Personal trainer put me on a low carb diet?

Jay9201 Posts: 119 Member
Hi, just a quick background I'm 5'5 female 28 years old. I currently weigh around 175lbs. I got a personal trainer to really help me with nutrition and push me with my exercises. I had a really bad reaction to doing the keto diet. I lost 25lbs in 6 weeks and then when I became fat adapted I was constantly nauseous,had really bad GI issues , hormone problems, I lost my period and I had several nutritional deficiencies.
It has taken me all of 2019 to get my gut and health back to a somewhat normal state.

I outlined all of this to my personal trainer, however she wants me to go on a low carb, moderate fat and high protein diet. Because of how much issues I've had I've been medically advised go avoid low carb diets. My personal trainer doesn't understand I paid so much money. I get low carb diets lose weight, but I want to eat a deficit. My current deficit is 1400 cals all tracked with a food scale.

I want to lose 45lbs by end of 2020 if that is even possible.

Is there a possible way to do this without going on low carb diets and just eat nutritious food and at a deficit? I really can't go through that much health issues again.

Thanks for all your tips.


  • Josh_Friedman
    Josh_Friedman Posts: 112 Member
    The first question I'd ask is if your trainer is a nutritionist? I'm not either but, I know that low carb/high protein diets were designed for heart patients who were too obese for surgery. Your body needs carbs to burn fat. Try eating sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, brown rice.
  • Jay9201
    Jay9201 Posts: 119 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    Jay9201 wrote: »
    Is there a possible way to do this without going on low carb diets and just eat nutritious food and at a deficit? I really can't go through that much health issues again.

    Yes, of course. You can eat whatever you like, as long as you eat less calories than you burn.
    Of course, healthwise you would be better off eating (mostly) healthy, and I would recommend getting enough protein, especially if you are going to weight train.
    But there is no need to go low carb to lose weight!

    I would ask a refund for that personal trainer, if she can't even take into account medical advice, she has no business being a personal trainer.

    What do you mean when you say you're deficit is 1400? That sounds extreme, I hope you mean you are consuming 1400 calories a day? Which still seems a bit low to me, but certainly much more reasonable than a deficit of 1400.

    Yes I eat 1400 calories a day. A bit low but it makes sure I'm in a deficit.
  • Jay9201
    Jay9201 Posts: 119 Member
    The first question I'd ask is if your trainer is a nutritionist? I'm not either but, I know that low carb/high protein diets were designed for heart patients who were too obese for surgery. Your body needs carbs to burn fat. Try eating sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, brown rice.

    She isn't a nutritionist no, thank you I will try those carbs.
  • Jay9201
    Jay9201 Posts: 119 Member
    1) Get a different trainer. Yours seems to be broken.
    2) Get your doctor to refer you to a Registered Dietician (not a Nutritionist!) for help with healthy weight loss that won't have you relapsing.

    😂 my trainer is broken. What is the difference between nutritionist and dietitian?
  • Jay9201
    Jay9201 Posts: 119 Member
    A personal trainer and a nutritionist are completely different things. Your trainer should not be dispensing nutritional advice unless they are qualified to do so, as in a registered or certified nutritionist. Eat what you can, what you like and track your calories. As long as you are eating in a calorie deficit, you should be able to consistently lose the weight.

    Thank you!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    Unless your trainer is also an RD or licensed nutritionist they cannot legally give specific nutritional recommendations. While low carb diets do cause weight loss (initially rapid due to loss of water) the loss has been shown be no different at 2 years when compared to a low calorie diet. There are other factors as well, but calories are typically king when it comes to weight management.

    As an aside, this is actually state by state. In my state, anyone can give specific nutritional recommendations without any kind of credentials whatsoever.
  • gremloBBPT
    gremloBBPT Posts: 51 Member
    debtay123 wrote: »
    I would look into getting a new different personal trainer- yours seems to have a "one size fits all" approach to training- You can eat at a deficit- and always follow your trusted doctor advice over a PT- the doctor has the "whole' picture of your health at stake.


    Your trainer is a buffoon.
  • gremloBBPT
    gremloBBPT Posts: 51 Member
    edited January 2020
    Btw, I'm sorry to hear what you went through in 2019! I'm glad you're starting to feel better. The fact that your trainer knows the gist of what happened and is still acting like you must do low carb is why I consider her a buffoon. Do what's right for you. :)
  • Luke_rabbit
    Luke_rabbit Posts: 1,031 Member
    Plenty of people here on MFP can attest to losing weight on 50% or so carbs, including me.

    Don't overdo a deficit especially while doing strength training and exercise. 1400 is pretty low (although reasonable for some people). You seem to want to lose about 1 pound a week, so just monitor your loss and how you feel and adjust as needed. You might need to eat more.
  • Jay9201
    Jay9201 Posts: 119 Member
    Don’t do low carb. If previous experience tells you don’t do low carb, don’t do low carb. If your Dr. tells you don’t do low carb, don’t do low carb.
    45 pounds in 52 weeks sounds doable. Give it a try.
    Good luck!

    Thank you