    Jan 7 = 155.6 lbs Stayed under in calories, yesterday. Only drank 24 oz of water, tho.
    Jan 8 = 156.8 lbs Did not stay under in calories, had a little stress eating or a lot of stress eating. Drank 32 oz of water
    Jan 9 = 158.2 lbs
    Jan 10 = 159 lbs. yep, I know. It's the stress, binge eating thang. Shtupid, me! I will get with the program!!!!!!!!!! I expect to be weigh up on Saturday, the 11th. But, please make this the last time that I do this!!! When I follow my plans, I usually lose & even feel better! Come on Elbee1 -- You can do this!!!!!!!!!! We all can do it!!!!!! I'm not gonna give up! Never give up! This is my year -- I know it is!!!!
    Jan 11 = 159 lbs Well...I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't gain even more. . . just stayed the same from yesterday.
    Jan 12 = 158 lbs :) Stayed under in calories, yesterday.
    Jan 13 = 157 :) Stayed under in calories, yesterday, too. Somehow I controlled my binge urge, tonight. Only over by 83 calories, today.
    Jan 14 = 156.2 :) Only over in calories, yesterday, buy 83. Been drinking 4 glasses of water daily. Almost stopped, today, & gave in to the craving of wonderful foods that were smelling so good as I was driving thru an area that has some wonderful restaurants. Then, later while driving got sleepy & had to eat to stay awake.. could have been much worse.
    Jan 15 = 156.2 :) Stayed under in calories, yesterday.
    Jan 16 = 156.8
    Jan 17 = 156.8
    Jan 18 = 156.8
    Jan 19 = 157.2 lbs :( And, back to where I started this month... Ain't gonna lose it by having birthday cake at someone's party & not staying under in calories. Today will be a great day!!!
    Jan 20 = 157.8 lbs :( Yesterday, was a terrible food day...
    Jan 21= 156.8 lbs :) Yesterday was a good food day!!!
    Jan 22 = 156.8 lbs :) I may not make my goal, but I hope that I end up with a loss of anything & not a gain. 155 would be great ...
    Jan 23 = 156.8 lbs :)
    Jan 24 = 156.8 lbs :)
    Jan 25 = 157.8 lbs :) Yes, I am happy with this because the last couple days have been crazy & stressful. I thought I had gained closer to 5 or 10 lbs...
    Jan 26 = 157.8 lbs :)

  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    Original starting weight Dec 2019:- 63kg
    January 2020 starting weight:- 59.7 kg
    Goal weight this month January 2020:- 58 kg - reached, yay! Now modifying to 57.5
    Target goal weight:- 54 kg

    Dec 2019:- SW: 63 (-3.3 kgs)
    Jan 2020:- SW: 59.7

    Jan 1: 59.7 kgs
    Jan 2: 59.6 kgs (good food, cardio, core training)
    Jan 3: 59.3 kgs (yay! Ate well and did cardio, core and some Pilates)
    Jan 4: 59.1 kgs (In hotel scale. Will know correctly once I get back home only, but happy enough.)
    Jan 5: 59.1 kgs (Hotel scale again, did 30 mins jogging plus core and Pilates)
    Jan 6: 58.9 kgs (yay! Good eating plus cardio, core and Pilates)
    Jan 7: 58.9 kgs
    Jan 8: 58.7 kgs
    Jan 9: 58.4 kgs
    Jan 10: 58.4 kgs
    Jan 11: 58.1 kgs (hotel scale)
    Jan 12: 58.0 kgs (hotel scale - reached goal, yay! Modifying goal now)
    Jan 13: 58.5 kgs (home scale - maybe hotel scale was incorrect, but I don’t really see why my weight should be up? Well tomo would be better!)
    Jan 14: 58.4 kg
    Jan 15: 58.4 kg
    Jan 16: 58.2 kg
    Jan 17: 58.2 kg (13 days to reach goal of 57.5kg!)
    Jan 18: 57.9 kg (hotel scale)
    Jan 19: 58.2 kg (hotel scale, after heavy dinner last night)
    Jan 20: 58.4 kg (well I have only myself to blame, this weekend I ate multiple heavy meals and smacked so much on chocolate at two parties. I will be very good for the rest of the month and reach my goal weight for sure.)
    Jan 21: 58.2 kg (controlled diet and good workout)
    Jan 22: 57.7 kg (yay! Good eating and lots of exercise does work!)
    Jan 23: 57.9 kg (Don’t know what’s with the increase except an erratic sleep last night but I’m sure it will settle down)
    Jan 24: 57.7 kg (Ate big wholesome meals and worked out. Also sick with a bad throat since yesterday)
    Jan 25: 57.2 kg (Sick and hardly any appetite yesterday so we will see about how the loss is sustained)
    Jan 26: 57.0 kg (still sick)
    Jan 27: 57.1 kg
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • evangelene12
    evangelene12 Posts: 196 Member
    Canadian living in Denmark. Did this for a month in August and then lost motivation when I hit a plateau and gained everything back and more since November. I'm struggling beyond belief to lost my last pregnancy weight from 2 years ago. I was 46 so I definitely see the difference in the ability to lose weight between this pregnancy and my earlier one in my 30's. I have about 25 lbs to go to pre-pregnancy weight.

    Female; Age 48; 5'3"

    Original starting weight Dec 2017:-180 pounds
    January 2020 starting weight:- 163
    Goal weight this month January 2020:- 160 lbs
    Target goal weight:- 120lbs

    Jan 10: 163
    Jan 11: 161.6 - probably due to TOM yesterday. I can't seem to stop binging at night.
    Jan 12: 159.9 - water weight I guess. I ate a lot so I don't think it reflects any weight loss.
    Jan 13 - no weigh in
    Jan 14. 161.0 - that's more realistic
    Jan 15: 161.6 - Here we go again. I hate this
    Jan 16: 160.8 - Better
    Jan 17: 161.2 - Rollercoaster
    Jan 18: 160.8 - Again! - at least the trend is downwards.
    Jan 19: 160.2
    Jan 20: 159.0 - Yay! I hope it's real weight loss and not just water ...and it sticks!
    Jan 21: 159.6 - Hmmm. It's toying with me
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:159.6 Getting a bit stuck here
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25
    Jan 26
    Jan 27: 160 something. It is so difficult to stay motivated when it won't budge no matter what I try :( It never used to be this way before. I was able to lose weight easily. I wonder if there is some medical reason.
  • tawtyping
    tawtyping Posts: 391 Member
    Starting weight 182 lbs I then piled on weight due to steroids after having a stroke.
    Start weight this month 204.2 lbs
    Goal weight this month 200 lbs lbs
    Target goal weight 155 lbs which is my pre stroke weight

    May put on 1 lb
    June put on 0.2 lbs
    July put on 1.8 lbs
    August put on 0.8 lbs
    September stayed the same
    October put on 0.6 lbs
    November put on 2lbs
    December put on 3.6 lbs

    1 Jan 204.2 lbs
    2 Jan 204.2 lbs
    3 Jan no weigh in
    4 Jan no weigh in
    5 Jan 203.4 lbs 🙂
    6 Jan 204.4 lbs
    7 Jan 204.2 lbs
    8 Jan 204.4 lbs
    9 Jan 204.8 lbs
    10 Jan 204.6 lbs
    11 Jan 204 lbs 😀
    12 Jan 204.2 lbs
    13 Jan 205 lbs
    14 Jan 205 lbs
    15 Jan no weigh in
    16 Jan 205 lbs
    17 Jan 203.8 lbs 🙂
    18 Jan 204.4 lbs
    19 Jan 205.8 lbs
    20 Jan 206.2 lbs
    21 Jan 204.6 lbs
    22 Jan 203.8 lbs
    23 Jan 205 lbs
    24 Jan 203.8 lbs
    25 Jan 203.4 lbs
    26 Jan 202.8 lbs 🥳 good choices plus TOM (first visit since October!) are paying off! I think I’m getting to “that age!”!!!
    27 Jan 202.4 lbs
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 754 Member
    Starting weight: 121.7kg/268.3lb
    Start weight this month: 97.2kg/214.2lb
    Goal weight this month 94kg/207.2lb
    Target goal weight 65kg/143lb

    Aug lost: 4.6kg/10.14lb
    Sept lost: 5.4kg/11.9lb
    Oct lost: 5.6kg/12.3lb
    Nov lost: 5.0kg/11lb
    Dec lost: 3.3kg/7.2lb

    Loss this month: 2.5kg/5.5lb
    Total Loss: 27kg/59.5lb
    Height: 168cm (5'6")

    2020 is our year! We can do this!!

    Jan 01: 97.2kg/214.2lb 😃
    Jan 02: 97.4kg/214.7lb 😐
    Jan 03: 97.0kg/213.8lb 😃
    Jan 04: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😃
    Jan 05: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😃
    Jan 06: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😬
    Jan 07: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😬
    Jan 08: 97.1kg/214.0lb 😭
    Jan 09: 97.0kg/213.8lb ☹️
    Jan 10: 96.2kg/212.0lb 🥳🎂🥂4️⃣0️⃣🤦🏼‍♀️🍰
    Jan 11: 97.0kg/213.8lb 😃👍🏻
    Jan 12: 96.5kg/212.7lb 😃
    Jan 13: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😐
    Jan 14: 96.7kg/213.1lb 😃 25kg/55lb lost!
    Jan 15: 96.2kg/212.0lb 😃
    Jan 16: 95.8kg/211.2lb 😃
    Jan 17: 95.7kg/210.9lb 😃
    Jan 18: 95.7kg/210.9lb 😃
    Jan 19: 95.6kg/210.7lb 😃
    Jan 20: 95.3kg/210.1lb 😃
    Jan 21: 95.1kg/209.6lb 😃
    Jan 22: 94.9kg/209.2lb 😃
    Jan 23: 95.1kg/209.6lb 😐
    Jan 24: 94.8kg/208.9lb 😃
    Jan 25: 94.4kg/208.1lb 😃 60lbs lost! 👍🏻🌟
    Jan 26: 94.2kg/207.6lb 😃
    Jan 27: 94.7kg/208.7lb ☹️ Definitely water weight.
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

  • caramela73
    caramela73 Posts: 67 Member
    Female, age 46

    January 2020 starting weight: 78 kg
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 76.5 kg
    Target goal weight: 72 kg

    Jan 1:
    Jan 2: Walk 7 km
    Jan 3: Walk 6 km
    Jan 4:
    Jan 5:
    Jan 6:
    Jan 7: 78 kg - Pilates and walk 5 km - PMS
    Jan 8: 78.5 kg - Walk 4 km
    Jan 9: 78 kg - Pilates
    Jan 10: 78 kg
    Jan 11: 78 kg
    Jan 12: 77,5 kg
    Jan 13: 77,5 kg - Pilates
    Jan 14: 77 kg…great! Walk 5 km
    Jan 15: 77 kg - Pilates
    Jan 16: 77 kg
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20: 77.5 kg weekends are hard for me…going out doesn´t help…- Pilates
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22: Pilates
    Jan 23: 77kg
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26: Walk 4 km
    Jan 27: 77kg And it´s Monday…so it´s really good!
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • squidgepot
    squidgepot Posts: 16 Member
    January 2020 starting weight: 148.5lbs
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 140lbs
    Target goal weight: 130lbs

    Jan 1: n/a
    Jan 2: n/a
    Jan 3: n/a
    Jan 4: n/a
    Jan 5: n/a
    Jan 6: n/a
    Jan 7: 148lbs (from last week!)
    Jan 8: 145lbs
    Jan 9: 143.25lbs
    Jan 10: 143.5lbs
    Jan 11: 143.5lbs
    Jan 12: 145lbs
    Jan 13: 143.5lbs
    Jan 14: 143.25lbs
    Jan 15: 143.25lbs.......so, so, so slow!!!!
    Jan 16: 143.25
    Jan 17: 143.25.............I am so sick of this number! I am eating my recommended amount and walking daily yet nothing is shifting. It's frustrating but I've just got to keep on going because it's going to show .....at some point....hopefully it will be in January.....of this year!! x
    Jan 18: 142.75lbs.......yay, finally!!!!
    Jan 19: 143lbs
    Jan 20: 142.25lbs....happy dance, although going out for dinner after work today so tomorrow may be a different story!!
    Jan 21: 143.25lbs....that'll be the dinner out and lack of walk yesterday but straight back on track today and I'll reduce the number in the next day or two o:)
    Jan 22: Did not weigh
    Jan 23: Did not weigh
    Jan 24: 142.50 lbs
    Jan 25: 143.25 lbs.....fit to scream!
    Jan 26: 143.25 lbs
    Jan 27: 143.5lbs....what am I doing wrong. I am sticking to 1300kcals, walking 40mins every day and drinking water. My heart is breaking!!!
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • bstanford510
    bstanford510 Posts: 115 Member
    Starting weight: 170.8
    Starting weight this month: 140.2
    Goal weight this month: 134
    Target goal weight: I’m not sure yet, shooting for 130 first.

    August: lost 5.5 pounds
    September: lost 5 pounds
    October: lost 10 pounds
    November: lost 5 pounds
    December: lost 5.6 pounds

    This month will be way different then usual. Doing the Daniel Fast starting Jan 5th for 21 days, for spiritual reasons. So my workouts will probably suffer a little and I will probably lose weight fast in those 21 days.

    Jan 01: 140.2
    Jan 02: 139.8
    Jan 03: 139.8
    Jan 04: 138.4
    Jan 05: 137.8
    Jan 06: 137.6
    Jan 07: 137.4
    Jan 08: 136.0
    Jan 09: 135.6
    Jan 10: 133.4 🤯 I know this is just a lot of water weight and will even out over the next couple weeks, so I’m not going to change my goal.
    Jan 11: 134.0
    Jan 12: 133.6
    Jan 13: 134.0
    Jan 14: 134.8
    Jan 15: 134.2
    Jan 16: 133.8
    Jan 17: 133.0
    Jan 18: 132.0 shocked I’m still losing. I feel like I’m eating so much food, it’s just Daniel fast approved 🤷‍♀️
    Jan 19: 132.0
    Jan 20: 131.4
    Jan 21: 130.4 I think the training for a 10k is burning more calories than I realized and that’s why I’m losing so fast 😬 Saturday is the last day of the fast, so I’m sure I’ll start gaining some back after that.
    Jan 22: 130.4
    Jan 23: 130.8
    Jan 24: 130.6
    Jan 25: 130.8
    Jan 26: 129.2 fasting ended after prayer yesterday, had ice cream and a burger for dinner 🤪
    Jan 27: 130.8 ate awful yesterday. Movie popcorn, Taco Bell, cookies, etc. didn’t track 😬
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited January 2020
    Starting weight: 163.4 lb
    Start weight this month: 147.8
    Goal weight this month: 140
    Target goal weight: 128

    August: lost 1.2 lb
    September: lost 4.2 lb
    October: lost 3.7 lb
    November: lost 3.9 lb
    December: lost 4.3 lb (but ended high due to New Year’s)

    (I use Happy Scale, so the losses above are determined by moving average. I will post my actual daily weight below.)

    01 Jan: 147.8 (my lowest in Dec was 144.6) Definitely indulged for a couple of days at the beach for New Year’s with family. I expect this to go down quickly after a few days back to my normal routine....hopefully, anyways!
    02 Jan: 148.8 I ate within my deficit calories yesterday, so this increase is either from DOMS (I’m still extremely sore from a hard workout on Tuesday), or it’s PMS a lil early? Oh well, patience!
    03 Jan: 148
    04 Jan: 146.8
    05 Jan: 145.8
    06 Jan: 146.8 —had buttered popcorn at the movies yesterday, ie, sodium-induced water weight!
    07 Jan: 146.8 —staying at a calorie deficit, but more salt plus PMS still, so I’m not letting go of the water! Patience...
    08 Jan: 147.4 Seriously! Admittedly, more salt again.
    09 Jan: 147 TOM today, finally!! Hopefully I can lose some of this now. I’ve been within my calorie goal, so something’s gotta give soon! (It usually takes 5 more days after TOM starts-boo)
    10 Jan: 146.4
    11 Jan: 146.2 Surprised, since I had Domino’s pizza last night—high sodium
    12 Jan: 146.8 Tearin’ it up in Jan! Lol
    13 Jan: 146.8 Uuuugggghhhhhhh!!!! I mean, patience...!?! Within my goal calories...
    14 Jan: 145.2 There’s some of it gone after TOM (Yep, takes 5 days after I start!). I’m still not down to my lowest in Dec, but hopefully soon.
    15 Jan: 146.2 Had sushi last night, so yeah, sodium!
    16 Jan: 144.6 Okay, finally back to my previous low from Dec. Now to actually lose some!
    17 Jan: 145.0
    18 Jan: 145.0 pizza last night—sodium!
    19 Jan: 145.4 ate at maintenance yesterday
    20 Jan: 146.8 unexpectedly had sushi out last night—stayed within calories, but sodium!
    21 Jan: 145.8
    22 Jan: 144.2 Finally, a new low! I was beginning to wonder if I really was eating at a deficit! I peed a LOT yeasterday, so yeah, water weight! Whoosh!
    23 Jan: 143.4 Wow, that’s...nice! It’s really coming off now. I’ve had lower sodium the past two days, so I’m sure there was some water weight masking a some true weight loss. It’ll probably bounce back up soon, but I’ll take it for now!
    24 Jan: 142.8 Nice, but weird
    25 Jan: 143.4 Homemade pizza last night
    26 Jan: 144 Went out to eat last night
    27 Jan: 146.8 Yep, ate all the food yesterday, including sushi, so like more than 4000mg sodium for the day. Went way over maintenance calories for the first time since New Year’s. Oh well, nothing a couple days at deficit calories can’t fix! But also... PMS, oh my!!

    I’ve eaten out more than usual lately, and we usually have Pizza Night once a week. Normally, when I’m trying to lose weight, I tend to shy away from restaurants so they won’t trip me up, but I need to figure out how to incorporate those times we do go out, since this is for the long haul. I’m not going to eat in for the rest of my life, or avoid pizza forever (gasp!). So, I’m happy enough if I can still enjoy the good food out, and also manage to lose, or at least maintain! One day eating 3000 calories is offset by two days at a 500- calorie deficit—worth it to me!!
  • keshaldra
    keshaldra Posts: 101 Member
    May lost 8 lbs
    June lost 1.6 lbs
    July lost 2 lbs
    August lost 4.2 lbs
    September lost 6.6 lbs
    October lost 2 lbs
    November gained .4 lbs
    December gained 1.8 lbs

    Original weight: 234 lbs
    End of month goal weight: 208
    Goal weight: 180 lbs, then re-evaluate

    Jan 1: 211.8
    Jan 2: 211
    Jan 3: 210.4 (going HARD so far, been flawless with the diet, and working out more intensely than usual. The goal is to see if I can keep it up for a month)
    Jan 4: 209.6
    Jan 5: 208.8
    Jan 6: 208.8
    Jan 7: 209 (this was disappointing, I've done really well so far)
    Jan 8: 208.2
    Jan 9: 207.8
    Jan 10: 207.4
    Jan 11: 206.8
    Jan 12: 207.8 (I was under my calories, but my day was like 50% carbs, including 2 bowls of popcorn. I'm expecting this to come off soon)
    Jan 13: 207
    Jan 14: 206 (new low! Haven't seen this in a couple of months, so I'm pretty psyched. And the last couple of days have been HARD....eating the same amount, but much hungrier than usual).
    Jan 15: 208.8 (they catered lunch at work and, already off the wagon, I had fast food for dinner. Bad me! That said, I only went over by about half a pound worth of calories, so I expect this to come off in a few days).
    Jan 16: 208
    Jan 17: 207.4 (just a reminder that, at my age, a "cheat meal" takes 3 days to work off, and a "cheat day" takes a week. UGH)
    Jan 18: 208.8
    Jan 19: DNW
    Jan 20: 211.8
    Jan 21: 210.8 (This was a BAD weekend. While I didn't go CRAZY, I didn't follow my diet at all, and this was the damage. OUCH.)
    Jan 22: 209.6
    Jan 23: 208.6
    Jan 24: 208.4
    Jan 25: 207.6
    Jan 26: 207.4 (yesterday was TOUGH, discipline-wise. Made it, but the food quality wasn't fantastic.)
    Jan 27: 207.6
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    January 2020 starting weight: 208.1
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 205.0
    Target goal weight: 180 (less than 25% bf)

    Jan 1: 208.1 (a lot of water weight)
    Jan 2: 207.4 (Started 30 day Yoga with Adrienne program--this is my year of flexibility)
    Jan 3: 206.3
    Jan 4: 205.9
    Jan 5: 205.6 Finished w7d3 of c25k. Strength coach today.
    Jan 6: 206.1
    Jan 7: 206.1 Still doing YWA...finished Day 5 yesterday.
    Jan 8: 207.0 Lost 1.1lbs in 1 week! :)
    Jan 9: 207.0
    Jan 10: 206.5
    Jan 11: 206.3 I hardly drank any water yesterday. I need to work on that today.
    Jan 12: 205.6
    Jan 13: 206.1 So sore from tough workout yesterday.
    Jan 14: 205.6 There goes the water weight from my workout.
    Jan 15: 205.6 Lost 1.4lbs this week
    Jan 16: 204.3
    Jan 17: 204.5
    Jan 18: 205.0
    Jan 19: 204.8 Strength coach today
    Jan 20: 204.5 I have to work on increasing my protein intake.
    Jan 21: 204.5 Reached my protein goal yesterday.
    Jan 22: 204.3 Got my protein in. Down 1.3lbs last week
    Jan 23: 204.5 Protein goal reached.
    Jan 24: 205.0
    Jan 25: 206.1
    Jan 26: 207.0
    Jan 27: 208.1 Water retention from my afternoon tea 2 days ago.
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Starting weight 2019 181.1
    Starting weight 2020 175.6
    Start weight this month 175.6
    Goal weight this month 171.0
    Target goal weight 154

    13 Jan: 175.6
    14 Jan: 174.9
    15 Jan: 174.2
    16 Jan: 174.4
    17 Jan: 173.8
    18 Jan: 176?!?!
    19 Jan: 173.6
    20 Jan: 173.6
    21 Jan: 174.4
    25 Jan: 173.8
    26 Jan: 173.6
    27 Jan: 173.8 I am taking a break from alcohol but seem to be replacing the calories with baked goods...just going around in circles! Trying to be more aware of this in the week ahead.
  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    @taxgirl1 Are you still doing the Yoga With Adriene 30 days? I started late but am up to day 14. It's wonderful!
  • caramela73
    caramela73 Posts: 67 Member
    @donidayly I'm going to start the Yoga With Adriene 30 days...
  • Starting weight: 198 lb
    Start weight this month: 148.8
    Goal weight this month: 145
    Target goal weight: 140

    August: -5.5 lb ( 167.6 lb)
    September: -3.5 lb (162.1 lb)
    October: -6.2 lb (158.6 lb)
    November: + 3 lb (152.4 lb)
    December: - 3 lb ( 149.4 lb)

    01 Jan- 148.8 lb 👍 Lets do this!!
    02 Jan- 150.4 lb- I had ALOT of pizza for dinner lastnight... whoops! Back on track today though
    03 Jan- 150.4 lb
    04 Jan- No weigh day
    05 Jan- No weigh day
    06 Jan- 151.8 lb- Wow, what the heck?! I havent been all that bad... Guess I really need to buckle down! #determined.
    07 Jan- 149.2 lb- That's better. Almost back to where I started this month!! LOL!
    08 Jan- 147.4 lb- Yay!! Being good and it's working :smiley:
    09 Jan- 146.8 lb
    10 Jan- 146.4 lb- Woot woot!! Going to try hard to be good this weekend! Next Saturday we are having my son's 3rd birthday party. I plan on having a peice of cake! I gotta keep it together until then.
    11 Jan- No weigh day
    12 Jan- No weigh day
    13 Jan- 145.8 lb- My self control is really paying off :) At this rate, I will be in maintaince mode in no time! I'm excited :) This will be my first time ever in "maintaince mode". I've come close to my ulimate goal a couple times... but then lose motivation... or get pregnant... and gain weight back LOL Not this time! I'm reaching it!! Only 4.8lbs to go :)
    14 Jan- 146 lb- Weighed myself on a different scale today. Also, not at my normal time.
    15 Jan- 146.2 lb- Weighed on the same scale as yesterday. Not surprised about the + 0.2 lb. Late dinner.
    16 Jan- 144.8 lb- Back on my normal scale & normal time!
    17 Jan- 144.6 lb- Surprised there is no increase since my TOM started this morning. I expect to see it soon. Yaaaaaay...
    18 Jan- no weigh day
    19 Jan- 144.6 lb- Holding steady! Different scale today and tomorrow. So who really knows! Tuesday will be more accurate.... kind of. TOM is will still be a factor *shrugs* Date day tomorrow with the hubby too. So some eating out will happen. I plan on being mindful with my choices though 👍
    20 Jan- no weigh day
    21Jan- 147.2 lbs- Therrrreeeee it is lol TOM, plus a late dinner lastnight and some not so healthy choices yesterday. Back on track today!
    22 Jan- 146.4 lbs- Being good & leveling back out.
    23 Jan- 145.4 lb- TOM water weight coming off. Closing in on the end of the month already... WOW!!
    24 Jan- 145.2 lb- I was expecting more of a drop since TOM water weight is coming off and I had a small dinner lastnight.... oh well! Maybe it will show up on the scale on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!
    25 Jan- No weigh day
    26 Jan- No weigh day
    27 Jan- 144.4 lb - Hit a new low weight for the month! Goal was 145 lb. Passed it!! Wahoo!
  • donidaily wrote: »
    27 Jan: 173.8 I am taking a break from alcohol but seem to be replacing the calories with baked goods...just going around in circles! Trying to be more aware of this in the week ahead.

    I'm stuggling with the same thing... I'm cutting alcohol on work nights. I have an extra 200 cals in the evening and I usually end up eating extra popcorn. I'm trying to avoid carbs... so NOT good lol I need to find a healthier snack. Maybe try getting some gum to chew when you have a craving for sweets?? Gum and dumdum suckers are my go to's & saviors for that! Best of luck!! You got this

  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in- no news but some hope. Have been well within the calorie and nutrition goals. DRANK 2 large glasses of water--tasted good. Made high-fiber muffins and deviled eggs.
    1-21 193.7 # official
    1-22 about 188 at Y
    1-24 still about 188 at Y
    1-25 home with sick kid
    1-26 home with sick child and I have sneezed, and feel a bit yuck. Son thinks my scale is in his room. Maybe I will get a new one that does the tenths.
    1-27 haven't weighed yet. Gong to Y tonight and weighing in WW tomorrow. Feeling discouraged. Son found and brought scale to me. It is still the same.
    Overall Goal is 125 #
    Feb 15 goal 185
    Happy goal--husband's ring falls off and can wear mine. Progress: ring not slipping much today?
  • anthonysdunn
    anthonysdunn Posts: 436 Member

    January 2020 starting weight:- 307 lb
    Target goal weight this month:- 300 lb
    Overall goal: 250 lb

    Jan 1: 307
    Jan 2: 307.4
    Jan 3: 307.2
    Jan 4: 307.4
    Jan 5: 306.6
    Jan 6: 307.2
    Jan 7: 306.8
    Jan 8: 306.6
    Jan 9: 305.8
    Jan 10: 306.8
    Jan 11: 305
    Jan 12: 302
    Jan 13: 302
    Jan 14: 302.2
    Jan 15: 300
    Jan 16: 299.8
    Jan 17: 301.2
    Jan 18: 301.4
    Jan 19: 298.2
    Jan 20: 299.2
    Jan 21: 299
    Jan 22: 297.6
    Jan 23: 295.6 wow wasn’t expecting this :)
    Jan 24: 296.4
    Jan 25: 294.8
    Jan 26: 294.8
    Jan 27: 294.6
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

  • zimborunner
    zimborunner Posts: 527 Member
    Female; Age 52; 5'2"; San Diego, CA

    Original starting weight Dec 2019:- 173 pounds
    January 2020 starting weight:- 169.4
    Goal weight this month January 2020:- 164 lbs
    Target goal weight:- 135 lbs

    Dec 2019:- SW: 173 (-3.6 lbs)
    Jan 2020:- SW: 169.4

    We can do this! One step at a time, one week at a time, one pound at a time!

    Jan 1: 169.4 Quiet day! We're constantly doing projects at home, so today was my day off. Back at it tomorrow!
    Jan 2:
    Jan 3: 169.6
    Jan 4: 169.4
    Jan 5: 169.6 Not getting anywhere at the moment :(
    Jan 6: 168.2 About time seeing some movement. Started my exercise routine back up today. 15mins Max trainer; 30 mins fat burn treadmill; some free weights.
    Jan 7: 168.6 Ugh, back to work :(
    Jan 8: 168.6 Hanging in there - yet again, ups and downs.
    Jan 9: 168.4
    Jan 10: 168.0 Exercised every week day this week. Keep on keeping on!
    Jan 11: 167.8
    Jan 12: 167
    Jan 13: 167.8
    Jan 14: 167.6
    Jan 15: 168.2 And here it goes again - ups and downs. So frustrating. Unfortunately it's the 167 mark that I give up, so just going to have to keep up with the 2 threads I post on and 'keep on keeping on'.
    Jan 16: 167.4
    Jan 17: 167.6
    Jan 18: 168
    Jan 19: 167.6 Starting my pre colonoscopy eating today. It's going to be an interesting few days before and after. :s
    Jan 20: 167
    Jan 21: 166.4 Clear liquid only day...yikes, that's hard to do.
    Jan 22: 163.8 My system is cleaning out....I'll be squeaking tomorrow! Glad when its over and I can have real food again.
    Jan 23: 165.4 And here it comes back on - hoping to keep it at bay. We'll see tomorrow.
    Jan 24: 166
    Jan 25: 165.4 OK, so hopefully this is me leveling out after my procedure Wednesday. Really going to focus on getting down to my monthly goal I had hoped for. Before going grocery shopping, I'm going to scan the web for some recipes and get a menu going so I'm well prepared. DH is away all this week, so I have to be careful to be honest with myself.
    Jan 26: 165.6
    Jan 27: 165.8
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31: