How do you get over people not liking you?



  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    For me there is really one person that I really care that likes me and that is my husband! He is my best friend in the whole world. I have few good friends and some acquaintances. I don't care if everyone likes me. As long as people aren't a-holes to me, I will treat them nicely.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    You can't control other people; you only have control over your reactions.

    TarryTaffy, I'm an introvert and think there is much truth in what you've said. I only have a couple of close friends in my life. But it's always bothered me if I get shunned or snubbed by someone. I always think it's my fault, something I've done, they don't like me for some silly reason. These days I try very hard to separate fact from making things up in my own head. I'm the type of person who, if I walk into a room at the same moment someone starts laughing, I automatically assume it's all about me. :/ Yep, I'm pathetic. :) Changing those feelings can be difficult and take time but it's a work in progress.
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    What do I do? Nothing. If they want to have hate towards someone they dont know, that's on them. I hope they sleep well at night knowing they don't take up any of my headspace.

    Now, if they hate me because of my actions and I personally did something harmful or hurtful then I deserve it. I'm fully aware of my wrong doings and I apologize for them. All I can do is ask forgiveness and go on with my day.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    There are 7 billion people on the planet and at least 6 billion of them are self-absorbed idiots - why give any one of them that much power over you?

    Focus on liking yourself; another person's opinion of you and $2.50 will buy you a cup of coffee.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I have found that if animals like you then you are great and shouldn't care what other humans think.

    I use my cats as a marker for who are potential "problem people", not gonna lie. If my cats don't like you, that's a problem. I say that because despite cats having a reputation for being aloof and uncaring, my cats (all three of them) are quite needy and love people attention. If even they don't want your attention, that's a red flag.

    Also, they are an excellent detector of who is allergic to them. :lol:
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I have found that if animals like you then you are great and shouldn't care what other humans think.

    I use my cats as a marker for who are potential "problem people", not gonna lie. If my cats don't like you, that's a problem. I say that because despite cats having a reputation for being aloof and uncaring, my cats (all three of them) are quite needy and love people attention. If even they don't want your attention, that's a red flag.

    Also, they are an excellent detector of who is allergic to them. :lol:

    I do the same thing! I once sent an electrician away before he'd even started the job because my elderly cat didn't like him.
  • TarryTaffy
    TarryTaffy Posts: 883 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I have found that if animals like you then you are great and shouldn't care what other humans think.

    I use my cats as a marker for who are potential "problem people", not gonna lie. If my cats don't like you, that's a problem. I say that because despite cats having a reputation for being aloof and uncaring, my cats (all three of them) are quite needy and love people attention. If even they don't want your attention, that's a red flag.

    Also, they are an excellent detector of who is allergic to them. :lol:

    100% true. I've also found the reverse to be true, too. If someone (especially an SO) doesn't like my animals, it's a red flag that they're jealous I'm giving attention to something other than them. At least in my experience.
  • mattig89ch
    mattig89ch Posts: 2,648 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I have found that if animals like you then you are great and shouldn't care what other humans think.

    Its the oddest thing, I've had 2 animals recently who shied away from me when I went to pet them, in December, 2 weeks apart. Normally animals love me, but not these two.

    As for the original post, this is something my therapist and I are struggling with. Being friendless while growing up, I want everyone to like me until I find those deep friendships. But the paradox is, if your too general, you can't tailor your approach to forming those friendships.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I take it too personally, have an intense desire to know why people don't like me and most of the time can't work out why someone doesn't like me. It results in me not liking me.

    Yes, me, me, me. I saw it too lol.

    How old are you?

    Not trying to be funny but typically young girls worry about this. As you get older and wiser typically you don't care what people think.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Maybe I'm just old and a little grizzled, but I just don't care.....
  • TwitchyMacGee
    TwitchyMacGee Posts: 3,120 Member
    LiftNRiot wrote: »
    I think you should try harder to get them to like you. If it's a guy that doesnt like you, get all sexied up and flirt. If it's a girl, tell her how beautiful she looks. If it's an animal, bring it a treat. If that doesnt qork, lock them in your basement to teach them a lesson

    Or this.
  • GoJohnGo71
    GoJohnGo71 Posts: 439 Member
    I like it when people don't like me...
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    They say I don't like you ! I say Look man, everybody funny, now you funny too :p
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    vanityy99 wrote: »
    vanityy99 wrote: »
    How do you know they don’t like you?

    If you know for sure that they don’t like you, why not just ask them?

    Good question... they might spit in my face?

    God didn’t give you an elbow for no reason.

    You didn’t answer my question. Are these people you have to deal with on a daily basis?

    Oh sorry. I didn't see the question. One person I see daily and they are terrible. The feeling is mutual though.

    Turn your discomfort into satisfaction somehow idk..
    For me I find it amusing ( and satisfying) when someone doesn’t like me, I play into it, i do and say triggering things that I know will irk them and get a good laugh at watching them turn into a pretzel. usually just living your best life will do the trick.
  • mommabear4315
    mommabear4315 Posts: 3,424 Member
    edited January 2020
    You don’t like me that’s your loss. If they don’t like me that’s their loss. The people that truly matter to me love me and I love them. If you’re not under my umbrella I could give a 🐀🍑 what they think, say, gossip whatever about me because that’s their opinion and it doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t care. Better yet do they pay your bills probably not even more reason not to care what they think. owxc44n2sk3t.gif
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    How do you get over people not liking you?

    I think you kinda don't get over it, you just realize throughout time that it happens, and you don't understand why - and eventually learn that that is ok, even tho it hurts. Their reasons can be so many different things.

    It's not your business or concern why other people do what they do, or think and feel what they do.

    Be true to yourself, as best you can - and see what happens

    (I have had a few people who were dicks to me turn a new leaf and have become friendly - I just ignored their hate and treated them nicely (true to me) and now we are quite friendly (so I perceive))

    Anyways, I'm sorry you feel hurt
  • ghudson92
    ghudson92 Posts: 2,061 Member
    ghudson92 wrote: »
    I have found that if animals like you then you are great and shouldn't care what other humans think.

    This is my first post where I have a react for everything. I can't tell you how visually pleasing that is to me. Thanks mfp, you make my dreams come true.