


  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    In my experience, depression is a tricky diagnosis because it can be caused by a lot of things, from chemical imbalances, to things not operating in the brain like they should, to being a symptom of other health problems, to being caused by a negative way of thinking. And it can be a combination of things. That's why I'm behind the trying medications but also going to therapy - the therapy can help you navigate your thinking and emotions and help you form new patterns. If your depression is biological, then you needs meds to correct that - which is no different than needs meds to correct for diabetes, or thyroid issues, or whatever.

    I do agree with trying lot of different things because everyone is different, and I know that some doctors are quick to just prescribe an anti-depressant and consider it to be done and over with. But not all doctors are that way, and most will work with you to find the right combination of actions and medications to help you get to a better place mentally. The best GPs will admit when they've reached their level of expertise, but they also have connections to be able to point you to others who have more knowledge to help you.