program not working for me :(



  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    First things first - you're doing great! You're eating healthy food, you're exercising and you're losing weight.

    But I totally understand that if you've got a lot to lose its a looooong haul. However, you will really feel much better - and be fitter - if you can continue losing the weight steadily rather than having surgery.

    As others have said, ditch the fat free/low fat stuff - they often have added sugar to counteract the loss if flavour and texture, so they're no help with stopping you craving things. Instead have small protions of "real food" (cheese, good fats etc.) as part of your balanced diet.

    With regard to the exercise etc., I found what worked for me was setting to sedentary and eating back exercise calories. I also found 1200 too low so upped it to 1400 and, after a stall of maybe 3 weeks, the weight started coming back off.

    As others have said, make sure you drink enough and also weigh your food - even if you're only eating fruit and veg, if you're eating over your calorie goal the weight won't come off! (But its most improtant with fats and carbs, where its SO easy to under-estimate how much your portion weighs!)

    Be patient, stick with the lifestyle change and not only will the weight come off, it will stay off!
  • k3yp33p
    k3yp33p Posts: 2 Member

    When you complete your food diary every day it tells you if you are eating too few calories - if this is the case then you won't lose weight.

    Nonsense - that would defy the laws of physics
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been on this program for about a month

    I had lost 7 lbs and gained 2 after stepping on the scale today.
    You're down 5 pounds in "about a month." The program seems to be working fine.

    It's perfectly normal to see some weeks of non-losses and even gains along the way.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    5 lbs in a month is pathetic

    er, what?


    I have been in a plateau for 2 months. It happens. Are you being honest about your calories? Are you drinking calories? Are you lifting weights? Heavy (8for you) weights?

    I wish I lost 5 lbs last month. lol
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    If you eat under 1200 calories a day you won't lose. You need to re-learn how to eat. Weight Watchers doesn't teach you how to eat in the real world. In fact, thinking that you're on a "program" with MFP is the wrong way to think. MFP is about lifestyle changes, for life. You're not going to suddenly hit goal and go back to eating how you did before. You're here to learn how to eat and live forever. Fruits and veggies have carbs. Fats are good for you. Protein is good for you, and you need to eat your exercise calories back.

    Get a Heart Rate Monitor. You can get really good ones on Ebay. Get a Polar f7 or f11, (f7 not as complicated).

    And on top of all of this, you have to be honest with yourself. Are you weighing everything? Logging everything? Are you really living a moderate lifestyle although you put in sedentary, or vice versa?

    A pound a week is healthy weight loss. You didn't put the weight on in 6 months, so you can't think you're going to lose it in six months. Start being realistic. If you eat processed foods with lots of salt, you'll have water weight. That won't help either. How many glasses of water are you drinking a day? Don't think of MFP as calorie restriction, like WW. It's all about caloric freedom. On those days where you're under eat some calorie dense foods, nuts, avocado, etc. There's tons of excellent protein bars out there too. You can do this..
  • bceltic
    bceltic Posts: 135 Member
    I went through quite a bit of your diary. I say more protein, less carbs ( mix proteins in with all those carbs), less snacking!
  • GinJon
    GinJon Posts: 447 Member
    bump - to read later
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    Okay maybe you can shed some light on something that I have been asking around for 2 weeks now, but no one seems to know the answer. I knew I was eating too few calories, but I can't seem to get more calories in without going over on my carbs, and fats, do I ignore that and just go for the calories, I have been eating so many veggies and only carbs with 1 meal a day, no processed foods and everything is fat free or low fat I cook very healthy I am such at a loss here.
    YES, oh my you can change those numbers with the program, go into settings, but for now just ignore them.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Jeez it's a loss, slow and steady wins the race, tortoise and the hare.

    Ahavoc that isn't strictly true with regards to eating under 1200, not reccomended but a loss does happen.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If you eat under 1200 calories a day you won't lose.

    This is why there are so many fat anorexics.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    If weight watchers worked better, then do that.
  • Turnaround2012
    Turnaround2012 Posts: 362 Member
    Hi.. just my 2 cents..

    I have an estimated 30 lbs to lose. I am purposely losing at a rate of 1/2 lb per week. That means I will get down to where I want to be probably by next Christmas. But, in the meantime I am eating close to 2000 cals per day (50+ male - medium height) and working out a lot.

    It took me 25 years to go up to this weight and I want to take it off right this time

    I don't care how slow my weight loss is as long as it is permanent. And, because I am exercising all the time I feel great and I am getting a better body composition.

    Here are some links that really helped me:

    This link really helps with the TDEE and BMR topics:

    You have done great work already... You definitely have the discipline. Good luck on your journey!
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    If you eat under 1200 calories a day you won't lose. You need to re-learn how to eat. Weight Watchers doesn't teach you how to eat in the real world. In fact, thinking that you're on a "program" with MFP is the wrong way to think. MFP is about lifestyle changes, for life. You're not going to suddenly hit goal and go back to eating how you did before. You're here to learn how to eat and live forever. Fruits and veggies have carbs. Fats are good for you. Protein is good for you, and you need to eat your exercise calories back.

    Get a Heart Rate Monitor. You can get really good ones on Ebay. Get a Polar f7 or f11, (f7 not as complicated).

    And on top of all of this, you have to be honest with yourself. Are you weighing everything? Logging everything? Are you really living a moderate lifestyle although you put in sedentary, or vice versa?

    A pound a week is healthy weight loss. You didn't put the weight on in 6 months, so you can't think you're going to lose it in six months. Start being realistic. If you eat processed foods with lots of salt, you'll have water weight. That won't help either. How many glasses of water are you drinking a day? Don't think of MFP as calorie restriction, like WW. It's all about caloric freedom. On those days where you're under eat some calorie dense foods, nuts, avocado, etc. There's tons of excellent protein bars out there too. You can do this..
    Great advice!!
  • cagney1024
    cagney1024 Posts: 4 Member
    I am not saying I did it the correct way, but I really never paid attention to the carbs, protein, sodium calculator. I concentrated more on portion control and calories. I made this an eye opening lifestyle change.
    I am not a big exerciser, so I needed to be sure that this was something I could do for the rest of my life. I have no desire to go back to where I was. I lost 50 pounds in 302 days! I never thought it would work but it did!
    Good luck to you! Just remember. the weight did not appear over night and will not disappear over night either!

  • Gooddaytostart
    Yes it does. I have gained and it started when I started lifting weights. I am going to be patient and wait this out, because my clothes are fitting looser.
  • jackspack
    jackspack Posts: 13 Member
    5 pounds in a month = a little over a pound a week. That is a healthy reasonable loss. Keep that up.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    There are a couple of things I noticed when looking at your diary. First, congratulations on incorporating so many fruits and veggies, that is very hard to do if you are not used to that. You are doing a GREAT job.

    I have a couple of suggestions for you that should make a difference (I am no expert, what I'm telling you has been my experience).

    First and foremost, you need to be more consistent with your calorie intake. I do not recommend 1200 calories a day, that is too much of a deficit, and can/will cause issues with your metabolism. A few people suggested that you try the TDEE-20%, and use the Scooby Calculator (very good advice). But first and what I have found to be the most important, is the consistency. You have a day where your calorie intake is at just over 800, then the next day is 1100, then the next day you are at 750. What you need to do is have some snacks that are high protein and calorie dense that you can always go to if you are unable to get to your allotted calories. Items like greek yogurt (full fat), nuts, peanut butter, use a half a tsp of olive oil to saute your veggies or meat. Try adding beans or a russet/sweet potato in with one of your meals too. That is a great way to up your calories just a little, and add extra nutrients.

    Another thing I noticed is that your sodium and water are not where they should be, and the sugar overage is most likely from the fat free/reduced fat items. Remember sodium and sugar are added to fat free and reduced fat items, so since you are already needing to up calories a little get rid of the fat free/reduced fat items (fat is in fact good for you in moderation). Sodium will keep water weight on you, so be careful. Make sure to stay well hydrated with lots of water.

    If you keep going at the MFP suggested 1200 calories you really need to try to eat back at least half the calories so that your NET calorie intake is appropriate (MFP does that math for you). And do not continually change what you are doing and expect results over night. So many people will change to a new way of losing weight and only give it a week. It takes about 30 days of doing something solidly before true results will be there. You may get frustrated because you go up in weight a little, but in the end, your body may be trying to repair itself before shedding the weight.

    I know this is cliche, but it is very true. It didn't take you a month to put on the weight, do not expect it to fall off overnight.

    It will take a while to get the weight gone, but this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. 1-2 pounds a week is the healthy long term way to lose weight. Good luck, and don't give up. Always remember, your body will tell you when something isn't right, and to me it sounds like that is exactly what it is doing currenlty.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Dont give up! People have said the most important parts, but it will work, it will be slow but it will be for "good"!
  • midgeelou
    I was having trouble too. The weight seemed to be falling off of my sister and friends. Good advice from my sister was....EAT 1200 calories per day!!!! Drink at least 8 but shoot for 12 or more waters per day. I listened to her. I ride a stationary bike for 45 minutes, twice a week, and then count my house cleaning for a third day of exercise. My sister insisted that I needed to try to eat more calories to replace the calories I burn on my exercise days but I must admit that I fail at that. 1200 is enough for me. As for counting calories, fats, proteins, etc., I don't!!!! I eat anything I want, everyday, as long as it adds up to 1200 calories!!! I do not count anything else. I have been doing this for 7 weeks and have lost 7 pounds. A pound a week is great for me. I wish you all the success in the world. Keep your chin up, and if you don't already....try adding a little prayer each day. It can work miracles!!
  • sixpackdream
    sixpackdream Posts: 55 Member
    Your problem is you are too impatient.

    This ^ - lmao

    The faster you lose pounds, the harsher the change in your eating habits, the more likely you will go back to old habits.

    Changes have to be for life, be patient.

    5 lbs in a month is awesome. It looks like it is going to take me a year to lose 30 and reach my goal but they will never come back on because I enjoy my new eating habits and love how I feel.